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Everything posted by Sandra&Mario

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by June_Dreams I love all these ideas.. Question? How did you guys get these baskets all the way down to your destination or did you purchase them there?? A basket can be easily found there! Any local shop will have them
  2. I just had to post!!! I had a horrible week stuffing my face with everything!!!! Terrible...I feel like total crap, I don't even want to weigh myself, LOL. I start back up again in March counting every single precious point...and until now, I've lost 18 lbs! Woooooot Wooooooot! I feel like I gained them all back this week, haha. This past Thursday was my birthday so I went a little nutty with all you can eat sushi (mind you, I enjoy tempura...not good!)...then I went to a couple BBQ's and ate ribs and pasta salad like it was my last day on Earth...oh, and a couple slices of icecream cake! Put that all together with many cocktails and no exercise...I'm bloated and retaining water and can't zip my freakin jeans!!! OMG! so, tomorrow is a new day and back to counting every calorie i go! wish me luck!! YIPPEE!!
  3. i freakin LOVEEEEEEEEEEE your dress!!!! it's like a modern vintage, it's gorgeous!! who was the designer?
  4. i love the "brush the sand off your feet" sign with the basket with the paintbrushes in it...how cute!! brushes are 4 for $1 at most craft stores, so the entire idea would cost less than $20 and makes for such a cute pic!! i just don't like the idea of having all the shoes piled on top of each other in a basket...i rather have a mat layed down next to the sign where they can be in a row...
  5. As my wedding date approaches closer and closer...so does my logging onto this site!!! I seriously can't imagine not having it as my guide while planning my wedding. There is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much information here...so many ideas and thoughts, I can't get enough!! It's so great to know there is a "one-stop shop" that fulfills all the answers to any question I have. And, if I can't find an answer...I post the question and answers come pouring in. It truly is amazing. I'm so thankful to have come across this fantastic forum. All of you future, past, present brides and a few grooms too make this forum go round, each and every one of you rock!!! Thanks for everything Sandra <3
  6. Diet Coke!?!?!? That cracks me up! But hey, if they're good, I'll make them!!! Thanks for the recipe!!
  7. i'll be checking with my coordinator and if it's a novelty item for the holidays, hopefully she can get us some and put them aside until we arrive! thanks for the advice and info ladies!
  8. i will check them all out!! thanks so much for all the info, it's great!!
  9. We wanted to host our welcome dinner outside of our resort (Barcelo) to change things up a bit and hopefully enjoy a fun place with great food, preferably Mexican of course! Any suggestions? We'd love a children friendly environment, maybe with live entertainment. Let me know ladies Thanks!
  10. Shower gifts are usually from the host...but I'm not having a bridal party...my mom is throwing me my shower. I know about it however and want to help out as much as possible being her and my FMIL are the only ones involved and have never done this before (I'm the only girl)...yet, I've been a bridesmaid a bunch of times and have seen great ideas and want them as part of my day too! And no surprise, I know the day...good, because I want to make sure I have on a pretty dress and have my hair and makeup done! Else, I'll be showing up covered in paint with my hair up in a pony...and we don't want that, LOL.
  11. I was thinking of giving all the ladies attending my bridal shower a liquid hand soap from Bath & Body Works (from their aromatherapy line). They are on sale 2 for $10 and I have a coupon. I hate favors that aren't practical...(I'm horrible for saying that I've thrown some out the same day I received them, LOL)...but, I figure everyone washes their hands and hopefully uses soap! I would put them in organza bags (they're online for 12 cents a piece!) and tie each with a ribbon. To spend even less, their antibacterial collection is $3 each and I'd get the coconut lime, reminds me of the beach and vacation! What do you ladies think?
  12. when i first started reading this thread i thought it was a joke! i guess it's not. i personally would NEVER write up a contract or sign one. if true friendships exist, contracts shouldn't. period. perhaps you're having "shady" bridesmaids in your wedding. clearly you suspect someone or something. so, don't include them. if one of your bridesmaids decides last minute that she no longer wants to be in your wedding, what is contract going to do? give you back some cash? in the end, the friendship isn't there. to me, that's most important. contracts are for business purposes for those you don't know...like your florist or DJ...not your friends who you CHOSE to be part of one of the most important days of your life...
