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Everything posted by DarcyJAde

  1. We are a symbolic ceremony in Punta Cana on a Sunday (October10, 2009). We are having pastor Rick York perform the ceremony and bless it. He does ceremonies there in English. Maybe he can perform a legal one for you? Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
  2. What are you ladies doing for the cards/ money you get at the reception. I was thinking of buying a large sating bag, but I can't seem to find any decent one's. Also, I figured this would be easier to tote to Punta Cana than a box. Any thoughts?
  3. Great ideas ladies! I LOVE this forum. Now I just need to decide between the platter, postcards or dry erase boards.
  4. I just ordered the venus vase and sand. Thanks for sharing!!!
  5. Ladies- where are some good places to get flip flops? I have approximately 50 guests, so wholesale might work. Our wedding is in October, so would waiting til end of summer be better? Thanks!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by tguerre Here are some postcards that we love. My friend is making the Thank you signs for us. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. We might as well save some money on postage. LOVE it!!! I think it's a fantastic idea to send thank you cards with a picture or more from the wedding. I suppose I will get some regular thank you cards to send to the people who send early gifts, and have some with photos made for the people who attend. Hmmmm, now I am wondering....
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey We just got ours 2 days ago...question, do I need to send a thank you card now? I posted on another thread that I hadn't even thought of getting thank you cards yet. I am ordering some ASAP, so I can send it out right away.
  8. I just went to target's website. There are 100's of thank you cards for CHEAP! I think I may go that route. They have some cute "thank you from paradise" one's with a married couple on the beach.Thank you guys soooo much!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jrprice24 My FI and I discussed the idea and we have decided to get married in the states after the DW. I got some mixed reactions when I asked opinions on getting married before we go b/c everyone wants it to be "real". We figured that it will probably save us close to $600 by getting married in the states, plus I'm a nurse and I'm a little concerned with getting my blood drawn in Mexico . I contacted the courthouses around here and we can get married for $35! That is exactly why we are no telling anyone that we are getting married here first. It is still going to be "real".
  10. Ok- I hadn't even thought of thank you cards yet since our wedding is over 5 months away. However, we just received our first gift. So we should send a thank you card right away, correct? I was going to use vistaprint, and thought of using our logo. What do you girls think? Or should we go with standard thank you cards?
  11. I plan on getting the one's from favorfavor.com. It will give people incentive to print pictures from their vacation and the wedding.
  12. How exciting! We just registered a few weeks ago, and send our invitations 2 weeks ago and already got a gift!!! It was 2 sets of dinnerware we registered for at Bed Bath and Beyond! A previous neighbor of my FI sent them to us
  13. My FI ordered the brown one, when he gets it I will let you girls know how it turns out. (fingers crossed).
  14. I even used our monogram on our return address labels. Hope nobody is judging...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sjfreimark Well I don't really like any of the designs for the STD's so I was thinking of uploading my own design. I really don't even know how to make my own design. How could I do that? Also, the STD's on Vistaprint are not as cheap as I thought. If I upload my own design and create my own is it cheaper? I, too had trouble creating my own design. I am just not that creative. I had Sarah Sprouille design us one (from this site) for only $5. It's attached to my signature. Now, we have used it to make thank you cards, return address labels and T-shirts from vista print.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride There is a dark brown linen option. If you scroll to the bottom, dark brown is the bottom, left color. Linen Suit - 6 Colors [Linen Suit] - $99.00 : Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits Thnaks FoxyBride. This looks perfect. Now to convince the FI. I think he is pickier than me.
  17. He is going to send me a copy. I am glad I heard about this. I just assumed our ceremony was in English ( never assume, we all know what that means.) Also, I think it will be nice for us to incorporate the Christian aspect into our ceremony.
  18. Rick York contacted me through another website. Where did you see his ceremony online?
  19. These look great, but again NO Chocolate Brown. I cannot find this color!!
  20. To answer your question, you both have to be baptized for the marriage to be recognized by the Catholic Church. Also, they will not do weddings outside or on the beach (those sites are considered "unholy"). We are doing a symbolic ceremony and making it legal in the states. The Symbolic Ceremony looks official and the guest will not notice.
  21. Our colors are pool blue and chocolate brown. FI wants to wear a brown suit with a blue tie, which I think will look fantastic. We have been everywhere (Macy's, Nordstrom, Men's Warehouse) and they have NO brown suits. What is this? I feel like we are looking for a lime green suit or something. They seem to have the color online, but FI is afraid to order one online. So weird! I thought brown was a popular color.
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