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Everything posted by super19

  1. super19


    Welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  2. I love the Riviera Maya! Welcome to the forum, Jen
  3. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  4. super19

    New to here

    Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  6. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  7. You really look wonderful. The dress is perfect for you!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  9. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  10. I hate plateaus! Whenever I hit one, I try to remember that it's my opportunity to dig deep and find out how bad I really want it. Hang in there and before you know it, you'll have a great weight loss week and be back on track. Good luck! I'm sending good vibes your way.
  11. I personally liked both Kipton and Ed for Jill. I think either would have been a good choice but I was happy she chose Ed. I got super nervous when she was contemplating Reid. That guy is far too behind in the emotions department. Did he really think he could just say he loved her and then put his head on hers to get her back? Lame!
  12. What an amazing proposal! Congrats and happy planning! Jen
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I love Playa Del Carmen. Do a search on the resorts you are interested in and you will find a ton of helpful information. Happy planning, Jen
  14. I think you should use it. It has significant meaning to you so go for it!
  15. I would go ahead with it. But, you may want to schedule the appointment more like a week in advance just in case...
  16. super19


    Welcome to the forum. Jen
  17. super19


    Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning, Jen
  18. Welcome! The Royal is an excellent location, I'm considering it myself. Happy planning, Jen
  19. Welcome back! We are thrilled to have you. Jen
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