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Everything posted by noelynn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Rose13 Thanks Ryans girl. I really want great photos, that is a huge part for me. Outside photographers that I have looked at are just so expensive...And I don't know if this is what is going on- but now according to the Iberostar Lindo website, they don't allow outside photography at all. I'm awaiting their email reply on that. Where did you do the reception at if you don't mind me asking? I am getting married on 11/6/09 at the Del Mar and I hired Sascha Gluck from cancunphotos.net. Some of the girls on this thread have used him and I really liked his work.
  2. Does anyone know how far downtown Play Del Carmen is from the Del Mar? Also, how much the cab ride would cost about? Thanks!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 I do know I'll be taking the price list I sent... but they'll probably say the list is no goood or something... they better not do that! I think they wrote on those price list, "subject to change". I guess we'll find out when we get down there.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan's girl As far as I understood, there is only 1 Spa that is shared by all of the resorts (unless this has changed since I was there in April). El Spa is located in the shopping centre and provides all of the bridal services. I think it's terrible that there is so much confusion on the pricing. Hopefully they get this figured out for all of you. The Spa prices are just a little different than the sheet the WC sents you. Did you use the price sheet from the WC or did you go with what the Spa had listed when you were down there? Thanks
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by toshalea Hi, I was sent an email with the "El Spa" prices for 2009 in US dollars. I'm not sure if it is the same for Del Mar/Beach and Lindo/Maya. This is what I have: Ladies Special Occasion Hair Style: $95 Bride Special Hair Style: $110 Test Hair Style: $90 If you would like me to forward you the email, let me know! Yes, that would be great! I just don't know what to tell my guests and my one bridesmaid for price. My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks so much, Noel
  6. I'm a little confused on the prices for hair. I'm getting married 11/6/09 and I was sent a sheet for 2009 prices a few months back that says $140 US for brides hair and $110 US for bridesmaid. I also requested a copy of the Spa prices and those prices show Special Occasion hair 690 pesos which is about $69 and Brides 790 pesos which is about $79. Does anyone know which price is correct?? Thanks, Noel
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shannonkay Just married! We got married at the Grand Hotel Paraiso on September 5, 2009. Ladies, everything was perfect. I know how nerve racking it is to plan all of this from so far away but it all turns out just great. Many thanks to the other brides I talked to - Sarah and Stephanie - you guys were fantastic. Our WC, Martha was great. In the beginning of the process you do not e-mail a lot with each other but rest assured that she is a total pro and knows what she is doing. The ceremony, flowers, music, reception (cocktail and final) were exactly what we wanted. We did the programs ourselves (I saw some questions about this). We made paddle fans. Cancun Studios, Agustin Murillo, is amazing to work with. We did our TTD and 8 hours of wedding pics with him. My best to you all who are getting married at Iberostar. It will be fantastic! Glad everything worked out! What did you put on your paddle fan? Thanks, Noel
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by toshalea Noel~ I sent an email to the WC and asked her for a different email address for someone who will actually respond. She apologized and answered a question. I haven't contacted her since then. I was working with Lily and she was great. This lady is not! I am just worried that my "Wedding Details" aren't confirmed. Are you worried about your resort being closed on your wedding day? I read on Iberostar-board.com and tripadvisor that Del Mar and Beach are closed for the month of September. I'm wondering when they will open back up? I did not hear about the resort being closed! hummm..not worried yet, I would assume they would just upgrade us if need be. I hope! Yikes! I will have to research more.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by toshalea Wow, I am so nervous right now. My WC WILL NOT respond to my emails. She hasn't responded to a question in 2 weeks. I emailed her and asked if she was getting my emails because she hadn't responded to any of my questions, she answers "Don't be nervous, everything is fine". It is not fine!!!! She doesn't actually answer questions when she actually does respond, all she does is copies & pastes the information from the price list that I have! Has anyone else had issues? I posted about this before, but it is getting worse as the time gets closer- I have less than 3 months until the wedding! Are you still feeling issues? I am dealing with Karla and she has been getting back to me withing 2 to 4 days. I hope you are having better luck. Noel
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ I used them, I thought they did a pretty good job. You can read my Iberostar review (link in my siggy) for more info. Thanks! You looked great too!
