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Everything posted by DarcyJAde

  1. I posted a similar story under "just venting". I think you should have a talk with this person. Remind her this is YOUR wedding in a nice way, and tell her you would like her support. See how that goes, maybe she doesn't realize her beahavior is affecting you?
  2. I appreciate the different perspective Kelly. You are partly right, she is super stress out with school. That's why I haven't asked her for much. After our heart to heart, she said some things that hurt me. I told her I noticed our friendship had changed since I got engaged, to which she replied " sorry you didn't notice that it had changed before that." ? Ok, guess I hadn't noticed, thanks for telling me though. Also, she made a point to say I bring my FI everywhere and she feels like a 3rd wheel (which I would understand) however, she says we are the ONLY couple she hangs with that make her feel that way. That is completely not true. We are not a PDA type of couple, and my FI is super friendly and talks to everyone. Plus, we all work together so I though we were all friends. AND I swear I didn't always bring him along, but if I did and apparently it bothered her why didn't she ever say anything until I brought it up?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ilovepunch Yes, send me an email to ilove.punch at yahoo.com and we can work out the details. Thanks. You got mail!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by eloping789 These pics make me even more excited!! We upgraded our room this week to the RS one bedroom suite (the prices have dropped dramatically since we booked) and we'll be there in 9 days!!!! I too am staying in the 1 BR royal service sweet in October. Please post aa review CONGRATS and Have a blast!!
  5. I think she hasn't booked becasue she doesn't have many friends, and the people at work she could've roomed with wnet ahead and booked without her. She did RSVP, so I assume she is coming. She claims she doesn't know her schedule yet for school in the fall. I guess I am not too concerned about her not booking becasue there are 2 groomsmen still yet to book. Some people are just procrastinators. We will see what happens, my MOH is having a bridal shower for me. Let's see if she helps. She was supposed to have a work shower for me and my FI (we work together as well). She just asked me this week when I wanted to have it. Maybe that's progress?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Hmmm.... I agree with what the other girls are saying that it would be awkward to fire her but I just wanted to bring another perspective here. In my recent experience with friends getting married, it seems like it changes people temporarily. I'm not saying its right because in my mind a true friend is supportive, etc, but I think some people have a really poor way of handling their emotions and it wouldn't matter what you did to try and get her to open up, she would still remain "negative". I think its a personality thing. As horrible as it is to have someone in your wedding party that truly doesn't seem interested, you may find that after the wedding she snaps back to her normal self. Would you be willing to mend your friendship then? I dunno, I'm not standing up for her, she's definitlely out of line, but its just something to think about. I hope it all works out for you. Well, it would be tough to consider someone a friend if they weren't there for me during an extremely important time in my life. So if she started acting "nice" again after the wedding it would probably piss me off more!!
  7. She hasn't booked yet, but 32 other people have. I paid for her dress also. She hasn't done anything. There were several other people at work interested in coming to the wedding that needed a roomate. So, I told her that so and so was looking for someone to stay with (because she needed someone and hadn't booked yet). Then I heard from someone else she was offended that I was trying to find her someone to stay with. I felt like I was only trying to help. Needless to stay those people went ahead and booked without her becasue she was dragging her feet. I did have a heart to heart with her a few months back and didn't really get anywhere. I asked her if she still wanted to be a bridesmaid and she said YES. So I suppose I will do what Mich said and pretend she is a regular guest in a bridesmaid dress. I think we are alsmot past the point of mending, unfortunately. I did try.
