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Everything posted by erinsny24

  1. Just FYI...someone started a facebook page for Dreams Palm Beach brides if anyone is interested in checking it out.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Hi Jdelia, I wasn't a huge fan of the banquet hall at Dreams Palm Beach. I thought it was kind of dark and small feeling, but I wanted an outdoor reception anyway, so I'm probably biased. I've sent you some photos, the 2 of the banquet hall are each side of it, there's a partition in the middle that they can remove to double the size of the room (the partition was up when we visited it). In case of rain with a beach ceremony, they do the ceremony there, in the banquet hall. I'm not sure about the wind, we were watching a movie on the beach one night and it was pretty windy, but it's not like we were getting slapped in the face with sand or anything. I guess it would depend on the time of year, and also what time you held your reception (the receptions have to end by 11pm). I also attached a photo of where the beach ceremony is held. It's on a more quiet side of the beach (the private beach for the Preferred Club), and all the lounge chairs and everything would obviously be removed. The only wedding we saw was a bride and groom only at the gazebo. I've sent a picture, but there's really not that much to see, because they didn't need to do any set-up or anything. Anything else, just let me know! :0) Tara So there is seriously nowhere else they have "receptions", wedding dinners besides the beach or the banquet hall? That kind of stinks!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Welcome, Bhrd83! As I've said previously, I just returned from my site visit to Palm Beach, and I have many pictures, I just don't know how to add them! So if anyone wants pictures of anything in particular, just let me know your address and what you want and I'll send you what I have. Erinsny, during our meeting with Melani, she told us they have 2 weddings per day at Dreams Palm Beach, max. So hopefully you won't have much to worry about. However, I believe the wedding photographers are the same ones that walk around during the day taking pictures of guests with the lizards, parrots and monkey, plus they do appointments for photography sessions for couples, etc. The pictures look really good, but I'm just saying that I don't blame you for being nervous about not actually booking times, in case they have something else they are previously committed to doing during your wedding! Thanks Taratoons! I feel a bit better that there is only 2 weddings a day! I will make sure I contact Melani a few more times between now and then and see if she will let me confirm more than a week before we go. I am sure it will be fine...they do this stuff every day...it just doesn't ease my mind too much!
  4. Hi SAP! I hear ya about the cost. Unfortunately, I think pretty much all the resorts have an additional cost per person after a certain amount no matter what you do. I was originally booked at another resort and they had a "free dinner" but after a certain amount of people there was a charge. Not only that but there was a separate fee for the booze. From what I understand here, the booze (some...maybe not all) is included with the dinner package you choose. It is all so confusing because every resort offers different things so it is very hard to compare!!
  5. Welcome bhrd83!!! Hope your site visit goes well! Taratoons just got back!
  6. Good Morning! I just asked Melani about the resort photographer and booking them for the wedding. She told me that we don't have to book it now and that we can book the week before or when we get down there. I am a little uneasy with this. Does anyone know how many weddings they have a day here? If there is one or 2 I wouldn't be so concerned. I am just worried that if I wait that long the resort photographer will be booked and I won't have time to book another photographer. I guess if they say not to worry...I shouldn't worry...right? Let me know what you think?
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now you can enjoy the rest of your planning now that the big stuff is done!
  8. I have been wondering where I would be able to find those little first aid kits! Thanks for the info!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Don't apologize! That's great that you're booked and starting on the details. I would want to share my excitement too!! I just got my fiancé to finally agree to start planning so I'm hoping to have some exciting news soon too! That's awesome! Congrats and Good Luck! When are you thinking?
  10. I feel very accomplished this week! We just ordered our save the dates and We just got done booking all of our travel arrangements including the honeymoon suite at Dreams Palm Beach for our wedding!!! Sorry....I am just so excited after having to deal with the non-response of the other hotel it is nice to have some things done FINALLY!!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Woohoo! Have a great trip and take lots and lots of pictures! Also, has anybody had trouble emailing the wedding coordinator at Dreams Palm Beach? I sent an email to the address that was listed on their website but it didn't go through... Good Morning! I have had no problems with getting in contact with them at all! Melani has been great and has answered all of my questions really quickly. This is part of the reason why we have switched over. But it is official as of yesterday...I am officially switched over to a Dreams Palm Beach bride!!! I sent the deposit information to Melani yesterday and we are just waiting for a confirmation number now! I am so excited!!!! We just ordered the save the dates for this location last night!!!! March 27, 2010!!!!
