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Everything posted by noelynn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mxbride789 My wedding was on 7/16 and it turned out wonderfully after all the stress and uncertainty of trying to get things done and questions answered entirely by email. Wanted to pass on a couple things: 1.) Bring BUG Spray - A couple of my friends left w/ big insect bites to remember the trip by. We were told by an employee that their rainy season was perfect breeding weather for mosquitos. There are a lot of ponds by the buffets and lobbies we could have especially used spray in those 2 places. Mosquitos were pretty bad at our aquabar reception also. 2.) Bring all the emails that confirm your wedding details. They tried to switch prices on us but it helped to have in writing what was previously agreed upon. This includes the resort photographers. They must have just recently updated their prices but I was able to get the price initally relayed to me by the WC b/c I had it in writing. 3.) I made the mistake of becoming one big ball of worry the last 2 weeks before my wedding. Please do not make that same mistake. Just make sure you have the date and time you want and that they confirmed receiving your wedding details sheet. Everything else will be covered by a hour long meeting w/ the WC when you get there. Karla was great and tried really hard to meet all expectations. I saw Reyna once while there and was not her biggest fan since she stopped emailing replies the last couple months without any explanation and Karla started answering emails a month before my date. In the end, it was what we had pictured our ceremony being. Our dinner reception was at the steakhouse in its new air conditioned location and everyone loved the food and a break from the heat of picture taking on the beach. Our guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves and some are even planning their own trips back. My photographers posted some pics on their blog: (scroll down to their 7/13 entry) Rich & Anne Lavigne Photography Blog NJ/NYC/PA Wedding & Portrait Photographers Good Luck w/ planning and feel free to ask any questions. Best Wishes! Do you have a map of the Del Mar? Also, why did you chose the gazebo over the beach for your cermony? Thanks, Noel
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by akbeach Here is our brochure template. We are now staying at the IB Lindo and having the wedding there since the IB del Mar and Beach are closed. Check the copier you are using- we printed it two sided but had to put the two pages in opposite directions to get it to look right so just make one copy first (instead of 50 at once like I did)! It looks good in black and white if you don't want to pay for color or can't use your work copier. Can you e-mail me this document? For some reason I can open it. [email protected] Thanks a bunch! Noel
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by akbeach I have photos! Check them out at: CancunPhotos by Sascha Gluck. Sascha is so creative and fun to work with. Thanks for the recommendations girls! BTW- we added the extra flowers to the arch and my step mom and aunt added the extra white toile (sp?) to fill it in. The arch at the Lindo is awesome and has cut outs of starfish, etc. but you can't use it at the del Mar. Such a cute pic!! I hired Sascha as well! I'm so happy I decided on a professional photographer. Thanks for sharing! Noel
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by delmarbride09 Has anyone heard if the Del Mar is open? The wedding coordinator told me the Beach side was open but did not mention anything about the Del Mar, but the travel agent is saying the Del Mar will be open..this is soo confusing!! Attached is a resort map that the wedding coordinator sent me for the Del Mar/Beach. For some reason I can't open this. Can you e-mail it to me? Thanks a bunch!! [email protected] Noel
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 we just repeated the judges vows no writting of our own.... No readers either just did the basic civil legal ceremony. it took all of 10 minutes (15 if that)! Thanks! And thank you for sharing your wedding experience, very helpful!! I love seeing how everyone's wedding turns out!! Just beautiful! :-)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Stina168 Hi girls! I'm in the process of writing my review of my wedding at the Del Mar...I hope to have it up in the next week or so. In the meantime, I put together a condensed version of our professional pics from the wedding. I tried to include a little bit of everything so you can see different parts of the wedding, including hair, flowers, decorations, etc. We had the reception in the gazebo and had the cocktail hour on the terrace of the Tropical Restaurant and had the reception inside the Tropical Restaurant. Everything turned out amazing! Let me know if you have any questions! [email protected] Kodakgallery.com: Slideshow You may need to set up a login to view these, but it's free. Hopefully this link works! Stina, You looked great! Great pics!! Where did you get the brownies from? Cute idea!! How did you know what to put on the fan programs for the ceremony? Did you make them yourself? Thanks, Noel
