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Everything posted by melette

  1. hello Brianna! congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning!
  2. melette


    Welcome and congrats!
  3. Thanks for this thread! this was on my list of questions for Yesica!
  4. I've been desperately searching for a convertible dress for my bridesmaid but can't find any in my wedding colors!! phooey! you did pretty good tying the dress up yourself!! thanks for sharing!
  5. Thanks Jac! I was thinking about pa17. but the coral we picked is more on the orange side. that's why i thought about pa39. but it's too orange. So, here's my final order: 20 of PA30 (aqua) 10 of PA2 (white) 10 of PA39 (orangey whatever) and that's my final answer! hehehe Do you have a paypal account for your payment? thanks again Jac!
  6. Hey Jac, or any of you wonderful ladies, is pa39, is that orange? or a coral orange? is PA30, almost aqua? Tiffany blue? because the original pa25 i was going to order, the scarf on the mannequin and the color block are totally different!
  7. Great review Andi! No matter how much you try to have a perfect wedding, MISHAPS are bound to happen! But in all, you had a great time that you will remember for a lifetime! CONGRATS!
  8. melette


    Quote: Originally Posted by TeamMiolan! Hi! My name is Kirsten, my fiance and I are getting married in Puerto Rico on February 13, 2010. So far all we have set is the date! We are searching for the perfect resort for our venue, but haven't made any final decisions yet. Any advice on weddings in Puerto Rico would be greatly appreciated! CONGRATS AND WELCOME TO THE FORUM! I've can't give you any wedding advice for Puerto Rico. But I have gone there and stayed at the Westin Rio Mar Beach Golf & spa. It's a beautiful place to stay at and the hotel workers were great. The resort isn't too far from Downtown SanJuan either. Hope this helps, and happy planning!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sperger hi - stephanie, my fiance jason and i got engaged two weeks ago we're looking to have a wedding either in: Dr, bahamas, bermuda we're not inviting any children, and, would like to keep it small (50 tops), and all inclusive. Looking forward to starting to research and plan! congrats and welcome to the forum!
  10. melette


    Quote: Originally Posted by missdanielle Hi all, I suppose i better get this thing started My name is Danielle, We're hoping to get married at Grand Oasis Marien in Dominican Rep in May 2011 (long way off i know!!) Hi Danielle! welcome to the forum. and don't worry, before you know it May 2011 is just around the corner! Happy planning!
  11. 2 thumbs up for me! The TTD gown I purchased is a big poofy one also! I love that effect, and think it'll make for a great TTD photo session. But, it's all personal preference.
  12. 1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I've been a Medical Assistant for 13yrs. 9 years of it i worked in OB/GYN, now currently in the Orthopedic dept. My career switch: To be a Chef 2: What is your favorite hobby? anything crafty. 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Would have to say Thanksgiving and Christmas. These 2 days are the only days I see all of my family in one room. And not to mention that I get to eat guilt free. 4: What is your greatest achievement? Sad to say i don't have any as of yet. Not until i have children is when i can honestly say i have had my greatest achievement. 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? our dog Greyson! He's the sweetest PittBull you'll ever meet! 6: What is your dream trip? A trip to the Maldives! I love the tropics! 7: What is your favorite food? My FI says everything is my favorite! I'd have to agree. But if i have to choose one, it would have to be Sushi or Thai food. O.K. 2. 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My Mother and Grandfather 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? I would like to be.. Blue. It's a universal color and goes with a lot of colors! 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Some hut on the beach somewhere! 11: How many siblings do you have? 1 older Brother 12: What is your biggest fear? The fear of not being able to have children. I worked with a fertility specialist for 9 years. And things us women have to go through to conceive is hard work if you aren't able to do it on your own! 13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Candied yams and Miso salmon 14: Do you have a nickname? Melette 15: What causes do you support? Help fight against breast cancer and Alzhiemers 16: What is your guilty pleasure? A whole pint of vanilla ice cream 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? To get rid of ALL THE STUPID DRIVERS IN THE SF BAY AREA! 18. How old are you? 32 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? First off, pay all the debt adding up with the wedding planning. Pay off mom's house and debt-and send her on a Tour of Europe. Donate to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's Association. I can go on and on on this question. 