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Everything posted by mfry

  1. I am on facebook, I love connecting with people I havn't seen in forever. Michelle
  2. I am getting married there May. 7th 2009
  3. I found here Long Wedding Dresses - Unique Vintage - Prom Dresses, Pinup dresses, Rockabilly dresses, prom dress they have awesome dresses!!!! Michelle
  4. Here is my dress for my welcome dinner and AHR. I love it!!!! I plan on getting it in white. Michelle
  5. I decided on having somone come and grill hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken breasts and pork chops and this will be served with pasta salad and fruit salad. Michelle
  6. mfry


    Kristin, I am getting married at Beaches too!!!!! My wedding date is May 7th, 2009 at Beaches Turks and Caicos!!!! I will be sure to post some pics, but here is a link with some pics. The best family all inclusive in the world, with the best location!!! - Beaches Turks & Caicos Photos - TripAdvisor Michelle
  7. Hello, just wanted to say i found the most perfect sand cermony vows and wanted to share them with everyone!!!! The House Made of Heart Blended Family Sand Ceremony Today (Bride) and (Groom) are joined in their vows by their children, for they too wish to express the love and commitment they have given and received and will continue to feel as a part of this family. In this ceremony, you are sharing in the celebration of the happiness that is present in your family, and you are affirming your roles in that most fundamental of all human relationships … marriage and the family. May the joy and excitement of today and the warmth and loving of your home also serve as a model for you of what you will seek to find when it is your time to enter into marriage and to create your own family. Love is a very magical gift from God. It is a gift that lights us up inside. When a man and woman join their hearts together a single brighter light goes forth from their united being. When a family is formed as an extension of the union, the light is intensified by the light that flows from the children as well. The happiness you feel in being a family together is a reflection of this. Page 2 Each child brings their own special light and gift onto this union. What is joined here today is unique unto itself as this is a unique design and blending can never again be duplicated. To symbolize this unique blending of family that we will witness today, each individual will add their sand to the family vessel. As the sand is being pored into the family vessel we will see each of the unique designs that are created. They will be one of a kind and as special and unique as each individual is to their place within the family. Officiant addresses the Bride … please step forth and poor your sand first, as you are the family’s heart and the foundation. This is your foundation, built of nurturing and wellbeing for the family. Gently, guiding, inspiring, soothing and comforting. You guard and tend the hearts and emotions of your beloved family. You keep the hearth fires burning in all seasons come what may. You are ever present and steadfast in subtle yet dynamic ways, offering great and enduring strength and loving wisdom to each family member that carries on for a life time. Officiant addresses Child 1. You are the eldest. As the eldest, you are often the leader, providing a watchful eye and examples for the others to follow. Your gifts to this family are the qualities of steadfast inspiration, independence, determination and self reliance. You provide an admirable model to this family as a shining example as to what it takes to achieve personal goals. These are key qualities to obtaining success in all aspects of life. Please poor your sand into the family vessel to represent your many gifts and light within this family. We learn from your examples and the honor your gifts. Page 3 Officiant addresses Child 2, Please come forward. You are the adventurous one. It is through your eyes and experiences that you remind us of the wonders and joys of Truly living and loving life. You also remind us of the great importance and responsibilities of being a good steward and care taker of our fellow creatures … the animals. You are their voice and their protector. From the light you posses, all in this world will benefit from it. Please add your sand into the family vessel. We honor and cherish your gifts in our family as will the world. Officiant addresses Child 3, You are next. Your gifts of passion, determination and great compassion are beautiful and awe inspiring. You hold up to us by your example what kind of heart and steadfast will it takes to make a difference in this world. You are capable of so many great things … not just for yourself, but for the benefit and wellbeing of all in this world. Please poor your sand into the family vessel. We support you and thank you for adding your divine light and gifts to our family and this world. Officiant addresses Child 4, Please step forward. You bring the gifts of joy, excitement and wonderment to this family. By your exuberant spirit and gentle wisdom, you teach us the great value of a deeper insight and grace. You posses the ability to see through the eyes of others and with your gift of inner sight and balance you find and offer solutions. This is a most precious gift brought forth by the deep spirit that you are. Add your sand to the family vessel. Your gifts of wisdom, insight and joyful balance are greatly prized, embraced and appreciated by us all in our family and also the world. Page 4 Officiant addresses Child 5, Please come forward. You are the one that shows us the great value of driven creativity and quick mind coupled with a brave and determined heart. You show the ability to lead and teach others, to care for our world and all the magnificent creatures that share it with us. You do what is right and needed. As