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Everything posted by TAHOEJENI

  1. I used to be a 5 day a week gym rat. After spending two years inside, I was looking to get outside again. I'd be on the treadmill or elliptical and see the runners running down the sidewalk.... There was a brochure for the MS 150 - a 150 mile bike ride - sitting on the gym counter. Hmmm.... So I saunter into the nearest bike shop and declare that I need a more comfy seat for my bike (a POS walmart bike). I wasn't going to spend crazy money on a bike when I had a perfectly good one. A few 20 milers around the local bike path proved otherwise and I went back to the store. What had impressed me about this store in the first place was they sold me a seat and DIDN'T laugh at me or try to talk me into a bike the first time in. I then bought a more suitable bike for the charity ride. After buying a new road bike, I started going on some rides that the store offered. The manager (Geoff) and I started riding a lot more together but just as friends. A year later, I suffered a pretty good crash and needed stitches in my face. Geoff happened to be on that group ride with me. Geoff called my current boyfriend and let him know he was taking me to the hospital. My boyfriend was at the bar drinking and watching football. He told Geoff that it sounded like he had it under control, and he was just going to hang out with his friends instead. After seven years of dating, I knew in my head it was over. That was September of 2005. By October I left most everything behind (house, 50 acres, other dog, and camper) with just one dog, two cats, and some clothes. Most everyone thought I was nuts. I moved into a studio apartment and gathered my senses... but I kept riding. Needless to say we started dating shortly afterwards. After a year and a half in the studio apartment, Geoff and I bought a house. We went ring shopping over the holidays... our basement is full of bikes! Jeni
  2. 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing 4. Growing Pains 5. Charlie's Angels 6. Facts Of Life 7. Small Wonder 8. Step by Step 9. The Love Boat 10. Bosom Buddies 11. The Wonder Years 12. Family Ties 13. Moonlighting 14. Living Single 15. My Two Dads 16. Blossom 17. Saved by the Bell 18. Who's the boss 19. Dallas 20. The Muppet Show 21. My so called life 22. The Smurfs 23. Three's Company 24. Knight Rider 25. The A Team 26. Dynasty 27. Today's Special (was this just a Canadian show? I'm not sure) 28. The Cosby Show 29. Wonderful World of Disney 30. My Little Pony 31. Alice 32. Kids Incorporated (hehe) 33. I Dream of Jeannie 34: She-Ra: Princess of Power 35. Gem 36. Truth or Dare 37. Ally McBeal 38. Mork and Mindy 39. Full House 40. Family Matters 41. 3rd Rock From The Sun 42. What's Happening 43. Different Strokes 44. Party of Five 45. Voyage of the Mimi (PBS)
  3. Welcome Michigan bride! I'm a former Yooper..... I might not still be there but my heart still is!
  4. Morgan - can you explain a little bit more about what it is that you don't like about Dave Ramsey? My FI and I are Dave Ramsey junkies. There's a marker board on our fridge. In big black letters it states a few of his most said sayings Live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later An emergency fund turns a crisis into an inconvenience Debt is dumb, cash is king. The paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of America. I'm 33 and contemplated bankruptcy about 5 years ago. I didn't and decided to get serious about debt. I moved into a less expensive studio apartment for two years and paid off debts. I wish I had found Dave back then as I would be debt free now. As is, 2009 I will pay the last $8000 off that lingers over my head and kick Sallie Mae out of the house 11 years early on a 15 year loan! I don't mean to drag my soapbox out (especially on a wedding forum) but getting out of debt is definitely a lifestyle change as is losing weight. Dave will tell you to SELL THE CAR right off the bat. How many people out there are making less than $30,000 and are driving $20.000 cars. Car debt alone eats up a bunch of your money. My FI and I bought a house this past April and we did a 15 year mortgage just like Dave recommends. I drive a 13 year old car with over 200,000 miles on it and it looks like crap but guess what, it's paid for! Dave suggests picking up a second job to help pay off debt. I didn't want to be locked into certain hours so I became a mystery shopper instead. I pick my schedule and it's the only time we go out to eat. This week we've got a Texas Roadhouse and Applebees scheduled. lol We religiously stick to a written budget. After it gets a little warmer, I plan to park the car and start riding my bike to work more consistently (20 mile round trip) and no, there's no bike trails here in Cincinnati. It's all roads. Whew - got a little long. My advice - get a gameplan and stick to it. Doesn't matter if it's Dave's, Suze's, or your own! Congrats on facing your debt.
  5. Sorry for your loss - I too experienced some of that Saturday. We were leaving the house to go dress shopping when a friend called me from another state sobbing uncontrollably asking my opinion on a health issue with her 1 year old foster dog. (We both foster for Weimaraner Rescue). She put him down later that day. I believe it is times like those that keep me humble.
  6. Another satisfied customer of theirs. I've had my current pair for more than 2 years. Maybe even 3. I wear them almost daily. You enter your script online and they send the glasses out pretty quick. I was nervous when I went to the eye doctor with them as it was a new office. Didn't know if they would be able to detect my "cheap" glasses. They held my glasses up to something and wrote down the script as I didn't have my old prescription with me. After the exam was done, the doctor declared that my eyes hadn't changed from my current glasses prescription. Makes a believe out of me!!!!! A friend works at Walmarts optical and didn't make fun of me either. In fact, she was super impressed and is thinking about getting herself a pair too. Jeni
  7. Hi Kimmy! I too just posted to the boards today as a newbie. I live in Colerain and we are planning a Tahoe July 2010 wedding. Nice to see some other Nati girls here.
  8. Hi there! I've read a lot on these boards and thought it was time to introduce myself. I'm Jeni from Cincinnati. We are getting married in Lake Tahoe in July of 2010. I have SO MUCH TO DO but that's okay, since I've got almost 19 months to do it all. We were originally planning on "just us" as we didn't want to inconvience anyone but seems like when we told everyone they were like - absolutly not, we want to go on vacation too. My friends and I get together every 4th of July in our home state of Michigan and are substituting the annual trip to the lake so we can have fun in Tahoe. I'm so excited! Jeni
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