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Everything posted by teh_kai

  1. thank you, a girl has to work on a budget. And im not terribly creative, you saved my life!
  2. i think it is perfectly acceptable to ask for cash, there are a lot of cute poems about how we have everything we need, but a gift of cash would be great. people are realistic, if you have been living together, its likley that you already have everything!
  3. My guy took me to a game lodge for the weekend, a 2 hour drive from where we live. he was so nervous about losing the ring that he kept it in his jeans pocket the whole way - in the box! at that point i got suspicious, doesnt every girl recognise the outline of a ring box? he was very romantic, took me into the mountains and as the sun set over the watering hole, he asked me to marry him. i guess i took too long to answer, because he added PLEASE!
  4. Hi,i was wondering if anyone had info on how to get married in Zanzibar? it osunds like there is a lot of red tape. would it be easier to get married in court first, and then have a ceremony on the beach later?
  5. teh_kai


    hi Im Tania, Im tying the knot in Zanzibar on 24 September 2009. i am looking for the Save the Dtae boarding pass template, if anyone can help me? thanks!
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