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Everything posted by August2010Bride

  1. Through the course of the past year, Fiance' and I have been back and forth on having an AHR... Lately we have decided to have one. Our dilemma is cost related. We are BOTH going to be in nursing school this semester (Fiance's 2nd year, my 1st). I can't help but think of that money going towards bills or something in case I need to quit my job... At this point Im at the verge of having either a send-off BBQ or even a 1 year anniversary celebration. What do you think? I also thought about sending invites to more people besides the 50 we intended to invite.. so that I wont feel guilty for not having an AHR? Is that wrong... knowing that most wont be able to make it... HELP!!!!
  2. Thanks... I was planning on trying to play around with it... but I figured there has got to be an easier way!!
  3. I downloaded the vistaprint brochure guide and have been trying to create a brochure in powerpoint.. My question is how do I remove the lines of the guide when I'm finished? Also how do I make sure my image is saved in 300 dpi? Did anyone use a template when creating the brochure or did you kind of guess? please help! I hope I haven't confused everyone...
  4. He proposed on our 3rd year anniversary, and we will be married 3 days after our 5th year together...
  5. Congrats!! We purchased out this past Friday as well!!
  6. Wow!!! What a coincidence! I posted the other day that my fiance and I purchased our rings, I think my band is the SAME one. 1/2 carat? It's true...great minds think ALIKE!!!
  7. Hey ladies, just wanted to say... that today I'm one year AWAY! WooHoo!
  8. I'm so excited to see all the august 2010 brides!! We are a year away!!
  9. Rings were one thing we wanted to really splurge on. We wanted something we loved! We even came in about 70 dollars less than we budgeted, although I hoped for more, but once we added insurance and tax it bumped up...
  10. UPDATE!!! Fiance' and I just purchased our rings today!!! I'm still in shock...We got a really good deal! I will post pics as soon as I figure out how to take some good ones!
  11. I can't believe we purchased our rings today!! Fiance' and I went to the mall to check out a jewelry store that was having a sale.... We found something we liked and lo and behold BOTH bought our rings!!! OMG!! We have exactly a year left until the wedding... I can't seem to take a good pic.. any tips so I can post them? Thanks for letting me share.
  12. I think I will get a 2nd dress, I will wear it at my reception and use for TTD!
  13. I can't believe how time flys!! We been through a lot together.... It seems as if its been way longer than 4 years!!
  14. A member on this forum named Rebecca actually made it for me! Try searching the forum for allurements by rebecca. She has really inexpensive prices!!! She also makes invites, STDs, etc.
  15. Below is our budget... Our goal is to stay under 10K. We are expecting 35-40 guests! So far so good! Wedding Breakfast$75 Welcome Dinner$700 Marriage License$93.50 Ceremony$1,275 Wedding Video$650 Extra Chairs $30 Blessing Stones$25 Photo CD $125 Extra Chairs $45 Reception Room$75 Cake $200 Punch ( 3 gallons)$65 Set up fee$25 Hotel & Flight$1,300 Rental Car$250 Rings $1,500 AHR $1,800 Invitations$150 STD's $15 Ceremony Fans$40 TTD $275 Welcome Books$25 Misc. $100 Dress $600 Tux $300 Total: $9,664
  16. We are also in a similar ordeal... We are inviting around 60 ppl to our actual wedding and only 10 of those are Fiance's family.. They more than likely won't come... Even though we have sent out our STD's 2 years in advance!! We will see... Keep your head up! remember its you all's day!
  17. What port are you leaving from... I was looking up parking rates at Port canaveral and it mentioned there is a free lot for people not cruising... google it. I believe this is correct.
  18. We are also wanting to take a scouting trip to Florida for our wedding in the next couple of months...As far as bridal parties, we most likely will not have one.. I want the two of us at the alter! We will probably have our siblings walk down the aisle and then be seated in the front row... nice compromise for us!
  19. great pics... look like you had a great time!
  20. I'm so excited to be almost a year away!!! We're getting married August 7th, 2010! Congrats All 2010 Brides!
  21. I'll take the everything dest. wedding book. Will PM you.
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