  8. Ok so I posted a thread a while back a few months after our engagement about an unsupportive bridesmaid. It's now been 6 months, and our wedding is in 3 months. I was friends with this girl from work for over 10 years. We were always close, until my ENGAGEMENT. Now we barely speak, everytime I talk to her she is so NEGATIVE. Negative about everthing, especially wedding stuff. I don't even talk to her about my plans becasue I know she will have something negative to say. I was hoping that as a bridesmaid I would have someone to help and be there for me during the planning. Thank God my other 2 have been supportive. #1 She is single and going back to school for her Masters degree, so she is very stressed out and busy. I totally get that. #2 We work together and we barely talk at work. The latest development is I planned an outing with a few other co-workers for tonight. I invited her to which she responded maybe, then decided she couldn't go because she had too much homework (which is ALWAYS her excuse these days). Then I found out she made plans with another co-worker to meet at her house tonight to go!! WTF? She didn't even tell me she changed her mind and is going, and I am the one who organized this thing!!! Now I just found our she is not going because of homework. I am so confused. I wrote her an e-mail saying, I heard you are going tonight, thanks for telling me considering I am the one who invited you. Then I wrote another one saying never mind I heard you are not going. #3 I feel like our friendship is fading, and am pretty sure we won't be friends like we used to be after my wedding. So now I am stuck with having a bridesmaid that I probably won't be friends with anymore
  9. actually would you be willing to sell me 15 finger starfish?
  10. I am interested in the finger starfish. HOw much for all?
  11. I paid for my bridesmaid dresses as a gift. I only have 3 bridesmaids and the dresses were $125 each. I just figured they are spending so much money to travel for my wedding it's the least I could do. Totally not necessary though.
  12. I don't think it's necessary, but a nice touch. If I could find the right words. lol.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 I didn't even think about that yet.. LOL! I did a quick google search for your Darcy.. I hope this all helps!!! Bride toast Bride's Wedding Toast to Groom - Sample Bride Wedding Toast - Etiquette and Tips - Free Wedding Toasts Bride's Wedding Toast to Groom - Sample Funny Bride Wedding Toast - Etiquette and Tips - Free Wedding Toasts HAHA Shannon, I like the funny one!!! thanks.
  14. Ok so if you read my other post, I obvioauly got a differnt dress- Isadora. Which I was also considering; I LOVE IT!!! Naima was beautiful but WAY to heavy for the beach.
  15. Is anyone writing a toast for their husband? I would like to write one, but am not good at coming up with words. Please share yours if you are willing. TIA!
  16. I sent out an e-mail and got a few responses after that. Sould we assume people are not coming if they don't RSVP?
  17. They are actually real starfish I ordered online. I didn't realize they were real and I received them and they smell like the ocean. lol. I think I will put them on the aisle chairs. Incorporate them somehow on the tables at the reception.
  18. Hi Ladies, I plan on attaching a medium sized sugar starfish to the chairs using blue ribbon for the ceremony. Should I tie one to every chair, OR only the aisles? Should I do this for the reception as well? Here's a link to a pic: Beautiful Moon Palace Wedding! - Review of Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort, Cancun, Mexico - TripAdvisor
  19. American did not give me a response via e-mail. They said I need to call, which I haven't gotten around to yet
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by sspiris Has anyone looked into beach towels for bag? I know they are provided at resort, right? Thought it would be cool. Love the littl ebag idea, where do you by small containers of stuff bulk? Internet? I like the beach towel idea, but for 50+ people it seems like too much to take with. My resort says not to ship anything there first
  21. Thanks girls!!! Now I know how I was supposed to feel in the first dress. I am so excited about it!!
  22. I found my dream dress at the watters trunk show. It's called isadara and I think isa-DORABLE. lol I am so happy they will get it to me by September 1st, since my wedding is in October! WTOO BRIDES | Bridal Gown Collection | Style Isadora | White English net dress with surplice front draped midriff. Feathered and beaded flowers on skirt. Puddle train. I have pics of me in it, but I can't figure out how to make it a valid file? It's in JPG format.
  23. So I callled like very store/boutique in Chicagoland, and NO ONE has this dress yet. My wedding is in October so I would need it stat. So I e-mailed the company and they just wrote back saying it would be at the trunk show this weekend! YAY! I am going to try it on Saturday, can't wait!!!!
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