Tiffiney - That must be so stressful! I wouldn't worry though.. maybe just email them again, and make the title something like "getting married in August/09, please respond" - Good luck!! And congrats! You must be getting so excited!!
Kris - I'm getting married in Jan 2010.. (like you, still a while away) I know they are SO busy, and so people like us are probably (and rightly so) the LAST priority in terms of answering questions.. I emailed to book my reception location, and heard back within 2 weeks, but with misc. questions, sometimes it takes over a month.. I don't really care though, because most of the answers to the questions I have can be found on this forum.. and also because many past brides have said that EVERYTHING can be chosen/confirmed once you get there.. with up 3 weddings a day 6 days a week, SUPER slow internet connections, and July/Aug brides to respond to, they are probably just totally backlogged.