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Everything posted by jennwo

  1. Welcome to the forum! Best of luck with your planning!!!
  2. jennwo


    Welcome to the forum! Best of luck with the planning...
  3. Hi Lisa! Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find everything you need to help you make your decision. Best of luck with the planning...
  4. Welcome Evelyn! Best of luck with the planning...
  5. We are looking for certain pics and a certain style. We definitely prefer the candid shots as well. I guess there is a "look" we like and aren't sure if its taboo to show another photographers work to set a benchmark. It doesn't have to match 100% of course, just want to set expectations and make sure he feels comfortable with them. Is that wrong?
  6. The Dr. Seuss is SO cute! And I love the funny vows! I'm definitely going to have to steal a couple of those lines... Everyone is going to laugh hysterically if I really add the Gators into my vows!
  7. Thank you ladies for sharing! This is so helpful!!!
  8. This is one of the best threads in the whole forum in my opinion! Thanks for all of the input. Please keep contributing!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 I was going to have the BM walk down the aisle with the GM but decided not to. I am going to have feathers in my bouquet and I've seen some really amazing, gorgeous all feather bouquets. I've also seen crystal bouquets that are basically bouquet jewels all tied up. they are gorgeous in the sunshine. It's something you could really DIY if you wanted to. I did feathers in my bouquet so that I could do feather boutonnieres and not have to spend money on flowers either. Thanks for the input! Quick question - why did you decide not to have your BM walk down with your GM? I've always pictured it happening like this, but I'm not sure why not that many people do this - in fact I can't remember seeing anyone do this of the weddings I've been to... Are there pros and cons or is it just a preference thing?
  10. Perfect! Thank you for sharing with me. I'm sure I will have questions for you once I get to designing. I'll be in touch soon... Thanks again!
  11. They really do look great! You did a wonderful job! Thanks for sharing...
  12. Also, is anybody having their bridesmaids walk down the with the groomsmen? Do you think the BM need flower if so?
  13. I've searched and haven't found one either. I'm planning on making one some day... If you get around to it before me, please share!
  14. Wow! That's a great idea! I have a sewing machine (if only I knew how to use it - haha). Thanks for sharing!!!
  15. These are really great. Thanks ladies! I was thinking about just one flower a person (I have 7 BM). Is that weird, just one flower?
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