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Everything posted by TAHOEJENI

  1. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Why can't people follow directions?
  2. Just brought one home from a bicycle trade show...... hmmm. Neat concept, don't know if I'll try it although I think I would like the one you can use in your sleeping bag so you don't have to get up in the middle of the night.
  3. like - although haven't gone in years. playing in mud?
  4. Never! As someone who worked on the Mississippi river boats for six years I saw a lot of gambling addictions. We just got back from a convention in Vegas a couple days ago and purposely stayed in Boulder City. Would you sneak your fiance's credit card out of his wallet to go buy stuff for the wedding?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl vasoline would have been good! fingers definitely swelled a bit in the heat! DH pushed the ring about halfway, and then you can hear him on the video saying, "yeah that ain't goin any further." LOL ... he didn't try very hard ... it went right on with a little push. Too cute. I'll have to remember that.
  6. It's 1:03am, I need to go to bed, but I just got finished giving myself a french manicure and forgot to take my contacts out and am waiting for them to dry. Whoops.
  7. A very good friend of my ex bf - after the rehearsal dinner, we went to Golden Corral. The future bride and groom were late so we all ended paying our own way for buffet food. We then went back to bride's parents house for a little after party. Groom gives speech and says - I'm so glad that others felt you weren't good enough to marry so that you were there when I came along. WTF?!? He alluded to her being "a little big" " a little boring" etc and all the while she had tears of JOY in her eyes when he was giving his speech. Hell, what do I know, they have like ten cats between them and play online internet games all day and night long. Seriously, they are both pasty white from no sun!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by marryinghimagain I would rather work at a low paying job that I love. Nothing worse than having to get up and go to a job you hate and have to spend all day there. If you HAD to make a choice during a catastrophic event, would you save your husband? or would you save your child? I can see why no one has answered. lol What kind of question is this? (Just kidding) Hmm *if* I had a kid, I think I would save the kid. Gosh, this is so hard. Okay, my turn. Would you rather have no nose or no ears?
  9. He makes me laugh because he does stupid things like taps me on the "other" shoulder when we're walking as if someone else had tapped me and then he makes these crazy loud noises when we grocery shop if the aisle is completely empty. He cracks me up.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I'm a fire fighter.....I totally love my job!!!! Sweet. That would be a crazy career but one I would like to try.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva YAY got a phone call today. Pending background and drug testing I will be offered a job FINALLY I can breathe. Thanks ladies for all the good luck! Woo Hoo! I remember the background check when I got hired on with my company. They needed a copy of my college transcripts. I never received them in the mail so I called my college. They said I never graduated. HUH!?! I walked, I received honors, I have pictures to prove it!!!!!!! Seems like something got screwed up in admissions and a piece of paperwork was never submitted. Talk about rollercoaster ride. I confessed to my soon to be employer what happened and they said "don't worry" Whew! Jeni
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ My Ex husband was obessed with my weight... it was ok for him to have extra weight on however I had to look good for him. He forced me on a scale ever week and yelled at me about my weight. I became very ashamed of myself and felt very weak. When I left him I did gain weight and have kept it on for a number of years... My FI met me at my heaviest and asked me to marry him at 200lbs... I have lost since then however I am still a big girl... My Fi never once ask me what i weight or my size. We live together and he buys things for me to wear and it fits. I am sure he looks at the tags and figures out the size and where i like to shop. I would like to be thinner however it isn't an issue for me Holy crap! Glad he's an ex! Jeni
  13. Sure he knows as he's also my bike mechanic for racing and airs up my tires and suspension. :-) Not a big deal to me!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Here are my experiences: I have used Crest white strips... basically every type they make. I've never heard that I'm not supposed to swallow... and I do quite regularly... I hope I'm not going to die! Anyways, they worked amazingly! It doesn't matter which type I get (the expensive or the cheapest) they all have th same results. I typically only have to use half a box and my teeth are SO white that if I used the other half I'd end up looking like a Friend's episode! So that works out spiffy because my DH uses the other half of the box! My teeth do get sensitive... but it's typically only when I do two right after each other. Then my teeth hurt really bad! Good luck! There's no reason why you can't swallow during treatment while using Crest Whitestrips. Even though I work for the company (in Fabric Care - Tide - not Oral Care) and can get them for free by doing "guinea pig" building panels, I can't use them for more than a couple of days because even sucking air through my mouth is painful they get so sensitive. My dentist and I have talked and he's giving me a bleaching treatment after I finish with my Invisilgn type retainers instead. Jeni
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM Today was my fitness competition where I competed in the figure category and I came 2nd!! Not bad for my first competition! I will be taking it easy this week although I may do another competition this coming weekend while I am in good shape. I must admit, I did take liberties at a restaurant with my post-win dinner Sweet! I almost got into fit comp but my trainer moved away and I didn't want to make that huge time commitment. Fast forward five years later - I race mountain bikes about 9 months out of the year instead. I'm an adrenaline junkie. Jeni


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!! These ladies can give you great tips.
  20. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!! These ladies can give you great tips.
  21. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!! I know nothing about Mexico but many of these fine ladies do....
  22. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
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