  13. oh my god!!!!! How the heck do they know no one will come to your wedding?!?!?! First off, your wedding isn't next week!!! Your wedding is over a year away!!!! Secondly, sending our STD's allows those that want to go to save money and prepare well ahead of time! Lastly, those who are closest to you WILL GO!! Your family, your best friends...they will do whatever they need to in order to join you both on your special day! And that is what STD's are for! So, your mom and FMIL need to RELAX and be SUPPORTIVE of what you and your FI want. Ultimately, it's your day and you should do what you want! We sent our STD's out in March and our wedding is in January (10 months before). Our family and friends are so excited about it! We know there are some that won't be going, but that's ok. We completely understand. Had we not sent them to those however, we'd forever hear "well, we didn't even get invited!!". So, invite away! Send your STD's! Well...invite those you want to invite and those you want to be there! Good luck and happy planning! Tell your mom and FMIL to butt out, haha
  14. Has anyone had the sunset dinner cruise? If so, which did you use and what was the cost? We really wanted to do something special for our guests for joining us in Mexico for our wedding and thought this would be a great idea. Or, we were thinking going into town to a nice restaurant with reservations? Maybe something with nice Mexican flair? Any ideas or thoughts? Thanks
  15. Hahahaha! I'm watching it right now and there's definitely "serial killer" looking guys! Too funny! A few dorks and few HOTTIES Jillian can seem a bit boring...but I'm sure the men will keep us all entertained!
  16. great idea with oranges! i love it! our guests can even eat them (at the end of the reception of course!) thanks
  17. Thanks Lisa!! I love Canada by the way, lol. I have family in Ontario and Toronto...I try and make it out there every year, it's always such a great time!
  18. Perhaps I can ship them to my wedding coordinator or maybe they sell them in Mexico? I will check the airline though, thanks.
  19. I'm so glad this thread is here!! A few years back I was on WW and lost 45 lbs...I didn't become a lifetime member though...a lot of things were going on in my life at the time so I stopped attending meetings and eventually stopped going to the gym...my health since then has been a rollercoaster! I was diagnosed with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), it's been horrible!! I have my good days where I feel perfectly fine and then there are days where I can't even get out bed in the morning. It's been so unpredictable and has caused me to cancel last minute with friends and family and even call out of work. Doctors say I should build my immune system back up by healthy eating and exercise. Well, duh! We all know that!! I just don't have the energy to jog on a treadmill like I used to So, I ended up gaining all the weight I had lost (and an additional 20 lbs!)...so, a couple months ago I decided to start again. Slowly, but certainly. So far I've lost 18 lbs and I must say I'm rather proud of myself. Exercise isn't quite part of my vocabulary yet, but it will be. I'm feeling much better and I know I'll be the old Sandra once again! Not just for my wedding day (although it helps looking amazing in a dress)...but for my future, with my husband and our family. 10 years from now I want to be running around the yard chasing after the kids and not have to stop and catch my breath. I can do it It's wonderful to have everyone's encouragement and well wishes. Good luck to all you beautiful brides!
  20. I love Janet's centerpiece with the lily, limes, and candle. Our color combination is orange and turquoise though, so I'm not sure how we'd pull that off. I'd definitely want the flower to be orange and the ribbon around the candle to be turquoise, but what would I surround it with instead of limes? Any ideas? Thanks!!
  21. Has anyone used them? I know they're legal here in the US, but can we bring them in our luggage to Mexico? Actually, the better question is will resorts allow them? I think they're so pretty at night! Especially in pics! Thanks girls! Sandra
  22. Us too! We're already spending so much on our photographer, but realized that if we don't have a videographer we would end up regretting it later on. Years from now I'd want to watch a video and not have one, that would be so sad Even if it's just your ceremony and first dance...you'll want to reflect back on those special moments in the years to come. I'm in the process of getting some quotes trying to keep cost as reasonable as possible being that I don't have high expectations...how can any video be bad, lol? Good luck!!
  23. Has anyone used one? I love the idea have having a nice plate instead of a book...at least I can display it somewhere in our house. If you've used where, where did you purchase and what was the cost? I've done a little searching online and they're all over $100! I understand it's something we'll keep forever...but $100 for a ceramic plate sounds a bit crazy! Sandra
  24. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations? I was a little indecisive about having one because we're already spending so much on our photographer, but I can't imagine not having a video of at least our ceremony and first dance! I also love to see everyone's videos, they're so emotional, lol. We're trying to keep this budget friendly...less than $1,000 for sure. Help! Thanks all, you guys are great! Sandra
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