Hi girls -
I was thinking the same sort of thing for centerpieces - to do some sort of glass/candle thing. I have a email into our WC Katherine Rivera to see if this sort of thing is allowed - but as usual, it's slow responding : ) Since we're paying for th eprivate event I would assume it's okay.
We're going to do the catamaran the day before as sort of a rehersal activity. We looked into pricing and found a better deal if we use one of the rental services that's not part of the hotel - around $2,000 for 3 hours for 45 people including food and drinks. We're going to have a couple babies and small kids too so we're still deciding if catamaran or the other power boat thing would be a better option.
For other activities we've arranged a golf thing on Cancun one day and a trip to Garrafon park - but in the invitation we put "Cost varies" and "optional activitity".
I'm stuck with the gifts thing as well - since we're not including any sort of registry information in the invites I would hope people would know that we're not expecting gifts...especially after they're paying all of the $ for the trip! At this point I think it's just something I'll tell people one on one as I talk with them about the wedding.
For a favor gift thing I thought the idea of getting embroidered beach towels with our names, wedding date and location was a cute idea. I found a place online that charges $6 each. Thought it would be a cute way of identifying our little group down at the pool/beach and I know that I can always use beach towels : )
As for timing, I think October will be great. I'm stressing that late June is going to be super hot and humid and our guests are going to be big 'ol complainers - but as my FI says, "It's Mexico in summer. It's gonna be hot. Whoever doesn't realize that is an idiot" : ) Worse case scenario I was in Cabo during Hurricane Wilma a couple years at the end of August - I think it was a category 2 - anyway, it was pretty amazing to witness and the next day everything was back to normal and was perfectly sunny and gorgeous - but I know none of us need any sort of drama like that on our weddings so I'll definitely be thinking hurricane-free thoughts : )