Hi Ladies- I have an etiqutte question. We have received about 5 gifts so far in the mail. Our weddding is in October, and we sent our invites out in April with a June 1st RSVP. We opened them as we received them, until someone at work told me we shouldn't open gifts if the person sending them will be coming to my bridal shower. She told me that I should bring all the gifts I got in the mail to the shower. This seems a little crazy to me since the boxes we have been getting are HUGE. Also, why would someone mail the gift to US if they plan on coming to the shower, wouldn't they mail it to themself and bring it?
So far, some of the gifts have been from guests who RSVP'd no, and will not be coming to the shower. So that takes care of that, but yesterday we received a gift from a friend whi IS coming to the wedding and is invited to the shower. What is the proper way to handle that siutation? TIA.