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Everything posted by Sandra&Mario

  1. Amy, I have no clue if this is going to work, but I'll try. Are you subscribed to the "Barcelo Maya" thread. It is there that you will see a bunch of different pictures of the centerpieces and table arrangements both inside the banquet hall and outside. I believe is the 2nd to last page. I'm horrible at html coding. I need to look it up and then I'll post all the pics! But it's late and I'm pooped out! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/k...terpiece_1.jpg
  2. Amy, The free centerpieces are a cantaloupe cut in half with a hurricane lamp in it with a candle I think. There is a picture of them somewhere in this thread from a bride's review. I will try to find it and post it again. I honestly don't care for them. I don't want anything over the top, but a cantaloupe is a bit odd, lol. I am planning on bringing square rattan bamboo like chargers that I found at Kohls for about $3 each. I will bring a large pillar candle to put in the center and surround it with either rocks or mini oranges, since that's my wedding color. Tucked in between I will put an orange silk lily. It's simple, doesn't weigh much, can be easily packed, and well...it's not a cantaloupe! Hope this helps. I will try and find the pics including my centerpiece too! Good luck!
  3. Erica! Wow! It really is a small world! We bought our house right off Wright Debow which is off 537, about 5 minutes away from the Outlets. We saw a few houses right on Cooks Bridge actually! What are the odds?! Thanks for all the info…it’s great. Lucky you being a graphic designer gets to add her personal touch to all her wedding details! I love the OOT bags you chose for your guests! Christmas Tree Shops have the best prices on all the small stuff…so that’s exactly where I was planning on going! And can I say…how generous and kind are you being to your bridal party! Designer shades? I want to be one of your bridesmaids too  We decided early on that we didn’t want a bridal party besides my nieces as flowergirl and his nephew as ring barrier. We’ve both been in several weddings and honestly, I can’t say I enjoyed it, lol. One thing is for sure, if we did I would want my girls to choose their own dress because I’ve literally hated every bridesmaid dress I’ve worn! Besides, everyone we’d want to include in our bridal party is so busy with their lives right now, we couldn’t add anymore stress. Yea, and my best friend who would be my maid of honor, is having a baby a couple months before our wedding and she’s all about baby now!!! Sorta took the spotlight off of me ya know…ok, why am I telling you this? LOL. Moving right along…it’s awesome that you found everything on sale and prepared it all ahead of time…it’ll make for a great presentation at a really great cost (which your guests won’t even know about!)…did you purchase your fans at Michaels too? I don’t think I’ve seen them there. I wanted to put one on each seat at the ceremony and have our guests throw flower petals…I’ve always loved the traditional petal throwing and it makes for beautiful pics. Do you know if Barcelo allows them? That is too funny that you got your girls dresses at Castle Couture…that’s where my gown came from! They really are super nice there. My engagement ring actually came from next door and we have sushi often at Zen (I think they changed name now)…jeez, we’ve probably bumped into each other at some point! Elizabeth Medina was one of our options but we ended up going with Juan Carlos. I’ve loved him for the minute I saw one of photographs. So we’re splurging and flying him in from Cabo and keeping him for 3 days! I can’t wait for our TTD session!!!!! That’s cool that you’re having a live band…we never thought of that. We were going to have a DJ because we’d want a mix of music that would include Portuguese music being that’s both our backgrounds and our parents would enjoy it. Not sure how a live band would handle that… Hmm…what other questions do I have? What are you having as centerpieces? Where are you having your reception? I really wanted to have it outdoors either by a pool or an open-air grill area. Are you having several tables? I’ve seen table arrangements where it’s one long rectangular table and I kinda like that, with us at the head portion looking towards all our guests. What about food? I take it you’ve eaten there…how is it? Choosing our menu won’t be easy! Everyone likes different things  Oh, are you having a welcome/rehearsal dinner? I haven’t decided on a place, but I wanted to do something outside of the resort. I was thinking of La Cueva del Chango. Have you been or heard of them? And lastly…I know I asked before, but did you use a travel agent? So for the best deals we’ve found have been online…but we feel kind of strange telling our guests to book online. I rather them have someone to call who can answer any questions. Okidokie, I guess that’s it for now! You’re probably busy finalizing every last detail and I’m driving you nuts. Sorry! Ya know, when you guys return from your wedding, we should get together and have a drink down the shore…being that we’re going to live next door!
