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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Love the reception dres it's my size but I cant afford it lol....
  2. EDR: I can send it overnight no problem. But do you live in the USA? If it's sent overnight would it make to you overnight?
  3. Girl you betta love ur curves, my fi can't get enuf of mine haha!!!
  4. No I didnt find her but we were ontacted by Dogs finding Dogs. Its a program where tracking dogs find dogs. So they will be coming tomm. The tracking dog just has to smell one of Cuji's blankets or toys and then they will track her. This will only work if the person walked off with her vs putting her in the car. But we're thinking that any idiot who would steal someone's dog prolly wasnt smart enuf to cover their tracks soo we'll see. My fear is if we find the house but she's inside. Bc we can only get the cops involved if she is in our sight. So the person can say she's not in the home... I pray that we're able to find her tomm.If not its back to the shelters. Oh we have another idea. We got Cuji from the SPCA but the week before we got her, she posed for the 2010 Orioles (baseball) team calendar. They do a fundraiser with the MD SPCA where they make the calenders of the dogs with the players and then sell them and some of the profits go to the SPCAs. Cuji is one of the main dogs in the calender and is even pictured on the calendar's website. So we plan to email the Orioles tonight to let them know what's going on and see if we can get some media involvement (we're thinking it'll also help them sell some calenders so they may do it) and see if they are willing to help get the word out about or celebrity dog being stolen and see if they are willing to help with reward $ for her.... I know it's a longshot but we just want our baby back you know....
  5. OMG Jenny I'm thinkin how old is she to still be growing and getting married lol..... I can't get any taller I'm 5'6 and my FI says he's 5'10 but i thinks he's ab 5'8 bc the min i put on any heels im taller than him lol. Is it wrong of my to try to get a swim suit from Vicky's (Victoria's Secret)? Hahaha they have one that I really like and I want to order it. Even though it's not supposed to fit my 36Gs hahaha. I normally get my swimsuits from Target Marshalls and Gap (online). I'm gonna check out the gap website today and see what I can find. I have a cute suit from old navy but my girls are fallin out of it so I only wear it to my parents pool...
  6. OMG I think I would have went off on them. I think I forgot to tell you all ab my shopping experience 2 weekends ago. i went to the outlet and cleaned. I got just ab everything I needed for the my wedding cruise. Now all I need one more swimsuit and a dress to wear on the tour after the wedding. I wanted something off white but haven't had any luck.
  7. Hey ladies I am going to check the shelters in the county today. We checked the city which is where we live but we're not that far from the county so I've been in contact with the shelters in the county. My supervisor told me not to work yesterday so I think I'm going to call out today and have my sister run around with me to like every shelter we can find. Also on a more positive note my sanddollars arrived for my favors so one of my friends is coming over Tuesday and we'll do lunch and she'll be writing our names and dates on the sanddollars and I'll be adding the ribbony stuff to make them ornaments and hopefully my sister will be there to box them. I'm thinking assembly line style. Also my programs and menus came in from Ana and they are awesome as always. I recommend her for everything she is such a great person to work with. On Sunday I did lunch with all my girlfriends and sorors who are going on the wedding cruise. OMG they had so many questions (mainly ab cruising) but overall it just made us all more excited about the trip. OK TTYL
  8. Hey ladies thanks for all your support, this has been a hard day. No news on Cuji yet. I did locate that other stray dog in the neighborhood that resembled Cuji. I posted on many lost and found sites so hopefully someone will turn her in.
  9. Yup Gina that's how it works... Don't worry we understand and we are all very thankful for you volunteering to take on this task. You'll be a great host :-).
  10. Ok last season like Jaci said I sent only my feet and the scale. It's impossible for me to send my full picture unless FI takes it and he has rehearsal on Wednesdays. I don't think I'm going to be participating this season. I really cant afford to lose weight. I've already had my 1st fitting, and I can't afford anymore alterations. I'll let you all know for sure by the 23rd but I'll def be in for next season....
  11. Hey ladies... Today is a very sad day for my FI and I. We had a horrible experience last night. Our dog Cuji was stolen from the back yard and my FI's studio which in in our yard was burglarized. We think the incident with the studio occurred during the day while we were at work. But Cuji was stolen last night while I was home and my FI was out fishing. We are doing everything humanly possible to find her but she was a beautiful pit bull and we fear that someone either stole her to try to breed her (guys ask ab it all the time) but she's been neutered bc we got her from the spca so we also explain that that isn't possible. But our worst fear is that someone took her to fight her. While she is a pitbull she is the friendliest dog you'll ever meet and she not at all aggressive so we fear that they'll use her for practice which is really killing me. Also I don't know if you guys read my rant ab our bestman not being able to afford to attend the wedding so we canceled he trip last month. Well yesterday my fi texted me so excited bc the bestman had set up alot of studio work for the next couple of weeks so that he could attend the wedding. And of course all of their studio equipment was stolen last night so now he won't be able to go. I am so stressed out right now. It just seems like when one door opens for us, 10 doors slam shut in our faces....
