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Everything posted by OMT

  1. hey ladies I'm going down for a site visit on Wednesday. Anyone need me to take pictures of anything specific? I'm so excited to finally see it! They are trying to charge us for a tasting which I find ridiculous considering a) it's an all-inclusive resort not a single place I've ever heard of charges for tastings after you're booked the wedding! I'm trying to put our save the date as my avatar as well but it's not working ... hopefully I"ll figure out how to get all the pictures up!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Afrommert, I am excited we have the same date! Mid- West is represented!! Woohoo! Ok that might have been a little much! We should defiantly share ideas. Andrea- I'm the same weekend as both of you - just on the Sunday. So exciting! Although I live in New York, I'm originally a Minnesotan - so Midwest represent! Are you guys having any issues getting people to book their room? I was hoping we would have a much more final number but people seem to be so slow to do it!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Hi Ladies, Ok so here's my monogram... which ended up being less of a monogram and more of a... stamp It's to put our personal stamp on things I guess? Sunday in the shower the idea popped in my head... let me know if it's strange. I am going to have the diveted edge of the stamp outlined lightly so there is no black matting underneath. That is so cool! Did you design it yourself?
  4. I just spoke to Lorraine at The Wedding Holiday and she seemed great. Thank you so much for reco. Have any of you had the experience where you held less rooms than people booked? We may possibly have a much bigger number than we originally expected (over 120!!). I'm not sure how best to plan for that.
  5. Hi ladies! Can you please add me to the list? I will be getting married on Feb 14, 2010! I'm only just getting my save the dates together. I wanted to ask you ladies how you handled booking the rooms? We have a travel agent and we're holding 10 rooms for now. Did you find that most of your guests booked off travel websites or was a travel agent necessary? It seems you can find better prices online sometimes. Any advice or tips would be appreciated! Thanks!
  6. We just put a deposit down for Feb 14, 2010! I haven't been down to Azul Sensatori before but after hearing so much from you all and a friend of a friend who loved her wedding there, we decided to pull the trigger! I wanted to ask you ladies what your thoughts are on how many people you invited. We have a lot of family and friends that our parents feel like they need/want to invite, which is part of the reason why we chose Mexico, since we want a small wedding. Our parents just sent us their guest list and it comes out to around 350!! Our parents are making the argument that they know most of them won't come but it's making me nervous. I expect we'll actually get around 150 - which is the max we want/can afford. Have any of you delt with this? Any advice? Thanks!
  7. We're hoping to get married November 2009 but the more I read on this forum, the more I think we might be rushing it. We'd love to get married in Mexico and I think we'd have about 100 guests. Also, in a perfect world, we would have a kosher wedding but I think that we would settle for a vegetarian wedding. Every time I find a resort that I think sounds perfect, I find some horrible reviews that scare me away. I just want to book the location already - thinking that all the fun stuff starts once we do that. Has anyone had a jewish wedding at Azul Sensatori? Has anyone had any issues with them being a "new" hotel? Does anyone have a direct contact to get to Fabio as all my emails and wedding requests have gone unanswered. I'm sure that's just the beginning of my questions but any thoughts are much appreciated!! Thanks!
  8. OMT


    Hi! I'm OMT and I'm newly engaged and living in New York. I'm from the midwest and my fiance is from NY, so we decided that since it will be a destination wedding for half of the wedding we'd like to be somewhere beautiful and memorable. We also wanted to try to keep it small. I'm trying to find an all inclusive kids friendly resort - ideally in the Riviera Maya area. I've heard good things about Occidental Grand Xcaret? I sometimes find all inclusive's super cheesy but the point is to have the ones we love around us. We are also trying to keep this as affordable as possible both for us and our guests. I would love any suggestions. Thanks! O
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