20. What gadget to you not need, but still want? The Magic Bullet. The infomercials make them look so cool! 21. What is your favourite T.V. show? At the moment, American Idol 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" He knows all of my idiosyncracies! and is also a good cook! 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? It's impossible to have just 1! 24. How many or do you want children? 2 or 3 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? Yes, several. Slim, from the hip hop group 112 while we were on a girls trip to Hawaii. Shemar Moore and Stevie Wonder at a club in LA while on a cousin's trip. Queen Latifah at the LAX airport. Jay-Z at his sports bar/Lounge in New York. Saw P.Diddy walking to his Broadway show in NY-But didn't meet him. 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? Rob Pattison's assistant-If he has one. 27. Is there anything that you regret doing? Snowboarding in Lake Tahoe March 21, 2009--when i landed on and broke my wrist! 28. What is your worst bad habit? I eat too fast, and eat even if i'm not hungry 29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Jennifer. No, my mom just iked the name. 30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Let me get back to this question. 31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? Sometimes not telling me what's on his mind. I have to ask him most of the time. 32. What’s your favorite movie? The FI also says i have too many favorite movies. I'd have to agree with him, yet again. 33. What's your least favorite food? Cooked carrots, raw onions. 34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? The cost factor! If we had the wedding where we live, we'd have to invite everyone and their mama. And Cabo is where we wanted to go for our Honeymoon! 35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 6 1/2 years! Who says i wasn't patient 36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? Stupid drivers that I don't know! 37. When and how did you and your FI meet? My guy bestfriend who is also his friend. 38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now? For Sure! with all the help the ladies have given me on this forum really made it fun and worthwhile. I don't think we could have done it if this forum didn't exhist! 39. Do you have any pets? Yes, an 85 pound Pittbull who thinks he's a cat! 40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be? Then that would be committing adultery! HAHAHA 41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? none that i can think of 42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? My computer hahahaha 43. Do you have any tattoos? Yes 3. 1. a dragon on my right ankle (born the year of the dragon) 2. a phoenix on my left upper shoulder (sign of re-birth) 3. angel wings with my grandfather's initials in my right wrist. 44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? Neopolitan 45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Summer for wakeboarding and winter for snowboarding (until i broke my wrist) 46. What is your favorite book? All 4 of the books in the Twilight Saga. 47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality? I'm a taurus, and it represents me totally! 46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW? Re-reading for the 3rd time around the Twilight saga books 47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? No. as long as they are healthy. 48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? Our set budget. 49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando? Boxers 50. What was the last meal you had? Left over Pizza 51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own? It was all his choosing! and i love it! 52. How did you decide on a wedding date? Weather and Not too soon and not too far ahead! 53. How are chores divided in your relationship? Before the accident, I did majority of the cooking. and he does all of the cleaning. Not even, i know. but other than dishes and laundry, I hate to clean! 54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? The computer 55. Do you wish your FI was an only child? No. his siblings are great! 56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be? Nothing 57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be? How may children i would have 58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major? Yes, somewhat. then went to a trade school to be a medical assistant. 59. Whats your favorite music artist? Alicia Keys, Robin Thicke 60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable? Del Mar Fair in San Diego visiting family. It was the last vacation all of my family were together. 61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? 100% 62. What is your most persistent worry? We're not too much over our budget for the wedding!
