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Everything posted by Quietstorm

  1. Congrats and thanks for taking the time to write a review!!!
  2. Congradulations! And thank you for a great review..Did you use the photographer at ROR, if so how did you find them?
  3. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! Nice way to start the New Year
  4. I can't wait for the snow. I went to the gym and food shopping already. Snow means less cars on the rode and no lines at stores. I love to drive in the snow. I get more stuff done when it snows This should be a fun snow weekend. I can't wait for it to start already!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by classadiva Congrats on finding the dress!!! One major task done... Thanks a lot. Finding the dress was easier then finding silk flowers NY. For some strange I can't find silk flowers here. I found some online, but I like to actual see it before I buy it.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by IrishgirlinNY Hi! Your date is exactly a year before mine at the same place! It is so exciting! And we are neighbors! We choose that date since it's memorial weekend. That gives our guest a day off they have to go back to work.
  7. I'm from Queens NY. Getting married at ROR. We thought about getting married here in NY, but realized it would be way too expensive for us. We're not trying to start married life in debt.
  8. Hey Ladies, I finally ended getting my dress at David Bridal in Westbury. I'm trying to keep my dress a secret from my DH, so I'm paying for here and having my mom who lives in VA, pick it up down there and hold onto it.
  9. Tell her she can be there in 2015, when you renew your vows!!!!
  10. Congratulations!!! Hope everything goes smooth
  11. Thanks for posting the price list. I can't wait. I'm doing the poolside wedding also!!
  12. We wanted to get married in St.Thomas at first, but after looking into some AI places there, we thought it would be way too much for our guest and us. We did some more research and found ROR instead. I'm glad we did. It fits our buget and our guest. In this economy it's all about the budget!!!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!! Check out the Jamaica section of the forum
  15. Quietstorm


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
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