Thanks seaprincess. Yes, I have tried accupuncture, physical therapy and some meds. That is why I am thinking I may need surgery. I have tried the conservative treatments and this week has been especially bad. My arm is starting to develop weakness. I am a nurse, so I know about some stuff.(although I deliver babies, proabably how I got into this situation). It would be neck surgery, not shoulder surgery so that is why I am worried. I have a nerve in my neck that is moderately narrowed, along with other issues.
I would be out of work for a few months, less pay (75%). Although it is better than nothing, but I will have hospital bills. My FI is still a resident so I am making most of the money now, and we are paying for our wedding ourselves. Sorry, just a lot of things on my mind.
Thanks for replying. I want to just enjoy the engagement and I can't thinking about this