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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Shake may I ask if you are now working with. I know my WC is already doing 2 wedding on my day. I'm wondering if she added a 3rd. Also just to chime in on the "Weddings the Island Way issue". I looked at what Scubadiva noted and it does show that Shake says she's working with Angela. Guess there's another Angela that's a WC in St Thomas lol.... I'm sure Scubadiva wasn't trying to create a problem. But in the future if we don't want things that we say to be quoted or remembered in a forum... we probably shouldn't say them.... Happy Planning Ladies.
  2. OMG some of you read my rants ab my gm who isn't going to the wedding and we didn't know til we finally asked him to pay his balance since we had paid his deposit plus an addition 150 we gave him to go towards his deposit that he never paid plus we bought his entire outfit. We were so pissed.
  3. Hey Ladies Just found this thread I am really a PR addict. Can I just say I am so pissed with their decisions this week.
  4. Everything looks great. I was so gonna buy that dress from body central. It looks cute on you, now I wish I would have got it lol congrats.
  5. Hey Ladies I don't think that I've nominated before but I really want to nominate. B2B Vikki She has been soo supportive of me since the incident with Cuji. And I really feel like her clover bought my dog Cuji back. So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Vikki. Also thanks to all the Nov 09 Brides you all have been such a great support system for me these past few weeks.
  6. Kelly I am going to do the challenge in a few mins.
  7. Sounds good Jaci I want to try to steak. FI doesnt eat pork which means I dont eat pok lol.
  8. Hey ladies Vet appt isn't until 4. I'll let you know how it goes. No info ab the perpetrators yet. I am almost done my favors. I did some research and found the Sanddollar story which tells about Jesus Christ's birth and resurrection. I didn't even know ab it. So it goes great with making sanddollars Christmas ornaments. So I printed out the story and an explanation to remember the Christmas story and our wedding adventure each Christmas season when hanging the ornament on your Christmas tree. I am cutting those now to add to the favor boxes. I am also gonna cut my Avon sale flyers that will go in the OOT bags along with an Avon book and lots of samples. I am also giving out Avon gift set for ppl who win games such as picture scavenger hunts and our crossword puzzles. I am also going to attach the reception scavenger hunt cards I made to the cameras today. Then I have to go to Michaels to get some ribbon for my gift boxes then I will be done all my projects for the week.
  9. Hey ladies I am horrible I have cupcakes in the oven as we speak/type and a pot roast on the slow cooker. I needed some comfort foods. I've been so stressed over the past week. I've been on vacay all week so next week i will put myself back in healthy eating mode. And since I have my dog back walking her will be more exercise for me... Jaci I can't wait to get those recipes.
  10. OMG Ladies sorry I was in the midst of writing one post when i received the phone call that Cuji was at the shelter. She was "seized by the police in a standby operation"? Whatever that means. But get this she was in a home like 7 blocks from our house. OMG she lost 20 lbs in 1 week and 1 day. She was at least 75 lbs when she was taken and she is now 55. They must not have fed her the entire time. She has one scar on her head but that's it. She is not acting like herself at all though. She's depressed. She isn't very playful she laid down the entire ride home vs how she normally has her head out the window. She wouldn't play with me in the house and her and Brian usually play really rough as soon as he gets in from work. Today when he came home she didn't even lift her head. We gave her a bath in the yard and she played with the water like she normally does but as soon as we went in the house she was depressed again. She also got all her shots (which she didn't even need) at the shelter so we're expecting her to be back to herself by the weekend. We scheduled an appt with her reg vet for tomm tho just in case. Vikki your clover and everyone prayer and thoughts really helped. Thanks ladies!!!!
