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Everything posted by jawedding

  1. Congratulations MRS!! Thanks for posting the review!!
  2. Tiffiney - That must be so stressful! I wouldn't worry though.. maybe just email them again, and make the title something like "getting married in August/09, please respond" - Good luck!! And congrats! You must be getting so excited!! Kris - I'm getting married in Jan 2010.. (like you, still a while away) I know they are SO busy, and so people like us are probably (and rightly so) the LAST priority in terms of answering questions.. I emailed to book my reception location, and heard back within 2 weeks, but with misc. questions, sometimes it takes over a month.. I don't really care though, because most of the answers to the questions I have can be found on this forum.. and also because many past brides have said that EVERYTHING can be chosen/confirmed once you get there.. with up 3 weddings a day 6 days a week, SUPER slow internet connections, and July/Aug brides to respond to, they are probably just totally backlogged.
  3. you are SO in the right to tell her! (not that that makes it any easier!). I agree with the other people who posted.. just say in a really nice way - 'i love your children, but it is a no kids shower/we have already told other people no kids'.. she should understand.. she shouldn't have even asked.. and if she doesn't understand or doesn't come, that's on her.. you haven't done anything wrong and you most definitely do NOT sound like a bridezilla!
  4. I would bring my baby, no question, esp. if i was exclusively breastfeeding (not sure if that's your sister's plan) (this way there is no worry about mixing formula, water, etc) One of my best friends has a baby who will be 8 months old when I get married, and she is planning to bring her (and she is in the medical profession - related to babies).. I think it will be fine.
  5. 8:46pm packing a bag for a very long night in labour and delivery (catching the baby, not pushing it out).
  6. I LOVE the top of the first one.. it looks SO beautiful on you.. the alfred angelo is beautiful too.. tough choice! congrats though! at least you know either way you go you will be gorgeous!!
  7. Wow! that is so nice! I know what you mean about it making it real.. congratulations!!
  8. You have a window of almost 4 days when you could get pregnant surrounding your ovulation (and this could be slightly shorter or longer depending on your body chemistry and anatomy as well as the type of ovulator you are! haha). IF you had a 2 week honeymoon and didn't have your period for any of that time, (and you have a regular 28ish day cycle) and you had sex regularly for those two weeks, you would have a reasonable chance of catching a time when you were potentially fertile.. haha you have a chance! Obviously that doesn't always make it happen, but it is possible! I have seen women in my clinic who have gotten pregnant at the strangest times in their cycles, so to some extent it's unpredictable.. but fun to think about! We're thinking about stopping "not" trying while we're away.. we'll see though.. good luck to everyone! On another note, I love seeing past brides with pics of their babies/gestational counters.. it's a reminder of ALL of the good things that are coming up for all of us! so excited!
  9. Calia, I sincerely feel for you. My job is delivering babies, and I see a lot of women who have tried, sometimes for YEARS, and I can't imagine how difficult and dissapointing that must be fore you. I'm sending baby dust your way! The beautiful thing about you is that when you have your baby (I'm saying when!) it will be SO wanted, and although you can never be totally prepared for a baby, you will be prepared in all of the ways that you could be. I really really really hope that you get your wish (sooner than later!) And you have brought up another good point.. most women take it for granted that they will be able to conceive whenever they decide to start trying (at least within a few months of that time).. (I know I did!) it simply isn't the case for a lot of women.. I have estrogen dominant PCOS (and I'm thin, so losing weight won't help me), so for me, another consideration in not waiting too long to try, is that I only ovulate a few (unpredictable) times a year, so I know it could take quite a long time.. we'll see.. best of luck to everyone who wants to have a baby AND who is CFBC!! One thing we can all be thankful for is that we have each found the partner that we WANT to have babies with OR be child free with!! x
  10. My Fi wants one too, he's just worried about money, the economy etc.. and i understand that.. I have a 'female' problem thought that results in me ovulating only about 4 times a year.. so that also makes me anxious to try earlier, because I know that it could take a really long time.
  11. lisaloo I love your lighter (change into) dress! i think i am going to look into something like that too!
  12. If the woman breaks it off, she should give it back. If the man breaks it off, she keeps it! NO question! If it's mutual.. i don't know.. sell it and split the cash? hehe
  13. tonight: cleaning my house, packing my bag for this weekend, having a bath and going to bed!
  14. I know this is a bit premature.. but i want to have a baby.. I deliver babies for a living and I'm starting to feel envious! haha It's kind of bad timing, with the economy Fi's job is not secure, and we have a lot of student debt.. Lately though, I find myself almost aching to start that part of my life.. nothing would make me happier than to throw birth control to the wind starting the month of our wedding! alas.. i think i will be waiting.. what are your baby-having plans?? Do you have some already? planning to have a honeymoon baby? waiting a while? Any words of wisdom? thanks ladies!
  15. my dad's not in my life.. and Fi is pretty adamant that it should only be our decision, so he didn't ask my mom.. I don't mind either way.. although, i do think it's really nice.. and kind of makes me sad that i don't have a dad for him to ask!
  16. I am doing one bag per couple, and singles get the identical bag. BUT for families with kids.. still getting one bag (but with extra 'kids' stuff) - and little girls are also getting their own bags. (haha because frankly, girls love bags!) (mostly!)
  17. hmmm.. I'm thinking that maybe I should be contributing.. I am getting my girls gifts (worth close to $150 each).. if you were a BM.. would you rather have your dress paid for or recieve a gift? bah I don't know what to do!
  18. thank you so much for posting!! Congratulations it sounded totally awesome!!
  19. oooh and I just brought my grandmothers rings in to be made into a pendant and my wedding band! Congrats and good luck to all of you who are within weeks and days of your big day!! SO excited for you!!
  20. I have just confirmed invitation concepts (boarding pass style), have most of the things for my gorgeous OOT bags (that my mom is making) and I'm going dress shopping tomorrow!! I'm so excited! (and nervous!)
  21. I HAVE to link to this review! It's totally awesome, and they have also posted a youtube video that goes around the resort to all of the places that would be of interest to future brides!! (thanks to the posters!! you are the best!!) here is the thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42299
  22. Best video ever!!! Thank you so much
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