someday soon you will take your place in this world to make a real difference and a better life for us all. Please poor your sand into the family vessel. Your gift of activism, passion and leadership abilities that are greatly honored and supported within this family and the world. Officiant addresses Child 6, Now come add your sand. Your gifts are voice, passion and focus. You seek to address the needs of civil progression and thinking outside of the box. Embracing new thought and innovation. You posses the determination and will to bring forth change in this world. You seek out and take up causes close to your heart, as you have a keen mind for debate and the courage enough to speak out. Applied with wisdom and insight, your talent may very well lead you to a platform of real opportunities of creation and the power to intercede on behalf of those without the ability or opportunity to voice their own needs. Your abilities to voice with innovation, to teach and to lead others by your example, will cast light on the path to human enrichment and awareness. Your gifts are of all possibilities and nobility. Now pour your sand into the family vessel. We are inspired … called to awareness and action by your noble gifts, as will be the world. Officiant addresses Child 7, Please step forward. You are strong, athletic, witty and playful. You understand the importance and the deeper meaning of leadership. You understand that in order to lead others, you must first begin by being a team player. You are also a skilled motivator … by your wit, humor and ability to form true fellowships with your teammates. You have the natural instincts and inner wisdom to know how to be a truly strong leader by the ability to lead from within. By this, you create and forge strong alliances that will enable you to achieve and realize your dreams and aspirations in the future … for you also have deeper thoughts and goals for the betterment of all man kind and the world as a whole. Please poor your sand … your gifts and light in this family are treasured and admired and will benefit this world. Officiant addresses the Groom: And now (Groom), You are the last to poor your sand, for you are the shield, the protector, the keeper and the defender of your beloved family from the outside world. Neither folly nor harm may come to your family least it passes first through you. But a man draws his strength from the love of his wife and children. And by all rights … I say to you … as today we have taken such inventory as to the makings of your family … there be not a man nor circumstance that can hope to stand against you. You now hold an infinite strength and a blessed of good fortune by the love and the gifts of your fine family. (Groom), you now seal the family vessel with your sand, symbolizing the families’ blending and unity, with love, joy, wisdom, pride, protection and blessings for each of you and for all the days of your lives. You are truly a fortunate man. From this moment forward you are all now a family. Nurture and respect each other always. Honor the gifts that each of you posses and share your gifts with each other freely and with sincerity. By doing so, each of you will become greater, wiser, kinder and stronger. Help each other and protect each other, listen to each other and teach each other through love, understanding and consideration. For these are the greatest of all gifts … a loving and united family. __________________
  8. Hello, just wanted to say i found the most perfect sand cermony vows and wanted to share them with everyone!!!! The House Made of Heart Blended Family Sand Ceremony Today (Bride) and (Groom) are joined in their vows by their children, for they too wish to express the love and commitment they have given and received and will continue to feel as a part of this family. In this ceremony, you are sharing in the celebration of the happiness that is present in your family, and you are affirming your roles in that most fundamental of all human relationships … marriage and the family. May the joy and excitement of today and the warmth and loving of your home also serve as a model for you of what you will seek to find when it is your time to enter into marriage and to create your own family. Love is a very magical gift from God. It is a gift that lights us up inside. When a man and woman join their hearts together a single brighter light goes forth from their united being. When a family is formed as an extension of the union, the light is intensified by the light that flows from the children as well. The happiness you feel in being a family together is a reflection of this. Page 2 Each child brings their own special light and gift onto this union. What is joined here today is unique unto itself as this is a unique design and blending can never again be duplicated. To symbolize this unique blending of family that we will witness today, each individual will add their sand to the family vessel. As the sand is being pored into the family vessel we will see each of the unique designs that are created. They will be one of a kind and as special and unique as each individual is to their place within the family. Officiant addresses the Bride … please step forth and poor your sand first, as you are the family’s heart and the foundation. This is your foundation, built of nurturing and wellbeing for the family. Gently, guiding, inspiring, soothing and comforting. You guard and tend the hearts and emotions of your beloved family. You keep the hearth fires burning in all seasons come what may. You are ever present and steadfast in subtle yet dynamic ways, offering great and enduring strength and loving wisdom to each family member that carries on for a life time. Officiant addresses Child 1. You are the eldest. As the eldest, you are often the leader, providing a watchful eye and examples for the others to follow. Your gifts to