  11. Hey Vikki I don't know if u got my response bc my comp is acting silly, but thank you so much for the clover. I will be checking with the shelter today. I'm also gonna talk to fi about possibly fostering pets until the wedding, and even after. I know the shelter needs foster parents. There is a pit bull family (mom and 3 very new puppies) that I see everytime I go there and I know they'd do so much better outside the shelter. The ppl at the shelter keep trying to get us to adopt bc there are like 90 pit bulls there and since we have experience with them they want us to adopt. But we are still holding out and praying that we'll get Cuji back. We don't want to permanently bring a new pet home bc when Cuji gets back we've never seen her in the home with another dog and I know there'd be territory issues.... But I really want to help out that family so we'll see. OMG I just got the call they found her I'm on my way out to get her now!!! Mellisa I feel your pain. I think it'd be good to see if that friend could help plan the party or something or help out in some other aspect, that way you could still have a memory of her even if she's not at the actual party. One of my dearest friends that couldn't attend the wedding actually did the handwriting on my favors. that was away that we could incorporate her into the wedding.
  12. My WC sent me a list of music for the drummer but I know like one of those songs. lol
  13. IMO we should keep everyone's weigh ins consistent. Kathy If I were u I would just send in my weigh in now. Hey it"ll make u look good if you lose alotta weight by Sat if not oh well. But you need a starting weight for this week.
  14. Ok I guess I'm giving up on possibly getting Brandy's starfish bc I haven't heard back from her. My grandma just bought me a starfish necklace to wear to the wedding she is letting me borrow one of her white gold chains to wear it on. So I'm covered. Thanks anyway guys...
  15. Hey ladies I am so over organizing that I don't have that everything will fall into place woe. My feeling is that It's so over planned that I won't be able to enjoy it bc I've rehearsed everything in my mind so many times Surprisingly enuf I'm not freaking out yet. I guess bc everything's working out okay so far. I mean don't get me wrong we have had SO many issues, that I'm just starting to roll with the punches. We got engaged on 1.1.09 and this has proven to be the most stressful and tiring 9 months of my life. I can't wait to get into married life and just be able to take a deep breathe you know (hahaha as if it will be that easy).
  16. Congrats EDR Bride. I have my 2nd fitting next week. I can't wait to see what they've done to hide my 36Gs in my sweetheart neckline gown hahaha... Note to self; never get another sweetheart neckline gown w/o a reduction hahha. My grandma (we call her Toots) called me this morning to tell me that she ordered my wedding jewelry. And she purchased earrings for my girls (i had already purchased their starfish necklaces). I was so happy one more thing off my list. She also came up with this crazy idea for my centerpieces where she's somehow gluing starfish to sticks that will hang out a vase with possibly one flower in them hahaha. I can't wait to see these things. I really don't care how they look bc she's very creative and I trust her, but I have to say this sounds weird. Tomm I will start taking pictures of my stuff for my planning thread. Vikki I haven't had that issue with the bank. Mainly bc I'm a shopaholic so this is nothing new for me haha.
  17. EDR have you heard from Brandy? I pm'd her but haven't heard back. I'm interested in using one of her starfish this Nov 2009.
  18. Im doing alot of online ordering this week. My friend just left and we completed the favors. I don't know if i told you guys this already but we did the Sanddollar ornaments. she wrot Brian and Ashley 11.10.09. I sprayed them with glitter spray and added silver ribbony stuff to hang them with. I ordered favor boxes from ebay so they should be here in 2-9 days. Also today I'm ordering my parasols (luna bazaar). I had got some from a mod on here but they had brown fade stuff on them so they looked dingy. So I am ordering new ones. I also have to get table # holders (the knot) and im ordering my serving set/champagne flutes from an ebay vendor. I wish I could get stuff from the same place so that shipping could be combined... but I have no such luck...
  19. Lol Gina that's fine. I have a work cell as well, but my BB is my personal cell.
  20. Ok ladies I have to participate. I used to send my pics to Ann's cell phone bc its such a long process for me to use my cam. Gina: Is it ok for me to send you my pics via cell vs email
  21. Hey ladies no news yet. However the Baltimore Sun put an article on their blogspot. Here's a link if anyone's interested. Unleashed: Orioles calendar dog feared stolen in Baltimore - A blog for animal lovers on pets, dogs, cats, shelters and animal rescue - baltimoresun.com
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