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Everything posted by RCBlondie

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl Is anyone going to use the resort's hairdresser to style your hair? Unless my hairdresser decides to make a trip out there, I will be using the hairdresser at the resort. Do you think that the current hair dresser will be working in May? I'm trying to decide if I should schedule a consultation while I am down there this month. I would just hate it if I spent the money for a trial hairstyle and then it turns out that I will have someone different. I will use the hairstylist at the resort probably. Maybe get your stylist at home to do a trial run with your hair and take pics of it, then take those to the resort and see what they think. Could be a waste to do it if it ends up being a different stylist on your actual wedding. I think I will do a dry run the week of our wedding because my hair seems to be picky!
  2. has anyone received an updated list of photographers from Ana? She sent me one with only two options and Claudia was not one of them. Could you please let me know what she has said is permissible? Thanks! Rachelle
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren hi ladies - dh and i just returned from the resort and i've written a review. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...7/#post1054683 My sentiments exactly chirorach - YIKES! We have already booked our wedding there a while ago for the beginning of June and hope that all the kinks will be worked out by then. A little surprised at the lack of service though, from most reviews I have read I was not worried but now am a little...let's cross our fingers that it gets better.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl I've been looking at bright tropical colors, like POOL. I also really like the Tiffany blue but so far, the BM dresses that i have looked at do not come in this color. I would normally not go with a bright color but from the pictures I have seenm it just really looks nice against the sand the ocean. I think my accent color will be chocolate, but not sure where that color is going to be. I'm not sure on flowers yet. I don't know how to mix match my colors. I may just do calli lilies, because I think they are beautiful. Here's my BM dress (on the right): 644 I have ordered swatches of blue so that I can decide on the exact color. By the way, does anyone know how to insert a photo into the message? I tried but don't think it worked. Those are beautiful dresses! Thanks for posting. Laura, your BM dress is beautiful too! So many choices... Originally I was thinking of light brown and chocolate brown but then thought maybe brighter colours would be better... Thanks for your replies ladies!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 I actually just went to pick up my bridesmaids dresses today! Mine are an ice blue color with white at the top...I am sooo happy with them - the color looks better than I thought it would! I want to do orange colored flowers. that sounds so nice, do you have picture of them? My two bridesmaids are different shape and colouring and they are not providing me with much input. Wondering if anyone knows if one colour is better than another for the tropical background or not?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by wisconsinbride2010 what are the flower options? there are a few posts that have some documents that are from the WC with pics of the flower options. You will need enough points from the forum to open them, but I think they are around page 28 or so...?
  7. has everyone (or anyone) decided on their bridesmaid dress colour? Now that I see the flower options I am not sure what colour I should be thinking...any suggestions?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by volosikj My TA is trying to push this new resort on me for 2011. I am just nervous whether or not the kinks will be worked out!! When we were looking at booking here that was one of our big concerns too. It may depend on when your wedding date is. Our TA has said most resorts need about 6 months to work out the kinks. They really seemed to be organised (maybe more than others) and all the marketing that went into the grand opening could possibly mean they will work through all the kinks very quickly. Cross our fingers. As for the wedding aspect of the resort. Dreams Resorts does a lot of wedding and although each resort has some differences they really seem to have a great reputation for putting on fantastic weddings. Hope this helps?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ebernard4985 Kids do stay for free depending on when you go. My wedding is in June and kids are free during that time. When they are free you only needed to pay taxes for them. If kids are not free they are still cheaper than an adult but do not count towards occupancy (so you cannot have 1 adult and 1 child and consider it double occupancy). Hope this helps! that is great! thanks for sharing
  10. We are planning on having children at the wedding but not sure if they stay for free. Would make sense for the really young one's though. Anyone know if the Kid's Club is free for the children?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl Hi all, I found this link on Facebook: http://web.mac.com/vallarta_adventur...RC/iframe.html Rod embedded it in a comment on someone elses post, so it wasn't exactly that visible. Anyhow, thought I would share it with you. That's great, thanks! I added the link to our wedding website. The guests will for sure be excited by the photos!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 Oh forgot to add...my dress is also a maggie (actually sottero & midgley)... I love both of your dresses - they are beautiful!! JSM1221 - by Sottero & Midgley Beautiful! Another great destination gown. Did not realise that Maggie is such a popular designer. Tells you how much I Know about fashion! hehe
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ashmahan WOW!!!! Your dress is beautiful!!! I ordered my dress a month ago and it is also a Maggie Sottero Gown!!! I LOVE IT!!! It is Gown # SD5204!! The crazy thing is I tried another gown of hers on and LOVED it but they did not have that one in. I called every bridal store even one in Calgary and Grand Praire which is hours away from me but no one had it!! I ordered it without even trying it on! I know it will be just perfect!! Evey bridal store said her gowns are amazing the way they fit!! Ashley Hey Ashley, so you ordered dress SD5204, but did not get to try it on? It is a beautiful dress and I have looked at that one a million times on the website! It is probably my second fav to mine. Good job, I am sure you will look amazing in the dress! Apparently Maggie designs her dresses here in Sydney Australia, right down the hall from a dress store that I went too to show my mother-in-law to be my dress. Congrats on choosing a dress, it is beautiful!
