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Everything posted by August2010Bride

  1. We are preggers with a honeymoon baby!! Our plan was to wait a year after the wedding. I had recently gotten off of BCP at the end of May.. I wanted to let my body regulate itself.. We used condoms, well on our honeymoon, we were a little careless, but I had been tempting and figured I wouldn't be ovulating.. Well I'm 5 weeks pregnant (3 weeks after conception!) and our 1 month anniversary is on Sept. 7th.. I can't beleive it! I'm a little nervous because I am in my last week of Nursing school, and due right around graduation. I won't give up though! I haven't told anyone besides my parents so I'm about to burst!!!
  2. I just posted some Turquoise/Aqua items for sale after my AHR!!
  3. Here is just the beginning of whats for sale after my August 28th AHR, All prices DO NOT include shipping, I do accept paypal!!!:   30 Raffia fans with turquoise ribbon handles (can be removed): $25 for all fans (May have more!) SOLD!!  3 2 Turquoise parasols 32": $6 each (1 PENDING)  19 Orange Chair sashes 8"X108" (used for table runners): $1 each or $15 for all   18 turquoise linen tablecloths 108" (half-way to floor on 5ft rounds): $8 each or all for $135 (PENDING)     5 satin rectangle linens (60X102): $6 each all for $25 That's all for now!!
  4. My wedding is a month away!!! So excited. Looks as if we will have 37 guests joining us! Time is flying!
  5. We are having an early wedding too. 10 am, we actually chose this time to around afternoon showers in FL, and more humidity. We are simply having a cake/punch reception though, then will have the rest of the afternoon to do group actvities/relax, before hitting the strip that night. It works out great for us!!
  6. I'm so excited my bridal shower is today!!! At first I was bummed at the people, incluiding my future in laws, that aren't coming. Now I'm just appreciative of the people that truly love me and are happy for me. YAY!! I'll post pics later.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MysTea Absolutely Beautiful! I love the Birdcage Veil...where did u get your from? still looking for a reasonably priced one for myself. Hi! I actually purchased it from a bride on projectwedding.com. I'd be willing to sell it after my wedding if your interested though. Thanks everyone!!
  8. I tried on my dress and accesories today while my FI is at work... I love it! Of course my braids wont be in and I'll have make-up on... enjoy.
  9. OMG... August 7th brides we have LESS than two months to go!! 59 days and counting!
  10. Well things are coming along for us... got the raffia fans and table numbers finished... Next week I'll work on my mock centerpieces. Ordered my earrings from etsy and some brooches: One for my bracelet and another for my bouquet...Still deciding if we will write our own vows, picking ceremony music, and picking a welcome dinner location. I'm ready to scream!! Can't believe it... 63 days and counting
  11. Daytona Beach~ August 7th, 2010!!!
  12. Thanks ladies... It's actually from David's Bridal. It's discontinued now (purchashed a year ago!) This was after the first fitting.. Will have another in July. It's perfect now!
  13. We're under 4 months ladies!! Our MIB invites went out 2 days ago!! Other than that I'm on the lookout for decor for our AHR. The next few weeks will be crazy with us closing on our new home and moving ARGGHH!!!
  14. I actually had a friend invite herself to the wedding, when she was only invited to the AHR. She ran into my FI and was telling him how she wanted to surprise me by showing up at the wedding. Of course he mentions the AHR, but she still didnt get the hint. I had to contact her on facebook and explain how our ceremony is very intimate and that she may come, but will not be able to attend the welcome dinner or have a seat and the wedding. Hopefully she responds well and doesn't have hurt feelings....
  15. I can't believe my ticker is a little over 4 months!! WOW! Still have a lot to do... Alterations Mail out invites in April Pick venue for welcome dinner Cake Pick AHR decor I guess its not too bad! How is everyone coming along?
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