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Everything posted by silverangel

  1. I don't have a specific date yet but it will be in January 2010! Only 1 year to plan, and very excited about it!!!
  2. I love your bags! I remember seeing them at Target but at the time, wasn't engaged and didn't think of OOT bags! They are beautiful!
  3. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always dreamed of what my new last name would be when I got married...but for some reason, as it finally starts to take reality, a part of me is sad to lose the name I've had for 28 years! I guess I always thought it would have happened a lot sooner and I wouldn't be so attached. But in the end I am going to change it, I too am big on traditions.
  4. I love the idea of having it engraved in spanish...how appropriate! They'll love it!
  5. That's a great idea! Since I won't have a specific date til early summer, at least with a newsletter, I can give them an idea of when we are hoping and to start saving!
  6. Thanks for the help...I will have lots of questions I'm sure...and for starters...are you guys legally getting married down there or before you go, and if you are, what did you have to arrange We are going down next week for almost 3 weeks so hope to have of my decisions made...for starters, the resort!
  7. Good question...I would love to know that answer! FI and I are planning a week at the end of January 2010, but in Mazatlan! However, the TA's say the travel books don't come out til April/May...and I would like to start my STD. I've read in other threads that it's not proper to send out the week info until you have a specific date...but in certain situations I would have to agree that it is better than not sending anything I would like to know how you plan on wording this... Any other suggestions?
  8. Good question...I would love to know that answer! FI and I are planning a week at the end of January 2010, but in Mazatlan! However, the TA's say the travel books don't come out til April/May...and I would like to start my STD. I've read in other threads that it's not proper to send out the week info until you have a specific date...but in certain situations I would have to agree that it is better than not sending anything I would like to know how you plan on wording this... Any other suggestions?
  9. silverangel


    Welcome fellow Canadian! I haven't been to either place but sounds like it will be a fun location...happy planning!
  10. I've only seen a few others planning on Mazatlan... Would love to know if there are any others out there or if anyone has any thoughts about a good resort for a small wedding
  11. I too am planning a wedding in Mazatlan next January... am looking at El Cid Castilla...but will scope out other options when we go down in a few weeks... Amy you are only a few months away from your big day! Any suggestions or tips about getting married down there? This will be our 5th year going down so we're familiar with most stuff but could still use some pointers! Thanks!
  12. I was wondering the same thing! I am probably looking at doing 30 OOT bags and would love to know how much on average I should be spending...I don't want to do favors either and hope no one misses them. Can't wait to hear other thoughts...
  13. I agree about the 2 dates being confusing...but would rather have no stress and get it done easier at home before we go...does it really matter that it's not REALLY our wedding date when we do it front of friends and family? I just don't like the idea of saying "well we were married on this date...but technically our anniversary is this date" anyone else feel the dilemma? I guess in the end it doesn't matter...
  14. I've been looking at the website for the M&M's...they are sooo cute. My only concern is flying them down to a warm location...has anyone taken them to a DW in Mexico? Or just used them for showers and such?
  15. Hi, I accidently found this site and it has been so helpful in getting ideas for my DW. I just got engaged in November and we are planning a wedding in Mexico next winter...thinking sometime in Jan/Feb of 2010. Nothing official but we are thinking Mazatlan...not too many people get married there but this will be our 5th year vacationing there and can't imagine doing it anywhere else... but i've been known to change my mind...a million times! Anyone been or know anyone who's gotten married there? Thanks!
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