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 I just recieved a reply email from Gabriela and thought it was some useful information I could share for anyone having a civil legal ceremony at the DEL MAR... For the legal civil ceremony's performed by a judge it will be in english not spanish anymore (so no-one will be translating). And you can write your own vows or repeat after the judges. You can have a unity candle and music playing and you can have people do readings (as long as you keep them short). The ceremony is usually 20 minutes. Just thought it was some useful stuff to know since the wedding package document says you can't do any of this for the civil legal ceremony! They changed there rules!!! What did you end up doing for your ceremony? Did you write your own vows or have readers? Thanks, Noel
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by trevess Here is a link to our photos: http://mushrosinmexico.shutterfly.com/ You will have to request to be a member and then you will be able to see them. (Sorry so complicated- I just don't want the pics out there for the WHOLE world to see!) The tulle was already like that. I'm sure you could bring whatever you want to decorate- just like we did with the starfish. Good Luck! I tried to log in to see your pics but it said I need to be a memeber. Thanks, Noel [email protected]
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 That sucks Gail! I wish I could say I'm surprised but Reyna doesn't seem like she's as "on the ball" as Gabriela was. I mean she's nice enough, but still...if it makes you feel any better, I still don't have my marriage certificate with apostille yet. Did you have a sand ceremony? Did you have to write anything for the ceremony or bring your own music? I'm doing the Civil Ceremony. I only have about 15 people coming down so far and don't expect anymore than about 25. Just trying to keep it simple as possible. Thanks, Noel
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jeannie Hi! I am getting married on the beach. I just plan on telling the photographer to avoid pictures of people. Maybe they canbe airbrushed out if you have a special shot. I don't think that they are all that close anyway, and I plan on having plenty of before and after beach shots too. Jeannie I'm getting married on the beach as well, in November. I'm sure it will all work out and I'll have enough of my friends telling people to get out of the way. ;-) Plus I don't think November is that busy down there, well at least it didn't seem that way when I went down this last November. I'm sure you can have the WC make sure no one gets in the way on the beach once you are down there.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 sunandrun - We were all able to order directly off of the menu, which was nice so that everyone can have exactly what they want. You are allowed to do this as long as you have 25 guests or less. Good to know. I think I'll have about 20-25 people coming down for my wedding.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 BBtoB - I think you have enough points. What I do is upload my pics to my photobucket account and then I use the IMG code for the pic to post in the forums. I hope this helps! noelynn - Thanks so much! We booked 3 hours with Sascha. I read your review and noticed you picked the steak house. I picked the steak house as well. How many people did you have at dinner and did they charge any extra fees?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 noelynn, Awesome, you won't be disapointed. Sascha is a man, and he's on BDW quite often too! Great! Your pictures are great! You both look awesome! How many hours did you reserve the photographer for?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Bess, No problem, anything I can do to help you girls out is always a pleasure! Yes, I'm all caught up on my sleep, now if I could just get over this darn cold...hehe. I haven't posted my review yet but I am committed to finishing it tonight (it is massive and it's taking me forever because I'm anal and I want to be as detailed as possible for you girls). I'm glad you like the pictures, I love my pictures and I look at them more than once a day haha I'm like an addict! Are any other girls this way with their pics or just me? I'd like to relive the day over and over, personally lol. I did end up booking Sascha Gluck as my photographer. I was very pleased with seeing your pictures and thought their packages were reasonably priced. Is Sascha a man or a woman? I wasn't sure by the name. Thanks
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 noelynn, Thanks so much! Sascha Gluck photographed our wedding and I couldn't be more thrilled with how the pictures have turned out so far, I highly recommend him! Here's the link to my teaser pic thread, enjoy! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38232 briscoecrown, You're right, the convention centre is just beside the shopping plaza. It's pretty hard to miss the convention centre as it's a huge blue, red, and light yellow building. But yeah, its location is pretty central to all four of the resorts (well five if you count the Grand). I hope this helps! Thanks, I was in touch with them and their prices seem pretty reasonable. Why did you chose an outside vendor over the resort photographer? Does the resort really charge an extra $300 for an ouside vendor?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Whew! I'm back girls! I had a blast and you all will love the Iberostar, I will post more as soon as I get a few more zzzzs! Love you guys!! That black and white photo is awesome! Who did your pictures? Did you post anymore? Welcome back!