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Everything posted by jamk32179

  1. Thanks guys!! The hard part (final) is done. I can now focus my attention on finding a new flight for my wedding since the new FAA laws that do not allow airlines to coshare bookings to Mexico. SO annoying!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by primavera I hear ya! I got my MBA 2.5 years ago, school full-time and two part-time jobs. It is a great feeling when it is over though! I might try it out then. It is always fun to try new exercise programs. I have about 10lbs. to loose and really mostly need to tone my whole body. Oh, and I used to live on Lean Cuisine for dinner when I was in school. You have no idea!! I am finished with this class at the end of the week! THANK GOD!!! I will finish my one and only class after the wedding and then I will have my masters!!! I am sooooo super duper excited!!! The 30 day shred is good too. It is intense, but only 20 minute workouts which I can handle on my lazy days!! There is a thread if you search the 30 day shred.
  3. So I just talked to my TA and was told that not only have people not made their final payments, but Mexicana has declared bankruptcy. Why would you RSVP but not pay your final payment. Irritated!!
  4. i did the jillian michaels online program this morning
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by orbitingbklyn Ladies- not sure if someone else posted this, I didn't see it, but I just found out that Rebekah, my WC, is leaving Mexico. She apparently just came down to get everything sorted out. I found out by emailing her. So my new WC is Ana Perez, who has been great so far. Rachel I was told the same thing although I do not know when she is leaving. I turned in my wedding checklist last night so hopefully everything will be in place before she leaves. So does that mean I'll soon have a 4th WC? Oh I can't keep up!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by primavera Does her programs work? I'm curious to try them out. I have done the P90X (not the whole program, I just do the workouts a few times a week) and it is great!! I love them because I can do them at home. I work crazy hours living in Las Vegas and go to school full time for my MBA so finding time to work out isn't always easy. I don't really follow the meal plans, I try to implement my own quick and easy fixes. When you sign up there is a personal survey you complete that creates your meal plan, how many calories you should eat and the workouts. When I don't have time fix dinner I'll usually do a Lean Cuisine and a piece of fruit. I've lost about 10 lbs. and I haven't been too good on my eating. But the count down is on..... 42 days till I leave for paradise!!!
  7. Hi! I haven't called them yet, I was going to have my friend who speaks spanish call for me.....maybe she can get me a better deal
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jenniferkuhr Alright, ladies...who has a concrete work out plan in place>? Any thoughts or tips on how I can look my most fabulous for our engagement photo session during our site visit over Labor Day? I have five weeks... My current efforts have included cutting Starbucks, weeknight drinking and full desserts (c'mon, I have to have at least a bite...), but now I need a workout plan and some possible meal ideas. Anyone? Anyone taking supplements that aren't completely crazy? I either do the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels or her online program. The program is about $4 per week and she provides meal plans and workout plans. All of her workouts can be done at home with weights and an exercise ball. The workouts consist of 5 circuits. I love it and it allows me to catch up on my DVR. The website is www.jillianmichaels.com
  9. I've had the shred and just started doing it again. I normally do Jillian's online workouts, but today was supposed to be an off day. I ate like crap at lunch and slacked last week so I felt guilty. LOL Good luck ladies!!! My wedding is 47 days out so its crunch time!!
  10. I think we all feel the RSVP card pain. I was upset at first, but then I compared my guest list to my RSVP list and realized the most important people would be there to celebrate with us. I am not sure why everyone expects an AHR on top of a destination wedding. If I wanted to do it at home I would have....LOL
  11. ohhhh lilly pretty dress!!! I had my first fitting today; ;fortunately they just need to fix the length and add a bustle. Mine has a corset back as well....it is so flattering!!!
  12. It's been a busy day on here! Well, I finally sent in my checklist and guest list. I cannot believe how quickly it is all coming together. How many hours in advance are you planning on having your hair done before the photographer comes? I am thinking hair first and then getting my make up done at MAC.
  13. Confession: Hat we have a similar #2 confession. I complain all the time about not loosing weight, but then we go to dinner and I eat crap. He tries to talk me out of it and then I get mad. LOL!!! It will all be over soon enough!!
  14. Confession: I know I have less than 2 months till my wedding to work out and be in the best shape, but I'm just kinda lazy and don't want to....