  14. congrats to all the new brides that have booked at DRC. It is going to be a very exciting year for all of us. And the photos on FB have been great to see! Makes me even more excited and my guests as well. We invited almost 140 guests but have already heard that some will not be able to make it. Too bad. We started with the basic package right now, primarily because of the deposit amount and we know that the package choice can be changed closer to the date of the wedding. Since we are unsure how many guests we will have it is hard to know what wedding package will be best. We are assuming we will do the middle package as well but you just never know.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ashmahan Hello LADIES!!! :) Ok so I have not heard from Ana, has she finalized wedding details with any of you? Who is going to be the fist one getting married there? I am open to any suggestions or ideas you all my have on a group event. A welcome celebration. Also are any of you doing welcome bags? If so any good ideas on what to put in them? I went to a wedding that personalized coffee mugs for us to carry our drink around the resort and it would not melt but I did not want to copy. Another idea we had was visors but they could look cheezy... I would absolutely love to hear of any ideas... Also I was thinking of having my dinner by a pool. Has Ana confirmed the possible locations to anyone? Regards, Ashley There are a couple of good threads about the OOT bags, some really good suggestions and feedback about what the guests liked and used and what they didn't. I love the mug idea and would copy it even if someone else I know did/does it! The cups you get at the resorts are small and if you can give your guests something fun like that I think it's a great idea! We are thinking of buying mini bottles of tequila (while in Mexico) for each guest (children excluded of course) and the mugs for sure. Plus there is a Walmart in Playa that will have lots of good stuff that you can put into a welcome bag. Maybe cheaper than trying to bring it all with you... MEGAN - love the bunny! I want one too!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ashmahan Hello, Is there anyway you can send me these attachments via email. I guess I cannot see them yet... [email protected] Thank you in advance, Ashley Hi Ashley, I will email them to you (although I think we can be banned for doing this...? Not 100% clear on that rule...). Also, for anyone else looking for the pricing, you can go to the Dreams Resorts website and look up the new resort. Click on the "Weddings & Honeymoon's" tab and if you scroll down a little all the info will be there too. Hope this helps everyone!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 Hi Rachelle, Thanks! I went back and found the attachment you posted but I guess that I don't have enough posts to be able to open it Not sure how many points you need to open, sorry!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Laura22610 I was hoping that the flowers provided by Dreams are good! That's one thing I really, really don't want to have to worry about! As far as centerpieces, I was waiting to see what the reception places look like and what Dreams will set up. If anything, i would probably make my own centerpieces and bring them rather than pay extra there. The cake...I am not sure about that either...I think I would have to see pictures. Has anyone gotten any pictures or information about this stuff from Ana? I haven't asked her about this yet. Hi Laura, there is a post from a while back but it is and up-to-date attachment with the flower options and center pieces. If you have any problems opening it let me know and I will re-post what Ana sent to me.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl I don't think there is an actual "list". Once you find a photographer that you like, I would just run it by Anna to make sure that she is ok with it. Have you started researching photographers yet? Elizabeth Medina - I have heard great things about her but she is a little more pricey. Claudia Rodriquez - She is supposed to be really good, but not available on my date. Moments That Matter - They looked good and got good reviews...not available on my date Dino Gomez - Good reviews...not available on my date Citilli (sp?) - one of Claudia Rodriguez's photogs...good reviews but not available for me. Cecilia Dumas - Good reviews and available...yeah! I plan to meet with her while I am at my site visit in November. Thanks for the suggestions. I have not started to do the research yet, feeling a little overwhelmed with this part as well. As if choosing a resort was not hard enough! The photographer is very important to me but at the same time, I don't want to pay exorbitant fees! Sounds like your wedding date is a popular one. I hope you like Cecilia Dumas and it all works out.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by belgiandave Hi Everyone It says brides post here. I hope grooms are invited :-) Just wanted to share. we have booked our wedding day on the 7th of October :-) Can't wait Yes, groom's welcome too! Congratulations!
  21. where did everyone get the list of approved Photographers? This is next on my list and I think I should probably get on it right away...
  22. Oh, and I got my dress back in Feb before we moved. It was the easiest thing so far. This is the link JD1214 - by Maggie Sottero if it does not work then you can google it: Maggie Sottero and dress style JD1214. I loved it the second I put it on but was not sure when I saw it on the hanger...funny how that works out!
  23. Hi Ladies! This is all so exciting! I found that choosing the resort was such a tough process that I almost feel like I have no energy for the rest of the planning. Our date is booked, June 3, 2010 but that is about it. I made our invites (save-the-dates that are doubling as the actual invite) and I made a website! R & R Wedding (if anyone is interested in viewing it). Not sure what else I need to know at this point. Still trying to find a TA that can do a lot of the travel arrangements, but we have guests in Australia/New Zealand, the US and Canada! We were living in Canada previously but moved to Australia (supposed to be for a year maybe two) in March 2009 so planning has been difficult. Anyone from Canada that could recommend a TA for destination weddings? I know there are TA's on this forum and I did contact one but she cannot do the air portion as she is based in the US; guess I will try the Canadian based TA on the forum. Happy planning everyone!
  24. finally saw the FB pics of the gazebo, design is a little strange but FI actually likes it! Still planning on the beach for the ceremony though. Looking forward to seeing some pics of brides that do use the gazebo.
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