Yeah, I'm trying not to think about anything until I have too. Just needed someone to talk to about it. Fiance says Im a worry wart, which is a little true. I will keep you posted at the end of the month. Fingers-crossed!
I feel like crying right now! During the month of February I was taking my pills late for a couple of days, I was convinced I was pregnant so I missed my last 3 pills so that I could see if I would get my period faster.
Well I got my period so not thinking I started my new pack on Thursday like normal. Instead of 7 days pill-free, I went 10-11 days, NO PROTECTION . I should have started my pack sooner. I know that I missed pills at a crucial time because I extended my pill-free interval... I've been looking it up on the web, and I'm worried. I could very well ovulate since after 7 days I wasn't necessarily protected. I missed the three last pills PLUS started my pill pack late.
What if I ovulate and become pregnant?! my wedding is in 16 months so I'm not necessarily worried about that, but I am starting the nursing program in August. I feel like we were so careless. I'm trying to keep positive but it's hard when you have a entire month to even be able to test.
I'm 23 years old and am definately not ready for this. I wanted atleast to wait a year after getting married! My fiance is tired of me thinking I'm pregnant and moping around the house. Has anyone went through the situation and either was/was not pregnant.
Thanks for letting me vent!!!
Good! I guess great minds think alike! I was thinking maybe brisket, chicken kabobs, hamburgers, hotdogs, baked beans, potatoe salad, coleslaw, chips, punch, pop...
I think I'm going in the right direction...
Thanks Ladies!
My fiance and I are planning a pretty informal AHR. We want a beach-themed BBQ type deal, with dancing, food, and showing our wedding video. What type of things should we serve?
Initially I was thinking hamburgers, hotdogs, etc. Is this too simple? Fiance thinks we should serve BBQ brisket and kabobs. What are your opinions? What are/did you serve at your AHR?
Ours is going to be no more than a month after our wedding...
Are you having it 6 months later due to weather? You can always have it indoors. We are calling ours a Mr & Mrs. Party, so we won't be doing all the traditional RECEPTION things. I think no more than 6-8 weeks is a good time for AHR. Goood luck with whatever you decide to do.
I started blocking rooms last month... I'm getting married August 2010. I based the number of rooms I needed to block on the amount of guests I was going to invite. I don't have to pay for unused rooms so I took my maximum amount of guests as an estimate.
FI and I will probably go casual, since our AHR is going to be outdoors and BBQ. I will probably get a nice cocktail dress to wear. I would wear my dress if I were having a more formal function though...
Im either having no wedding party at all, or just my sister as my MOH, still haven't decided. Either way, I didn't want the fuss of a bridal party, less things to deal with IMO
We are renting a screened shelter that seats 100 people. It's in a local golf club. We are going to have catered BBQ and do some on our own. We're doing a BEACH theme and will show our video and dance the night away. We are thinking about calling it a Mr & Mrs. Party! Casual and FUN, that's the idea.
thanks for your input...
It does seem like a lot of money upfront, and like you said, We probably wouldn't use it as much as we think. I'm definately going to make a wise decision. If we did decide to join it would be after kids though, so no time soon!