  13. this is a good question! i was gonna figure this out when we go next week! BTW: I just totally realized that we'll be at Dream's Los Cabos during the same time!! We actually leave to come back the day of your wedding!! Don't be surprised if you see a strange woman waving at you from the distance!!! I'm so excited for you!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez So I tried my dress on for the last time and I wore full coverage panties and saw that the undie seams showed. I hate that. I did not want to wear a thong because I fear that my but may show. My dress is very fitted so thode of you brides who wore a tight fitting dress, tell me which ones were seamless and did not show under the dress Out of the subject, but Michelle!! I just totally realized that we'll be at Dream's Los Cabos during the same time!! We actually leave to come back the day of your wedding!! Don't be surprised if you see a strange woman waving at you from the distance!!! I'm so excited for you!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by michellepicksbrent Oh no, that is horrible!! As Nikki07 said - good thing it isn't your wedding!! I have a fear that I'll break something just prior to my wedding, scary thought! Hope your doctor removes your cast before you go!! That exact thought is the reason how I jinxed myself! I jinxed myself 3 times to be exact! jinx 1. a couple of days before we left for Lake Tahoe, Natasha Richardson passed away from head trauma! I told my FI that i wanted a helmet, he said that i've been snowboarding for 12 years and that i'll be fine, and i had to remind him that it takes just that 1 fall and you're screwed! jinx 2. on the ride up, i told him that this would probably be the last time we go boarding for 2 season's cause next season is to close to the wedding if something happens. jinx 3. on the same conversation as jinx 2, i said and i quote "I'm going to make this run COUNT!" and i sure did make it count.. i've got plates and screws for a lifetime! I would've been better off doing this:
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by liznsergio Hi Evereyone! I first off want to say that this is an AMAZING forum. I have been browsing it for like the past week and finally decided to become a member. Such a GREAT wealth of information! My name is Liz. We are planning a Cabo wedding in June '10. We will be doing our site visit in June with our WC, Karla Casillas. Look forward to learning the ins and outs of the forum. Congrats to all the lovely Brides to the forum!
  17. I live 20 min. away from Napa. At one point the FI and I would go every weekend! #1 V.Sattui is our fave! #2 the drive is so relaxing and scenic! #3 they also have a picnic ground! We keep a constant stock of their Gamay Rouge.
  18. Very nice!!! I was planning on ordering from them too. How long did it take for the order to get to you? Wondering if I should order them now, and cross this off my "things to do list". or if it should stay on the back burner till it gets closer.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host oh no...just make fiance carry all the luggage and order drinks and lunch poolside. HAHAHA! THAT'S ALREADY A GIVEN! Poor guy! I'll "buy" him all the shots he wants when we arrive! (good thing they're free!)
  20. 3 THINGS I AM HOPING FOR: 1. My Dr. will show me mercy and remove my cast when I see him the day before we leave!!! 2. The airport security doesn't give me LIP about the pins pertruding out of my wrist. 3. We don't catch the swine flu. *raising shot glass in the air* Here's to all the things I am hopeful for!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by krazyk Have a fun time at Dreams and a happy b-day Melette! Mine is on the 11th Thanks Krazy K!! And i wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO! I'll be rollin' in the BD for the both of us!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host dreams will pour drinks in mugs BUT you have to go to the bar to get the drink filled...no poolside ordering. Wow! this was actually on my list of things to find out or ask Yesica!! Now i can cross that off my list!! You guys are great!! Hmmm.. This may be a long shot but, since the question above was answered, i thought i'd give it a shot.. But, would any of you know if the dream's can keep/store some of your wedding stuff prior to the wedding? If i'm able to bring my misc. item's like my colored dinner napkin's, my flip flops for my guest, and some of my oot item's? I just don't want to lugg more than i have to in January if can bring some with me now. I've already warned all of my wedding party that i will be giving them 1 suitcase each for them to bring for me and i promised to buy them a drink at the bar.. that was the joke i told them all, cause the alcohol is free!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey Melette - when are you going on your visit? We leave on my B-day May12 and come back on May17. I just talked to my Dr. and he didn't even try and talk me out of going! Unlike the advice nurse i spoke to prior to talking to him! RUDE!
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