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by becks NOTE: These templates have been removed and will not be shared from this time forward... This is an information-only thread. Do not PM Becks requesting the templates or you may be suspended. Hello Ladies: It was a quiet day at work and several of you asked for the template I used to do my passport-style STDs. So I've cleaned it up and its attached. It's in PowerPoint, because I find it easier to work in when I'm moving text and images all over the place. You can see images of the mock up of mine at: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13417 Some general hints: 1. Print the first two pages on cardstock, double sided 2. Print the last two pages on regular paper, double sided 3. Before you print, delete the outline (box) from pages 2 & 4 - that way when you cut from the front, you won't have any "missed lines" on the back. But I left the outlines there so you could see it when you were editing. 4. On pages 3 & 4 (which end up being the inside pages), the outlines are a teeny bit narrower than pages 1 & 2, because otherwise when you fold it the pages stick out a bit. 5. Cut the straight lines first, then staple them down the middle (there's a very faint line down the cover - staple ends to the inside) 6. After you've stapled them, then fold them, then cut (or punch) the corners so they all match. Fonts that I used (all available from dafonts.com): 1. Passions Conflict (the swirly one) 2. PR Compass Rose (to make the compass rose over the photo) 3. Artistamp Medium (to make the passport stamps) 4. Stampede (to make the passport stamps) 5. Rub This! (to make the passport stamps) All of the other fonts (arial, tahoma, lucida sans typewriter, antique olive) should be standard on your computers. A note on the passport stamps - all of the ones on the last page are pasted as enhanced metafile pictures - it makes the file smaller and the images easier to size, rotate, etc. I've included the separate file that has the full text of the stamps so you can edit what I have, and then paste in on your own. The stamp on the inside page is editable in the main file. If you struggle with anything, I'd be delighted to help in any way I can. Just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I liked your passports alot! Are you still willing to share your template. If so, can you forward to me? I'm getting married in November in PlayaDel Carmen. Thanks, Noel [email protected]
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ktlorens Beachbride and Noelynn- what travel agency did you guys use?? I am using Sunshine Travel, it's in Elgin, IL. We are just having a small wedding, about 20-25 people coming. We are using apple vacation packages for our guests.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ktlorens Does anyone have any opinions on doing the poolbar vs the tropical restaurant at the Del Mar? My other biggest question is whether or not to use a travel agent. One told me that it would be hard to do for less than 800 bucks for 3 nights but on cheapcaribbean.com it's only $760 for that long with airfare...any opinions or good experiences with travel agents? I'm using a travel agent. They do all the work for you and work with your guests for their travel plans. Plus my travel agent has been doing all the work with the wedding planner so far as well. It takes a lot of stress off of you. I would highly suggest using a travel agent.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by faithers81 Noel, when are you getting married. I am getting married Nov. 27 at the Del Mar. How are your plans going? My plans are going well. I'm having a very small wedding about 20 people. I have the wedding date reserved for now and picked the steakhouse for dinner. That is all I have done so far. My travel agent set everything up so far. How about yourself?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by faithers81 Noel, when are you getting married. I am getting married Nov. 27 at the Del Mar. How are your plans going? My plans are going well. I'm having a very small wedding about 20 people. I have the wedding date reserved for now and picked the steakhouse for dinner. That is all I have done so far. My travel agent set everything up so far. How about yourself?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LyssaB80 Hi everyone - I wanted to post my review of our wedding on November 8th at the Del Mar for you - I know how helpful other reviews were to me while I was planning!! This got a little long and I still feel like I left a lot out so feel free to let me know if you have any questions! Let me just start with saying that my expectations were exceeded in every way and I am so happy I went with the del mar! We had 43 people, most of which arrived on Thursday, 11/6 and departed Monday, 11/10 or Tuesday so we had several days together. The resort is HUGE, but we spent every night at the lobby bar (though we spent a fair amount of late nights at the disco too!) so we were able to greet people as they arrived, and told them what pool we were spending time at during the day so they had the option of either joining the group or going off on their own. The hotel also let me leave notes for people that hadn’t checked in so I could tell our guests where to find us once they arrived at the hotel. Gabriella was our coordinator and she was fantastic. We brought down our out of town bags, favors etc and dropped them all off with her the day after we arrived when we met to coordinate all of the details we had been discussing on email. Everyone