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Everything posted by melette

  1. melette


    Congrats Chris & Ali!! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  2. Hello! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  3. melette

    Hello! :)

    Hi ARAT! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  4. melette


    Hi Tamara! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  5. melette

    Forum Newbie

    Hi Eric! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  6. Hello Michael! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  7. I sent out an initial postcard just to get an idea of people "thinking" of attending our DW 1 year in advance. Then sent out the Boarding Pass Save-the-dates 6 months prior to our wedding date, and we are now in the process of doing our Formal passport invitation. And that will be sent out about 4 months prior. Just to give our guest ample time to plan and save. I've received tons of feed back from our guests' thanking us for giving them this much time to plan, and also as a reminder. Hope this helps!!
  8. Hello!! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  9. I know what you're saying about friends, and how they can get you all wrapped up into thinking it's the perfect dress, but you as the bride have that gutt feeling that it isn't. I had 4 of my girls come with me the first time i went dress shopping, and totatly regretted it. everyone has a say so, and a opinion. So, when i went back to order my dress. I went back with just my mom.. I knew my dress was the one when i pulled it over my knees. Once it was zipped up, i didn't want to take it off! Your girlfriends know you.. But your mother always knows you better. Glad to hear you LOVE your dress! I can't wait for the pics!
  10. Very cute idea!! I have to agree with the other ladies. It's not corny at all!
  11. Hi Callie! I was lost when i started planning our DW also.. This site has helped me and kept me sane during the whole wedding planning. Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning! Everything will turn out just the way you have always dreamed your wedding would be!
  12. Hi Elizabeth! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  13. Hi Nikki! Welcome to the Forum and Happy Planning!
  14. melette


    Hi Brooke! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  15. Hi Stacey! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  16. melette


    Hi Sue! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  17. Hi Tammy! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  18. Hi Danielle! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  19. Hi Semi! Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
  20. Welcome to the forum and Happy Planning!
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