We bought my FI suit last summer and b4 I had mt dress!!The suit was originally $500.00 and we got on sale at Macy's for about $120.00! Not sure if he is going to wear the jacket or not. Feel free to let me know which look you like better. We are not sure on shoes yet either. Pehaps leather slides or closed toed loafers. Again, feel free to make suggestions....
Here is my FI modeling the Best Man's attire. I searched high and low to find a shirt. I looked on island importers and all the other tropical wedding sites.Looked at Tommy Bahama and could not fine a shirt with Aqua or teal in it(Teal is actually my color but this is close enough, everybody will be looking at my anyways right). We ended up going to the mall on my lunchbreak to kill time and we found this shirt at J C Penny's for 25.00!!!!