  4. It's gorgeous!!! As long as you feel amazing in it and you know it's the ONE, that's all that matters!! It doesn't matter where you're getting married to love your dress Go for it!
  5. Very cute idea! You should check with your wedding coordinator at your resort to make sure they'll allow them to be tossed. I know they can be easily raked, but some places have issues with something like that. They're very cute though!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl I've been working with Jill. She's a TA on this site and works on destination weddings in Cancun/Riviera Maya. I've only been working with her for a little over a week but she has been real responsive to my emails and has been helpful thus far. She is the one that recommended Barcelo. She also says that she should have the best deals but if you find a better deal she can match it. There is a $150 retainer fee, but that is refunded after your travels. Thanks! I think at one point I had contacted her but she never got back to me...I may be mistaken though! When is your wedding? Next time you contact her, can you have her pm me? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  7. Erica, I'm currently living in Old Bridge with my parents, but my FI and I recently bought our home in Jackson, so that's where I'll be living! I grew up in South River actually!! So, it's all local We're such cool destination brides from central NJ, haha!!! That's awesome that you got to do a site visit. We were thinking about doing it, but instead decided to trust everyones reviews and just see it when we get there for the wedding Did you love it?! Feel free to share as much info as you'd like! So it's a little nutty that Gabriela hasn't contacted you recently being that you're only 3 weeks away!! But yes, the majority of the planning is done when you get there, and that makes sense...it's a little difficult to make decisions when you're thousands of miles away! I'm sure everything will turn out just perfect! Are you having a bridal party? What are you packing? I really wanted to be crafty and bring centerpieces, menu cards, favors, etc....but do I really want to lug all that stuff onto an airplane? Yea...probably not, lol. We'll see. Oh, you know what I wanted to ask you! Did you use a travel agent? If so, who? I found the best deals on applevacations but honestly haven't contacted any agents because neither my FI or myself know one personally. I guess I'm done with the ranting, haha. I have so much questions now, imagine after you return! I expect a HUGEEEEEEEEEEE review
  8. Aw Lisa!! Staying the same is definitely better than gaining! Have you been sticking to it? Normally when you first start to change up what you're eating your body notices the change and you begin to lose right away...it's not until it starts to become routine that you plateau...I find it odd that you haven't lost and it's been a few weeks...if you're counting your points and drinking plenty of water and you haven't lost, I'd go see your doctor, perhaps something is wrong? Anyways, good luck this week and stay strong! Oh, and you guys are having a heat wave? In Ontario? Here in NJ we've had nothing but rain, rain, rain!!!!
  9. I still can't believe they aired that show!! She wouldn't even see her new cake!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD NOT make her a new one!!! She'd just have to go to Costco and get one herself!!
  10. I'm so excited that I lost 1 lb!!! But a little disappointed that I didn't reach my 20 lb goal Only .2 away! Oh well, hopefully by next week I'll exceed 20 lbs aways! Mind you, my FI and I went to a gourmet dinner and wine tasting on Friday night...I ate and drank for 4 hours!! Then we went out for Father's Day and my entree wasn't the healthiest either! But I must say...the other 5 days I was really good...drinking all my water, eating my veggies and grilled fish, fresh fruit...so YES, you CAN INDULGE! Good luck this week girls!
  11. Erica, Three weeks away!! Congrats! One thing is for sure...the weather is definitely going to be amazing compared to our crazy NJ rain! Where are you in NJ? Can't wait to read your review!! Have a great time
  12. It really boils down to whether you want to have a baby or not and when...sure, you can chart and have it be successful for a while...but then there could be an oops when you're both in the mood and you'll end up pregnant which may or may not be the right time for you...say you start after you get married and you'd both be fine if you just so happen to get pregnant, then great!! If it's something you both want to hold off on for a while, then I wouldn't suggest it. Like I said, sex just happens whenever, lol. Good luck with whatever route you choose
  13. Oh, and we both still have pictures and cards from our exes also. They are memories and reflect our past and without it we wouldn't be together...unless there is ever some serious drama like she comes knocking on your door, it's just paper and maybe reading it sometimes makes you realize and appreciate each other and how much better you are together!