this family are the qualities of steadfast inspiration, independence, determination and self reliance. You provide an admirable model to this family as a shining example as to what it takes to achieve personal goals. These are key qualities to obtaining success in all aspects of life. Please poor your sand into the family vessel to represent your many gifts and light within this family. We learn from your examples and the honor your gifts. Page 3 Officiant addresses Child 2, Please come forward. You are the adventurous one. It is through your eyes and experiences that you remind us of the wonders and joys of Truly living and loving life. You also remind us of the great importance and responsibilities of being a good steward and care taker of our fellow creatures … the animals. You are their voice and their protector. From the light you posses, all in this world will benefit from it. Please add your sand into the family vessel. We honor and cherish your gifts in our family as will the world. Officiant addresses Child 3, You are next. Your gifts of passion, determination and great compassion are beautiful and awe inspiring. You hold up to us by your example what kind of heart and steadfast will it takes to make a difference in this world. You are capable of so many great things … not just for yourself, but for the benefit and wellbeing of all in this world. Please poor your sand into the family vessel. We support you and thank you for adding your divine light and gifts to our family and this world. Officiant addresses Child 4, Please step forward. You bring the gifts of joy, excitement and wonderment to this family. By your exuberant spirit and gentle wisdom, you teach us the great value of a deeper insight and grace. You posses the ability to see through the eyes of others and with your gift of inner sight and balance you find and offer solutions. This is a most precious gift brought forth by the deep spirit that you are. Add your sand to the family vessel. Your gifts of wisdom, insight and joyful balance are greatly prized, embraced and appreciated by us all in our family and also the world. Page 4 Officiant addresses Child 5, Please come forward. You are the one that shows us the great value of driven creativity and quick mind coupled with a brave and determined heart. You show the ability to lead and teach others, to care for our world and all the magnificent creatures that share it with us. You do what is right and needed. As someday soon you will take your place in this world to make a real difference and a better life for us all. Please poor your sand into the family vessel. Your gift of activism, passion and leadership abilities that are greatly honored and supported within this family and the world. Officiant addresses Child 6, Now come add your sand. Your gifts are voice, passion and focus. You seek to address the needs of civil progression and thinking outside of the box. Embracing new thought and innovation. You posses the determination and will to bring forth change in this world. You seek out and take up causes close to your heart, as you have a keen mind for debate and the courage enough to speak out. Applied with wisdom and insight, your talent may very well lead you to a platform of real opportunities of creation and the power to intercede on behalf of those without the ability or opportunity to voice their own needs. Your abilities to voice with innovation, to teach and to lead others by your example, will cast light on the path to human enrichment and awareness. Your gifts are of all possibilities and nobility. Now pour your sand into the family vessel. We are inspired … called to awareness and action by your noble gifts, as will be the world. Officiant addresses Child 7, Please step forward. You are strong, athletic, witty and playful. You understand the importance and the deeper meaning of leadership. You understand that in order to lead others, you must first begin by being a team player. You are also a skilled motivator … by your wit, humor and ability to form true fellowships with your teammates. You have the natural instincts and inner wisdom to know how to be a truly strong leader by the ability to lead from within. By this, you create and forge strong alliances that will enable you to achieve and realize your dreams and aspirations in the future … for you also have deeper thoughts and goals for the betterment of all man kind and the world as a whole. Please poor your sand … your gifts and light in this family are treasured and admired and will benefit this world. Officiant addresses the Groom: And now (Groom), You are the last to poor your sand, for you are the shield, the protector, the keeper and the defender of your beloved family from the outside world. Neither folly nor harm may come to your family least it passes first through you. But a man draws his strength from the love of his wife and children. And by all rights … I say to you … as today we have taken such inventory as to the makings of your family … there be not a man nor circumstance that can hope to stand against you. You now hold an infinite strength and a blessed of good fortune by the love and the gifts of your fine family. (Groom), you now seal the family vessel with your sand, symbolizing the families’ blending and unity, with love, joy, wisdom, pride, protection and blessings for each of you and for all the days of your lives. You are truly a fortunate man. From this moment forward you are all now a family. Nurture and respect each other always. Honor the gifts that each of you posses and share your gifts with each other freely and with sincerity. By doing so, each of you will become greater, wiser, kinder and stronger. Help each other and protect each other, listen to each other and teach each other through love, understanding and consideration. For these are the greatest of all gifts … a loving and united family.
