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Everything posted by kris

  1. Tait is amazing, Im doing a session with her in January, the do it at hotel arts which is a really cool setting.
  2. haha dont worry I bought my dress in January and got it in June and was willing to get it fit then but they made me wait unless my weight changed. I just have a ton of things with school going on in January so I want as little stress as possible It wont take very long to get it altered Im picking it up on December 17th so you have nothing to worry about!
  3. Hey I was wondering if anyone knows if ROR has a projector you can use (for a poolside reception) and if not can you rent on somewhere? I thought a read something about this in a previous thread but when I did a search I couldn't find it. If there is another thread could someone please point me in the right direction Thx
  4. Hey everyone, I went to Lillianas in Kensington for my first fitting last night. She is AMAZING! She really knows what she is talking about I would definately recommend her so far
  5. I get there on the 30th if there is any way to save the centerpieces and white lights I'll take those for sure Let me know
  6. mmm yummy! This is a super easy cider but sooooooo good. In a pan combine 2 cups apple juice and 2 cups cranberry juice as well as 2 cinnamon sticks. Simmer until hot. My friend just made this for a party and I was shocked when she told me thats all that was in it. It was so good!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by alkoch Also if you want to do it at home (sometimes I just don't have time or want to drive to a jewelers) Here is a how-to from real simple! I am actually going to do mine today! How To: Clean a Diamond Ring Thanks for this I am totally going to do this when I get home I love when my ring is all sparkly!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sweetie_bri I debated over this for a long time, and I think that whatever suits your situation is the best option. At my wedding in just over a month, my mom will be walking me down the aisle. I have a dad and a step-dad, and was raised by my mom and step dad. I thought very hard about the most influential parent to me, rather than tradition and went with my mom. I also think that it will offend the least number of people. Neither dad can argue that mom was and is #1, even if it is tradition. Plus I could never pick one over the other. I wish all of them could walk me, but 4 people down the aisle...a little much. I will try to include my dads in other special ways on that day...any ideas?? This is exactly what Im going through right now. Mom and step dad raised me but still have a relationshipo with my real dad. I agree with you that my mom is the most influential person in my life but I really want both my dad's too. Its so hard to pic without hurting someone.
  9. Congrats again! That is so exciting, Great story!
  10. I got my bridesmaid dresses at BCBG...they were under 300 but not by much I paid $270.00 each but my girls LOVE them and will definately wear them again!
  11. When in 2010 are you having your wedding? Im a ROR bride as well Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaP Let us know how your alterations go, those of you who have posted about them. I'm a shorty and was not able to order my dress in a shorter length. Hey, they will only have to hack off , like, three feet or so! My sister used a lady in Kensington a few years ago too when Victorian Bride was still open, and she was really good, but we couldn't remember who it was. Maybe it was Lillianas? Does she make veils too, 'cause we had my sister's church length veil made there too for $115. Kris would you know? Im not too sure ...I know she does make alot of stuff though...the full name of the business is Lilliana's knitwear....I'll definately post pics for you guys....this is the part Im terrified of ...eeeek haha
  13. Hooray for a Calgary bride thread! I used Janelle at Boulevard Travel for my travel agent. She has gotten a mixed response on helpfulness. She has been fantastic with me but some people in my wedding party have been having problems getting ahold of her. I would NOT recommend Ethos, Ive never been helped by such rude people; Jennybell, I guess I should have asked for Betty I actually ended up buying my dress in Edmonton at Pure Bridal and loved their service and dresses! Who are you guys using for alterations?? Im booked at this place called Lillianas in Kensington because Ive heard good things about her but Im still scared haha
  14. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo JEALOUS! That is my dream to go there ever since I was little...I hope you have an amazing trip!
  15. Welcome to the Forum!! We share a wedding day
  16. Hey I havent used them yet but I have put my deposit down for my flowers from there for my Feb.3/09 wedding at ROR. I think I still have the brochure/price list if you want me to email them to you..I bought 4 bridesmaid bouquets and my bouquet for 450.00...I didn't think that was too bad.
  17. Im glad you decided not to! I love BD pics with pale skin (as funny as that sounds) I think they look more classic. Hope your pics turn out great!
  18. I have never been to either but if it makes you feel any better I have been having second thoughts about ROR because sooooo many people have their weddings there and Im afraid we'll just be pushed out of the way. Ive heard that beaches it beautiful though, there are good reviews on it!
  19. Hahaha I loooove the blow up doll idea! Thats' awesome!
  20. Thank you so much for the review! Your pictures are beautiful! That's so awesome that you got to use the beach party the night of your wedding
  21. Congratulations....I hope you both had an amazing time
  22. Im not sure how many of you are fans of the brag company's bra and panty bags...(I bought them as my bridesmaids gifts and love them) but they just started making luggage tags and clutches to match! They are super cute, I thought I would share Heres the website: Bra Bags and Panty Paks by the Brag Company: Bag Tag - Tosca Bra by The Brag Company
  23. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations....Im glad you had a great time!!!
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