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Everything posted by kris

  1. I have an appointment for my first dress fitting on friday in Edmonton (a 3 hour drive away) so I called them today to see if I should be bringing anything and they said everything I'm wearing underneath my dress and shoes. Do you think I have any of that?.....NO! So the question is for a strapless dress what do you reccomend strapless bra or bustier and why? Also (oh yes theres more) for shoes I really haven't decided between flip flops or barefoot and am pretty sure I dont want a heel so do you think that will be a problem when measuring the bottom of the dress? I really wish I thought about these things more than 3 days before Ugh!
  2. I may be interested as well, let me know the price. I'd need 50.
  3. If I didn't already buy my Pronovias dress I would be all over buying that one. I am in love with it! Good luck selling it You looked gorgeous by the way!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jawedding Tiffiney - That must be so stressful! I wouldn't worry though.. maybe just email them again, and make the title something like "getting married in August/09, please respond" - Good luck!! And congrats! You must be getting so excited!! Kris - I'm getting married in Jan 2010.. (like you, still a while away) I know they are SO busy, and so people like us are probably (and rightly so) the LAST priority in terms of answering questions.. I emailed to book my reception location, and heard back within 2 weeks, but with misc. questions, sometimes it takes over a month.. I don't really care though, because most of the answers to the questions I have can be found on this forum.. and also because many past brides have said that EVERYTHING can be chosen/confirmed once you get there.. with up 3 weddings a day 6 days a week, SUPER slow internet connections, and July/Aug brides to respond to, they are probably just totally backlogged. Haha thanks I wasn't worried for me, I haven't tried to contact Chandlyn at all and wont until it's time. I know I am last priority, I was just worried for Tiffiney
  5. I bought my dress at Pure Bridal in Edmonton and their seamstress is suppose to be anywhere from 150-300 depending on how much needs to be done...that's a little cheaper
  6. yikes, I wish I knew the answer..hopefully someone knowledgable reads this.
  7. Im so glad you had sunny weather. Congratulations !!!
  8. My best advice is just to try EVERYTHING on even if you think you'll hate it. I was set on my style when I started looking and they ending up looking the worst on. Be open minded ...and I second the ignoring pushy sales people, if your not sure, dont do it !
  9. Thankyou so much for your review, it looks like you had so much fun!! I loooooved your bridesmaid dresses. Congratulations!
  10. OOOOOO I want one too as long as it's safe on hardwood.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 That's good Kris. If I loved accounting! lol Funny thing is I also hate accounting yet my full time and part time job is accounting. I didnt even go to school for it I just kind of fell into it. It pays well but I am DEFINATELY ready to go back to school. And babysitting?!?! That might not be so bad, it wouldn't be a consistent come every saturday 9-5, which is good and wow ....15-20!!!
  12. I would also be interested in the starfish if Robin isn't...also wondering how much to ship to canada?
  13. I just got a job on the side doing accounting for Honda powerhouse, I kind of lucked out though they have someone full time so I just come in whenever I want and help out.
  14. I finished watching it. It was so sad but so sweet, I loved when smoky robinson spoke and his daughter Paris, I definately welled up when she spoke.
  15. Thanks for the review..Hooray for the hot pool aerobics instructor!!!!! Sorry for the few mishaps...I'm glad all in all you had a great time! Congratulations!!
  16. I'm so glad you had good weather, it's so scary to think of rain! It sounds like you had an amazing time. Congrats!!!
  17. Thankyou so much for your review It sounds like you had a great time Congratulations !!
  18. It was so fun! My girls made us all tank tops for the hike; mine said bride, my bridal party said 'brides bitches' and everyone else said 'brides support crew' there was a pic of the jamaican flag on the back and our wedding date down the side...they were so cute! We went to Saltlik steakhouse for dinner (AMAZING by the way) and then dressed up and went to Aurora (A night club) We did a scavenger hunt as well it was me against everyone else (15 people) It was a really fun night....when the pictures start coming in I'll post them...mine are too blurry (haha I wonder why?)
  19. My dress is Pronovias and I ordered it in February and they called me last week saying it just arrived so 4 months. (When I bought it they said 6 month's so it was earlier than expected).
  20. Sweet! I am having my bachelorette tomorrow so I'll be sure to post on here next week sometime if I'm not dying haha My girls haven't told me anything other than were going to Banff for an outrageous hike then getting dressed up (dresses and pumps) for a night of drinking and bars!!! Im so excited!
  21. I love those! Oh man, now I need to buy my girls more stuff
  22. Check out this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11617
  23. I would keep your dress, I think it looks beautiful on you! I always find myself straying of on someone elses ideas but when I really sit down and think about it I'm doing things the way I originally wanted them and I need to stick with it...Ithink about getting a different style of dress everytime I watch 'say yes to the dress' ...which is like daily ...haha...Keep your dress, you love it and you'll be happy you did!
  24. Thanks everybody for the advice! I think a silver sandal would be really pretty and I was thinking a fushcia and green/white lily type bouquet so that will really stand out! Hooray I'm excited now!!!
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