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Everything posted by Jaime01

  1. We bought the spanish for dummies books at Target for our oot bags too. We figured they would come in handy in Puerto Vallarta, and for $1.00 each we couldn't pass them up!
  2. The hibiscus bags are cute. I found bags that I bought at cheaptotes.com for .99 cents a piece. They are just plain canvas totes and we are going to use iron on transfer paper to put a little logo on the bottom corner of the bag. They also had colored ones available for not much more.
  3. This dress is beautiful! If you love it then it is perfect. Your dress doesn't necessarily have to be "beachy" to get married at the beach.
  4. Hi everyone. My name is Jaime and my future husband Ryan and I are getting married on May 21, 2009 at Dreams Resort in Puerto Vallarta.
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