received their bags with no issues. We also requested that all guests be blocked in building 15 or 16 and she was able to accommodate that request as well. We chartered a catamaran through Akumel Tours for a sunset cruise for our group on Friday. They were fantastic and I highly recommend them. The catamaran we rented was large enough for 100 people, so with 43 there was plenty of room. They crew had snacks, music, LOTS of drinks (they actually poured a shot for us all to start the trip), and they also provided a very nice bus to get us all to and from the marina. We were picked up at 3pm, had 3.5-4 hour cruise and were back at the hotel with 30-40 minutes to spare before dinner which gave those that needed to change plenty of time to do so. Rehearsal Dinner was at the del mar (well, the beach side, actually) in the Japanese restaurant. We took up 2 teppanyaki tables, they had a fixed menu but it included a sushi course, vegetables tempura and then the main course had chicken, beef, shrimp and veggies so there was definitely something for everyone in the group. We asked our coordinators for the reservation a few months ago and there were absolutely no issues. Again – the staff was amazing! Our group was definitely made up of drinkers, and at the end of dinner the staff came around to each seat, made a hat out of a cloth napkin, put it on the head of someone in our group and fed them a tequila shot – it was pretty funny. On Saturday, the day of the wedding, Gabriella had a golf cart pick my mom, sister and I up from my room and bring us to the spa – who did a wonderful job on our manicures, pedicures and hair. I had heard from other reviews that the spa tends to run longer than you expect so I built in a little extra time which worked out well as we ended up leaving the spa about 30 minutes after we had been scheduled to be done. Gabriella met us at the spa with our flowers to bring us back to the room – the flowers turned out just how I wanted – they looked fantastic and I will put pictures up as soon as I can! The wedding was in the gazebo of the del mar, it is a great location in a secluded area in a garden with a water fountain. The gazebo itself is large enough for 20-22 chairs inside, and the rest are set outside of the gazebo but everyone said they were able to see no matter where they sat. The paint and detail in the gazebo is really pretty (Michelle – I was thinking of you when I arrived at the Lindo and saw the pyramid ceiling!). We did not meet with the minister before the wedding, but he used all of the information we had sent the coordinator and the ceremony was more personalized than I had expected for a destination wedding. After the ceremony, all of our guests were handed champagne and we walked to the beach for pictures (maybe a 5-7 minute walk). We don’t have our professional pics yet but our guests got some awesome pictures on the beach right at sunset so I am looking forward to seeing them! The reception was at the tropical restaurant (this is the snack bar during the day, next to the guestroom building 11 and VERY close to the beach). Cocktail hour was outside of the restaurant, we had the appetizers and drinks for $12pp, the mariachi trio (who were very fun, people loved that!) and we hired the cigar roller for our cocktail hour which all of our guests really liked. We did hire a DJ but had a playlist on our ipod of songs we wanted to dance to, he added some of his own in but it worked out really well and the dance floor was full non-stop for the entire night. We bought sets of maraca’s for each guest and tied a ribbon with their name and table number on it so it worked for placecard and favor – we gave these to Gabriella during our initial meeting and she had them all set up for us for the start of the reception. Our reception ended at 11pm and one of our guests arranged with Gabriella to have the trolley waiting for us outside of the reception to take us all dancing at the disco. The staff did decorate our guestroom, when we got back they had flower petals around the room, a bottle of champagne, towel swans kissing and the extra flowers from our ceremony. I am sure I am missing some details so feel free to post if you have any questions but I would absolutely do this again and recommend the del mar to anyone – everything was really stress free and fun and all of our guests had an absolute blast. The one thing I cannot emphasize enough is how great the staff was, absolutely every single person we encountered went above and beyond to make sure we were having a great time – I work for a major hotel company in the states and have worked at over 8 hotels but I can tell you that the staff at the Iberostar was one of the most impressive I have ever seen – I would recommend this hotel for a wedding to anyone. Please let me know if you have questions and I will post pics soon! Did you post your pictures? I am getting married at the del mar in November and would like to see them. Thanks, Noel
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 We hired an outside photographer and although it was a lot more money it was well worth it to have the type of pictures we wanted. We did hired the resort videpgrapher and were very disappointed with our wedding video. I wish we had hired an outside videographer as well. Can you let me know which outside photographer you chose? Do youhave samples? I think it's important to have nice pictures. Thanks, Noel [email protected]
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