So, I plan on doing a Shoe Valet sign with a saying "Shoes Optional". I will place it at the end of the cement walk-way and the beginning of the beach.
On the other side of that same sign it will say "Got Sand? Dust the sand off your toes" and underneath will be a bucket of paintbrushes for them to brush the sand off their toes.
I purchased a gang load of flipflops from old navy. My main plan was to set them out during the reception in a basket that says "dancing Shoes".
My Dilemma is.. I've been told that not a lot of people like to walk on the sand (texture issue i guess). Or the concern is that the sand is to HOT to walk on. I need a cute and funny saying for some of the flipflops i'm going to put in a basket next to the Shoe valet. I've come up with a couple, but i know there are a lot of you clever people out there and wanted your input.
This is what i came up with.
"Forgot this was a BEACH wedding? or Too hot for your TROTT?"
What do you think?