  14. Just be honest! That's one of the most important things in a relationship! Just say, "So, I was cleaning up and came across some cards and letters...not sure if you'd like to hold on to them or throw them away...I'll leave that up to you, but I do want you to know I stumbled upon them..." You should also tell him how it makes you feel. With me, I wouldn't care either way. What I know is that we're together and our relationship is and will be great with or without the old letters. But how do they make you feel? That's important also. I wouldn't shrug it off nor would I throw them away without telling him...you say he would never notice, but maybe one day he will? Then you'll be like..."oh yeaaaaaaa, I threw them out!"...don't do that to yourself. Just be honest and decide together!
  15. Nailtiques all the way!!! It's about $18 for a little bottle, but just one coat every other day is all you need! I used to be a nail biter and stopped because it was actually making my nails healthier and I saw such an improvement that eventually I wanted them painted and pretty all the time!
  16. we're having our legal marriage here in NJ a week before we leave...over in Mexico we're having just a symbolic ceremony with vows and the yeses and i do's it's a lot easier that way from what i've heard. over in mexico you have to have blood work and wait a couple of months to receive your paperwork...and here we're just going with a witness in our regular work clothes so it doesn't feel "real" ya know...
  17. Will they all be attending your wedding in Punta Cana? If so, maybe you could get them something they would need for their stay that you wouldn't be putting in their OOT bags. If they all wear jewelry, maybe you could get them some fun bangle bracelets in vibrant colors...or get a different pieces, couple necklaces, earrings, etc...then everyone can pick what they like best...maybe even share! Or flip flops? You can personalize a plain pair with a flower or rhinestones...oh, a wristlet? I love to use mine when I just go out with the girls for drinks and all you want to throw in it is your money and keys...hmm, oh...bed, bath, and beyond is having their semi annual sale...you can give them some islandy scented shower gel or lip glosses...okidokie, I'm out of ideas have a great time...I absolutely LOVE Toronto!!! I have family in Hamilton, so when I'm up there I always enjoy a night in Toronto...that and I love Tim Hortons, haha! lucky you, enjoy your bachelorette festivities!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by megain44 I have a great idea.... well I think it is, especially because this is what we're planning on doing We're getting married in Tulum, so we're going to get a book on Tulum, kind of like a coffee table book. Then we're going to have guests sign that book... like a yearbook, on the inside cover or any random page. I think it'll be a great coffee table book that will always remind us of our wedding! love this idea! just to sit back, grab the book and randomly choose a page. i love it!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sofylina I'm melting!!!!! another 2.6lbs. simply loving it! Congrats! That's fantastic!
  20. LOL! Jeez...that sucks! His job didn't understand he was on this show!?! Oh well...I really thought he was hot...very much like Denny in Grey's. And for the record, Wes makes me ill.
  21. Oh!! I missed it!!! What a wacko!!!
  22. I didn't watch it this week!!! Ed is gone?!?!?! What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved him This is officially heading in the wrong direction!!!! Shame on you, Jillian!!
  23. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Another week of staying the same!!! I'm seriously kicking some butt this week and reaching my 20 lb goal by next Monday!!!! Wish me luck...I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl earrings! i totally forgot mine. didn't even have an everyday pair in my ears, and ended up borrowing some from my mom on wedding day. don't know how i missed this! a funnel for our sand ceremony! our vases had small openings, and we had to scramble on wedding day to make a cone funnel out of some extra cardstock. more bathing suits. i was so intent on not getting tan lines that i had 2 bandeau swimsuits that i had to alternate between all week (we arrived on saturday, wedding wasn't until thursday, and my dress was strapless). they were always still a bit damp when i put them on. yuck. (and i second LOTS of sunscreen. we went thru one whole spray can in about a day and a half!) this one will sound funny, but desitin, or some other kind of diaper-rash kind of ointment, LOL! the day everyone decided to take a long walk into town i was wearing a dress (oh how i wish i had shorts on!) and it was at least 95 degrees out ... the combination of inner thigh "chub-rub" and sweat resulted in some seriously painful chafing, which was hard to recover from when you're almost always wet or sweaty in mexico! obviously i needed to get over it quickly or nookie would have been near impossible (not to mention it didn't look particularly attractive). i used a combo of triple antibiotic ointment and baby powder to get rid of it before wedding day! haha!!! you crack me up! i get the chub-rub chafing too if i wear a dress is 95 degrees and walk the town!! not a good idea, AT ALL!! great tips, thanks
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