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Everything posted by Scarletina

  1. Wow kate, what info are you looking for? Use us as a resource- even if its helping you search for stuff. This is a great board with lots of info!
  2. Welcome to the boards! There is so much valuable information about Mexico weddings here you will find the perfect spot in no time!! Give us an update as soon as you pick a spot!
  3. Scarletina

    I'm new here

    That is amazing! Thanks for coming to the boards as encouragment for all the women on here!! I know so few people who have been married for as many years! Your wedding will be lovely because your love is beautiful!
  4. Welcome fellow cruiser!!!! I am doing a cruise wedding and getting off at our first port for our wedding! Welcome!!
  5. Welcome to the boards! Happy planning!
  6. Whooohooo!!! Welcome to the boards! You will love it here!
  7. Wow. I never thought of this! I am going to add it to my welcome info that is going in our OOT bags. Thanks for sharing!!
  8. Thanks for sharing! I am looking for a place that can do a cool Elvis wedding for my legal marriage. I live closish to Vegas and we thought it would be fun to go there the weekend before we leave for our DW and have a fun Elvis wedding! I am going to check out their site when I get home!
  9. Definitely do some reading on the boards about this company. There doesn't seem to be much grey - you either love them or hate them. If you want to hear my experience PM me - I am happy to share.
  10. My first few steps were to decide my overall vision for my wedding and to hire a travel agent. Definitely consider some of the ones from these boards if you decide to use a TA. Deciding your overall theme and vision will save you a lot of hassle and frustration later.
  11. Please do reading before choosing DW.com for your travel agent. I know that I have not had an ideal experience along with many other girls on the forums. They have a great idea - but their execution is awful.
  12. Why are they not allowed to touch the sand after? I mean I am sure it has a spiritual meaning - I am a curious one.
  13. I think every woman on this forum has gone through the panic moment of did I pick the right dress? I definitely think that you picked the perfect dress for you! I love the long train and the simplicity of it all!! Plus the material has a very beachy look. The second dress is lovely but I really think that the first one is beautiful!
  14. Not to beat a dead horse but I feel like I shoudl re-inerate what the girls before me have been saying about DW.com - mostly because I am to the point where I have no choice but to keep moving forward with them and I wish I had known a long time ago how crazy it was going to be. I am also on my third agent. The first was a flake and got nothing that I was telling her, the second one was mean and snooty and then was either fired or quit - then I got my third one and she is MUCH better - but when you are going from awful to slightly better than awful it' snot saying much. DEFINITELY consider other options than DW.com - it's not worth the savings etc that you might think you are getting. The majority of complaints I have had so far from my guests have been about the women at DW.
  15. I have hired a couple of vans to come get my guests from our hotel in LA and take us to the cruise ports. We are all arriving on Saturday afternoon , having a nice dinner together Saturday night and then leaving on Sunday on our cruise! I think it's a nice gesture if you can afford to do it.
  16. I am trying to invision my decor for my wedding and I am struggling. Does anyone know of a site or a tool where I can like build a little mood board or create a little table setting to see how it all looks? I obviously haven't bought stuff cuase I want to see how it looks before buying!! Ahhhh!
  17. Oh gosh. FI says thanks alot! You are feeding my shopping addiction!
  18. WOw. Thanks for all the help! I found the moleskin one online yesterday but none of the others! I am leaning towards a fabric cover. I found some a Michaels for a couple bucks each and I thought they were cute (and I bought the matching playing cards there a couple months ago) but I felt like for the money they were kinda cheapy.... I am going to have my super talented friend check these out tomorrow. Thanks again!!
  19. Cute stuff! I just bought my OOT bags - wish I had found this post first!!! Best of luck though!!
  20. My whole family took some time to warm up to the idea of a Mexico wedding. Actually, some of them are still a little put off but they are coming. In the end I just had to let them know that this was what I wanted and I hoped that they would be there with me.
  21. We live really close to Vegas so we are heading up there the weekend before our DW for a totally tacky and fun Elvis wedding. I would do it after our wedding / cruise but I have a feeling I will be a little wedding'd out. LOL. Yeah right - lets call it what it is! I am totally impatient and the whole Vegas thing will add to the excitement of my DW the following weekend!
  22. I love all of these passport themed items! I wish I had found this forum before I sent out my STD's!! Yours turned out great!
  23. Oh trust us! You are not the first!! Now it will be just more exciting when you get to come back to these boards soon and tell us all that you got the ring!! Welcome!
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