  9. I am going to get married at Beaches Turks and Caicos May 7th, 2009 and it is an all inclusive resort. Even the watersports are included. Michelle
  10. Omg, there is just so much to do before I leave. My mom is still working on my dress, I have to find some vows for the sand cermony, figure out how I wanna do my hair for my trail hairdo, this weekend is my bacherlorette party!! And we are still picking out songs for the ipod. Luckily I took off tue-friday next week, then we leave next Thursday!!! Michelle
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz those are super cute! Your guests are going to love them Thanks!!!! I really like them and can't wait to use it on my trip. Michelle
  12. Here are some pics of my OOT bags!!! I had two choices. I ended up going with teh first one here.
  13. Wanted to mention that Beaches/Sandals just sent me a garment bag for my wedding dress!!!
  14. I also wanted to mention that Beaches just sent me a garment bag for my dress!!!! How great is that. Michelle
  15. We just did the Honeymoon La Toc Premium, we wanted a room with a balcony. I will be sure to post my pics when we get back!! Michelle
  16. I forgot to mention we are doing our honeymoon at Sandals Regency St lucia July 18-15, 2009. Michelle
  17. Here is a link where I got a lot of my stuff Wedding Favors - Unique Wedding Favors - Cheap Wedding Party Favors. I put flip flops from old navy for the girl bags, spray on sunscreen I got in bulk off ebay, travel size advil, and lip balm with spf got off ebay in bulk. Also, put custom made koozies. Here is the luggage tags everyone got in their bags here are wine stoppers I put in everone's bag. here are the Koozies I got custom made. here are the bottle openers I put in the guys bags instead of flip flops.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Mfry : your eyes are fine don't worry about it - mine are currently black and i'm hoping they go down lol I'm hanging on to get my dress altered also I think i'm taking it on monday and hopefully it'll be done in a few days. FI is just doing my head in and he only came home last night lol Thanks for the reassurance, hope your eyes are beautiful for your wedding!!! Michelle
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel&B Thanks for posting this! I need to write cards for OOT Bags this weekend, and this will be perfect. Lord knows I don't have time right now to search the forum. Thanks for putting this right in my lap! No problem, glad I could help. Michelle
  20. I am hopefully done stressing for awhile too!!!! My mom is working on my dress, my oot bags are done with welcome letter, my FI has his outfit and the pants are hemmed. All I have left to do is get more songs on my ipod that we can listen to during dinner, we are doing our scuba refresher this sunday and my bacherlorette party is next sat!!!! Then we leave the 30th of April. Michelle
  21. I really like your dress!!!! Very pretty, I am sure everything will work out for you. Hang in there, before you know it you will be leaving for your weddingmoon!!! Michelle
  22. I thought I would show you my welcome letters. I couldn't figure out how to put the word doc in here. But here is the image I used behind the text. Here is the messgae I used, I got it from someone's sample letter they used. Dear Family and Friends, The waiting is finally over!! Welcome to sun, sand and relaxation…Welcome to Beaches Turks and Caicos! We are both so happy and feel very blessed to be able to have you here at our wedding in Turks and Caicos. We are especially honored that you have traveled this far to be a part of our marriage celebration. Many years from now, when we look back on our life and this day, we’ll remember that being surrounded by the family and friends we hold so dearly was the perfect beginning to our life as husband and wife. Each of you is providing us with special memories that we shall treasure forever. We hope you enjoy the “goodies” included in this welcome bag. They are just a small token of our appreciation. Please make the most of your vacation here in Turks and Caicos. We hope the next few days will be as memorable for you as they will be for us. With Love, Michelle & Dan
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