  12. I would love to see pics and hear any advice you have. Things you did? Things you loved, things you hated? You can email me at [email protected] for the pics! Thanks! I am one step closer to being a Dreams Palm Beach Bride! Just waiting for confirmation!!
  13. Sorry ladies...the pictures won't attach for some reason! I will keep trying.
  14. Here is some additional information that Melani sent me in regards to dinner options, packages and pictures. Hope this helps! Attachment 3715 Attachment 3716 Dreams Wedding Packages 2010.pdf Wedding menus 2009.pdf
  15. Is it really about an hour ride from the airpoirt to Dreams Punta Cana? I am looking at Dreams PC and Dreams Palm Beach as a possibility for our wedding and am just concerned that it is so far away from the airport. I am not sure how my guests will feel about it! I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
  16. Now all we have to do is wait for the hotel room prices to come out!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Princess402 The Melia Caribe and Dreams Palm Beach are my top two resort choices right now, so I've been in touch with the WC, Melani, there as well and let me just tell you that if I could pick a resort based on the WC communication alone I think I would pick Dreams Palm Beach! She's been great, and the pricing there is so reasonable. My FI reallys wants to go to the Melia because of the free golf but I am secretly (er, ok, maybe not so secretly!) hoping that the travel pricing will be better for Dreams Palm Beach so we can go there instead That's awesome Princess! I hope you get what you want. I thought it was great Melani got back to me right away too! That says alot to me! I am trying to figure out the pricing now. We are inviting about 175 people but realisticaly thinking that about 40-60 will come. It is hard to compare the resort packages from hotel to hotel. Did she send you any information about photographers or anything?
  18. I contacted the wedding coordinator at this resort and they got back to me right away and actually my travel agent is down there right now. I will check to see what information the wedding coordinator sent me and see if it is anything different than what is on the website. I will also let you know what my travel agent says.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by anna_c Ok, so I actually got a great option from Maritee. I emailed her this morning to reserve my date (she had emailed me 3 possible dates) and I also asked about this option, thinking I wouldn't hear from her for a few days. But to my surprise she emailed me immediately and told me that I can rent that space out for $300 and still have the "free" dinner. Much like renting the Wet Bar or Parrot Bar. I don't think they mention it to everyone because of the bar being right there, so it might be a well kept secret, oops! I do find that the nicer you are to them and you thank them a lot and compliment them on their job well done, the more they are willing to help you out. I just basically told her what I can and can't afford and what I really wanted and she accommodated that. Also communication is the key, I have the advantage of speaking spanish and that could have helped to not have miscommunication. As far as cutting the time to 2 hrs because of the bar I am not sure yet, she didn't mention it, but it could come up since I keep reading about this. I personally don't mind, but if anyone would want to keep the party going another hour, of course most people do, then the Parrot Bar and Wet Bar is a better option, just ask about the open bar being half price after the 1st hour, she had mentioned it to me when I met with her. Saves a lot of money. Oh and to be clear, I totally agree about not splitting up the guests, I told the same thing to my FI about making people feel left out, but I thought I'd ask anyways and it got me a better option (she probably felt bad that it came down to asking that LOL). Oh yeah, the most important part....My date is March 26 5pm!!! I moved it up a couple of months, even though it falls during high season but it works out better for my family because of Holy Week. Anna...you are the day before me! I am getting married March 27th at 5pm! I am dealing with Sandra and haven't gotten any of my reception/photographer stuff confirmed yet. Sandra said we had to wait
  20. I am pretty sure we are doing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. It makes me smile!!
  21. erinsny24


    Lauren...Welcome and Congrats! This site is addicting but very helpful!
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