  11. Did anyone use the Hotel Salon to do your hair? Do they do a good job? Also, if you did not use the Hotel Salon, who did you use? Thanks, Noel
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB For the wedding dinner, I think it was like $18 a person when you have more than 10 people. The first 10 are free. But it doesnt cost anything on top of that to reserve dinner. Thank you for all the information! Very Helpful to confirm with recent brides. :-)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB Our dinner was at El Rancho, the Steakhouse at the Maya. Here is the link to our sand frame. Sandframes - home1 Their site says they are not taking orders right now, which is so wierd. would just email them to see what is up. They are really good with responding. Thanks! Bess Thanks for the website, I will check it out. I picked the steakhouse as well. We are having 27 people. Do know if there were any extra charges for reserving the resturants? Thanks
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB We brought tea lights and shells, I gave them to Lily and she set them, up for the dinner, them over to the Los Vitrales Room...they brought the flowers from the wedding in too. She set it all up for us. Here is a link to some pics...50-58 are the Los Vitrales room. I would say for us it worked out great. We just went with their normal set up. We had the bar in there, the cake and dancing. We did the first dances and then had a balst! It was nice having the bar in there...we did lots of tequila shots. Are you seeing a theme here? Picasa Web Albums - bessbo2004 - Mexico Weddin... Where was your dinner at? Also, where did you get your sandframe from? Cute idea. Thanks, Noel [email protected]
  15. How much did they charge you for the outside vendors? Also, can you pay with your credit card or do you have to pay cash for everything? Thanks, Noel
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan's girl We used DJ Bob for our reception and he was fantastic! We had the same problem of only needing him for 2 hours. If I remember correctly, he said he'd only do it for the 3 hour rate because it's not worth it for him to travel for only the 2 hour rate (or something like that). I can't remember what we paid but when I get home I'll check and let you know! I definitely felt that it was worth getting him, my guests really enjoyed him. Where did you get your sand ceremony kit at? I really like it. Thanks, Noel
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jlj1176 I finally received my online slide show from Claudia Rodriguez. The link is below: http://claudiaphoto.com/slideshows/c...jennifer_will/ I think I am in wedding planning withdrawal.....now that the wedding and the AHR are over I want to re-do it all! I wish I was back in Mexico! Awesome photos! You looked great! Loved your dress and your girls dresses!!
  18. Did anyone eat at the Brazilian Restaurant "El Rodizio"? I'm trying to decide if I want my wedding dinner at the Steakhouse, which I heard great things about, or the Brazilian. Thanks, Noel
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB So if your wedding is at the Grand and all your peeps are staying there with you...they have some amazing bars at the Grand. We flipped when we saw them. Unless they have a los vitrales room at the grand...The Los Vitrales room is at the Lindo, it is ok...but it doesnt compare to the bars at the Grand. There is a sports bar and this Jazz bar...I wonder if the Rhapsody is the Jazz bar, that place was sick! Just amazing detail! You will flip! You will have no reason to leave your resort. Although the Maya is nice. We had our dinners at the Steakhouse and the Seafood Restaurants there. But seriously, I would never leave the Grand if I didn'f have to. We only stayed there 2 nights as we switched over for our honeymoon...we never looked back! It is the nicest resort I have ever seen. And my uncle, who travels all over the world and stays in really nice places, said the same thing. Oh, I want to go back so bad. The Lindo was nice, but the Grand was like the Bellagio times 10! You will have the most amzaing time! One of the fancy bars at the Grand also had a dance floor...so plenty of room and I would say would be perfect for 12 people. Stay there the whole time...you will love it!!!! Did you eat at the Brazilian Restaurant "El Rodizio"? I'm trying to decide if I want my wedding dinner at the Steakhouse, which I heard great things about or the Brazilian. Thanks, Noel
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 Noel, Very exciting, these last 3 months will fly. How's planning? It's going well! I hope to share all my ideas with you gals soon! We are having about 25 people for Mexico then we are having a small reception when we get back.
  21. 3 more months from today is my Wedding Day! I'm so excited and have gotten so many good ideas from this forum!! Thanks Everyone! Noel
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 I'll send you the excel file they sent me, it's VERY small so just enlarge your view. ~Shannon Awesome! Just send it to me via e-mail! Noel
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 El Spa prices (not sure the date of these prices) http://www.iberostar-board.com/boards/El_Spa.jpg This lists the services in detail Iberostar - Hotels and Resorts Great, very helpful! Do you have the nails, make up and hair prices? Thanks, Noel
  24. Does anyone have a list of services and price list for the Spa at the Iberostar Del Mar? Or have any recommendations of any other Spa's near by? Thanks, Noel [email protected]
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