  15. Looks like we have some new dates. Ladies update yourselves on the list!! Juliet1 - September 17, 2010 jamk32179- September 18, 2010 smckinney22 - October 9, 2010 Runningbride24 - October 10, 2010 ReidCapote - October 24, 2010 Shirley_Ken - October 28, 2010 Natalie79 - October 30, 2010 Celine- November 5, 2010 bmlynch - November 6, 2010 Randi - November 11, 2010 Trinas79 - November 11, 2010 jesmcan - November 12, 2010 futuremrs1113-November 13, 2010 giraffexx - November 19, 2010 mslisaaragon - November 22, 2010 Lisa DSO- November 24, 2010 Jenny310 - November 27, 2010 FutureMrsYak- December 2, 2010 orbitingbklyn (rachel) december 3, 2010 msglave-December 11, 2010 MichaelandAraceli- December 18, 2010 N&J2011 - April 1, 2011 pineapplebride - *maybe* April 2011 ChicagoBride2011- May 1, 2011 speedy130 - May 7, 2011 sarahe786 - May 15, 2011 rosieposie - May 22, 2011 Prettypigpig - July 4, 2011 Augustbride2011 -August 20, 2011
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jszy10 Maggie Sottero -- Leoni ... LOVE it ohhhh pretty dress!!!
  17. Thanks Lolita. Completely inappropriate for a beach wedding, but I don't care!! HAHA!!
  18. Here I am in my wonderful Sa belle. Perfect for a beach wedding....LOL!!! I had to have my princess dress
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jenniferkuhr Anyone else have their photographer booked and some convincing rationale as to why (besides the fact that its either Elizabeth Medina or DelSol, who we know now are both amazing)? I booked one of Claudia Rodriguez's associates, Citalli Rico for my photography. I gathered a few quotes from other photographers, put together a comparison spreadsheet and went from there. Honestly, the pricing was similar for the majority of them and after looking at 100s of pictures I came down to the conclusion they were all amazing and talented. I chose Claudia's team because of the prompt replys, information and the number of printed photos included in the package. As my mom pointed out, having prints made is usually the expensive part and I should look into someone who included prints. So ultimately, that is how I made my decision. Hope this helps!
  20. LOL!!! Oh ya, I forgot the working out, playlist, OOT bags...blah blah blah. Luckily my dress is a corsett easy alterations :-). We aren't doing a wedding party, but my fiance still needs shoes which he doesn't seem too worried about. I, on the other hand just wish it could all be done with!
  21. Quote Wow! That's really soon! Are you ready? I am, but I am not. I am trying to finish up one of my classes for my MBA and then I can finish up on what I need to do. Basically I just need to work on my play list, finish submitting my checklist, decide how I am going to differentiate between who is eating what, order my koozies and work out all day every day...LOL. And shop for new clothes of course :-)
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by heidirn622 Have a question for everyone. Did ya'll reserve your date and location before you booked your room and package? For everyone that has been to the Royal, which location is better, the beachside at pelicanos or the gazebo. We have a choice between both right now. Or did ya'll make a site visit first before deciding on everything? Did ya'll talk to someone in reservations to get a group rate or went through a travel agent? Does anyone have elizabeth medina's email? I filled out the request on the website and haven't heard back from her? Has anyone seen the ballrooms? My fiancee does not want to be on the beach for the wedding reception. Do you have to purchase decorations through the resort or outside company to decorate the ballrooms. If anyone has done a site visit, do they give you any incentives back when you book your wedding? upgrades, etc? Thanks for all the advice from previous postings, I sat for two days and read and took notes. so helpful! Heidi We booked our time and location first and then booked our rooms and travel information. We went through a travel agent which has prooved to be much easier. It allowed us to offer that option to our guests. Some have used and some have gone through other sites. We are getting married in the gazebo with the reception on the beach by the gazebo. I have been to a wedding on the beach by Pelicano's which was beautiful. Their reception was moved to Pelicanos because it had gotten rained out earlier in the day. I too had difficulty contacting Elizabeth Medina. I tried numerous times and never received a response, so I gave up and am going with someone else. I'm sorry I don't have answers for the rest of your questions, but happy planning! -Jen-
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by msglave When is your wedding? Welcome new ladies! My wedding is September 18, 2010. Can it be here yet?????
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