  12. Shake Lol hi I have a new date twin, have you checked in on the Nov brides thread Now there are 3 of us on BDW. Sorry I digress... On my cruise there are 3 other St Thomas brides that we know of and my WC Janelle is doing my wedding and another girls vow renewal (wedding) on the same day... I don't know if you guys read my rant ab that a couple months ago, but I was very pissed to say the least, but it is what it is.... She's assured me that she will be with me the entire day and has a staff member handling the other wedding... I pray all goes well. I've heard awesome things ab Angela, maybe she out sick. Have you tried calling? I've never actually called Janelle but her number's on the website I think lol. Good Luck and Happy planning.
  13. Gina sounds good but you said Sunday instead of Wednesday in the 3rd paragraph. My only concern is, is it mandatory to post before and after pics. I'm not sure I'm interested in that, esp since I have yet to figure out how to post pics on the site lol.
  14. Nothing really turned me off of any of the resorts lol they were all fabulous. But I would prefer to be in a place with alotta action and I read in another thread ab a girl who was not able to leave (for excursions etc) Whitehouse bc no other couples wanted to go. It seemed too secluded... I could be very wrong though.
  15. Karla it was very informative and I took notes but I don't think they'd be very helpful as they were mainly relevant to what I was looking for. But to sum up my experience I went into the Webinar interested in Sandals Grande St Lucia, Antigua or Whitehouse and now I'm interested in Montego Bay or Negril. I think I was looking for what "I" wanted which was just a really romantic feel. But since I can get that at all the Sandals resorts lol, I took time to look at what my FI would want and Montego Bay seemed to be in the heart of everything which was great plus no long ride and it seems like alotta fun. Also Negril is casual and seems laid back yet fun which my FI really wants. Plus I loved the River suites. I haven't had a chance to talk to FI about any of this but I'm really glad I was able to compare all the resorts at once... Jennifer if any of my info was wrong I apologize.... But thanks for the Webinar I learned a lot.
  16. Hey Gina I'm in again.. I like Karlas Avatar idea but I was wondering if the mods could do a banner for the winner for maybe a month or so. Anything is fine with me... OMG Wed I was walking upstairs past my scale and I'm like dag I miss weighing in lol.
  17. Would it be possible for me to get Brandynd's Starfish for my wedding. I would need it by November 5th. My wedding is on the 10th. But I could have the box already for it to be sent out and have my WC drop it in the mail from St Thomas (she has to drop off my postcard guestbook notes) or I return home on Nov 15th which is a Sunday but I could overnight it to EDRBride on Nov 16th.
  18. Keira I've never heard of Bowring but I will try to find them online. maybe we have a store here and I just haven't heard of it or maybe they have an online store and I can order something. Seems like a unique idea thanks...
  19. Hey ladies my colors are orange and green. I was thinking ab fruit but I have to send everything down to my WC Oct 1 and she's already charging me an additional $55 to send items to her so I'd be afraid to ask her to pick up fruit for me lol. I also don't wanna do flowers bc we can't bring them back on the ship so they'd be a real waste of $$$. I'm thinking ab doing something with vases and sand and sea shells etc... I just keep putting it off. The one thing I asked my grandma to do is my centerpieces. I was paying for them but just didn't feel like doing another DIY project (I asked her to do them in Feb) when I asked her how they were coming along in June she said I never asked her to come up with anything and that she was too busy to do them. I'm like you gotta be kidding me. My family seems like they could really care less ab my wedding. All they care about it the cruise. My mom was supposed to get my serving set and champagne flutes... I clearly don't have them and I have to send them down to St Thomas in a month. I swear those are the only 2 things that I asked ppl to do for me. And now as you can see I'm left with a month to go to do them myself.... My mom's like well I had to get my flight so you'll have to wait for the serving set. These ppl are killing me... Don't they realize that Brian and I are footing our cruise and helping out all the bridal party and paying for the entire wedding ourselves.... The least they could do is support us emotionally you know... Sorry for the rant but it annoys me that as organized as I have been thus far now we get to the end and the only things that aren't complete are the things I left up to others....
  20. Looks Like I'm waaaay to late on this idea. Well I may purchase a starfish as my something new and then pass it around if necessary. i think it'd be good to have another one going around... Can someone tell me where to purchase one.
  21. Kiera I was getting ready to say wow your ticker is at 1 month now then i went up ad looked at mine and the embarkation ticker is showing one month as well. Actually I have to change it bc we are actually leaving a day early. OMG I am so happy I can't wait to get married. If only I could come up with a centerpiece idea already...
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