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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Yes you can bring them on carnival but I'm thinking that 4 cases may be alot to carry, and they may not allow that many.
  2. I agree I will def give you guys updates when we get back. We are touring with Sunny Liston we went on his tour last year but I really can't remember where we went lol. Our ships will prolly be parked next to eachother. We have our wedding planned for 11:00 (ship time so 12 island time) reception directly following and them our tour from 2:30- 4:30ish.
  3. Wow Maureen. I so wanted to do Sandals but now I'm going to check out the Couples Negril website as well. I need a TA already, making my honeymoon decision is hard work.
  4. OMG She's the best she did my invites menu cards and program fans... She's clearly my fav vendor. She set the tone for my wedding and she's great to work with....
  5. Sounds like fun... Maybe we'll see eachother on the tour. What ship are you on? We're on the Carnival Freedom.
  6. Nicole I am actually wearing barefoot sandals for the ceremony and these really cute flip flops for the wedding. I'll have pics in my planning thread. I dont think you'll break ur neck but it may be hard to walk in them on the beach. I'm in the process of packing up my stuff to send to my WC tomm. So I'm taking pictures as I pack. Some for my wc and most for my planning thread yay!!! Melissa I love your bouquet although i can't offer any suggestions on what to do. How about you take it into to Micheals tell them ur dilemma and have them point you in the right direction. I talked to my gma ab the situation with my bm this morning. And bc we're very close to her and her mom my gma said to call her mother and find out whats going on. Ultimately she is one of my best friends and I don't want to kick her out the wedding. But I really need to know what she's doing ab her alterations bc she cannot wear the dress the way it is in my wedding. It shows way too much cleavage and its long and all the other girls have shorter dresses. She was supposed to get it cut to knee length. The wedding is in exactly a month and a day (but we leave on Nov 6) and alterations take time..... I left her a vm this morning so if I don't hear back from her tonight I will contact her mother tomm.
  7. OMG ladies remember my bm who didn't come to my shower... Well she told one of our mutual friends that she was not talking to me until November. I am soo pissed. How dare she say such a thing. She acts as if I did something wrong. She's the one who's not supporting me or my wedding at all. I mean it was so bad that I had to go pick up her gown when it came in buy her shoes then take all of it to Philly where she lives (I live in baltimore md) and I'm praying that she gets her alterations done bc she seems to have no desire to do so. I was really sitting here trying to think of what she's done for the wedding and the only thing is that she did was come down 1x and purchased her gown. That was ab it. So I sent her a rather harsh text this evening. Of course she didn't respond bc she never does. She hasn't even responded to the evite for the rehearsal dinner. She is pissing me off. On one hand I feel bad ab the text I sent but on the other hand I feel like she deserved it. I really don't feel like being stressed but it's impossible not too.
  8. Shake where's you wedding? We are on the same day possibly the same beach lol. I'm on Lindquist and then my reception is at the Grille Room on the Mahogany Run Golf Course.
  9. Wow that whole situation is so sad. I really like Khandi. She's my new fav character.
  10. So far Christopher is my fav...
  11. OK ladies I plan to mail down my items to my wc next week. I am paying for our transport and tour this evening. I literally have 2 more items to purchase. A broom and spoons. Weird right lol. Spoons for the tasting ceremony I will check out homegoods or marshalls tomm and a Broom for Jumping the broom. I will still have to decorate that. We leave Nov 6th. Is it too early for me to purchase snacks for OOT bags? I was going to get some of those big boxes/bags of different chips etc and granola bars. I was going to put one bag of chips and 2 granola bars per snack bags. I also have candy and gum in them already. Besides that I will complete my Avon bags on Tues when the brochures arrive (omg I went too far on those bags I am giving away so many samples and trial items it's crazy lol) and my snack bags and will be done with OOT bags. Can I just tell you all how am I soo annoyed with my WC. She freakin forwarded me an email from our tour guide where he was talking to her ab the diff timezones etc. And she's like by the way Ashley we didn't really discuss this but the ship is on a different timezone than the island... We had actually discussed this in the past but the info she gave me was backwards so my entire timeline on the brochures that I ordered months ago is wrong. I'm not that upset with that bc we'll just tell ppl that everything is one hour off. However this means that while it's printed that everyone has to meet for breakfast and 8:45a they really have to meet at 7:45 am. I'm like that's crazy for ppl to have to be there at 7:45 bc they will be out dealing with the wedding events until 4pm at least. Thats a very long day. I know its just one day but who wants to be up that early on vacay.
  12. Melissa I think you could still use the palm tree with that saying.... I will be cute bc then ppl will have the memory of the trip but it really won't say like your name and date etc... OK ladies our Shower was so nice. Unfortunately I took no pictures. Even if we didn't know about the surprise when we arrived at the house we saw all my friend's (well some of my friends since many of my friends didn't come but oh well no biggie) cars. But it was still fun to walk in and hear them yell surprise... OMG it was so well organized. it was hosted by my mom Godmother and Godsister. But so many ppl helped. It was a tropical theme and we had coconut shrimp, jerk chicken, ribs, corn on the cob coleslaw (my gma's homemade my fav) pineapple upside down cake etc, etc. We even had a sheet cake with our ship on it lol. And we played so many games, it was hilarious. We got great gifts. And there was a great group of ppl there. The only issue that I will have to acknowledge today is that my BM was not there bc she was supposedly not invited. My mother said that she sent her and invitation for her and her mother but I think she's moved since I sent out the wedding invites and I gave my mother a spreadsheet with addresses from the wedding invites. She was really upset and I didn't speak with her yesterday, but I'll have to call her today. The thing that irks me about that situation is that I sent out a message on fb to like 5 ppl that I knew had moved requesting the addresses. She was the only one who didn't respond. So I just assumed that she hadn't moved since the 1st invites went out. She tends to do this thing where she ignores every email or message I send her until we talk on the phone. But since I wasn't planning the shower after I sent off the addresses I forgot ab them. OK I'm off to work TTYL.
  13. I'm still up in the air about what I'm doing with my hair. I will say that I kept micros in my hair during my permed to natural hair transition and I didnt really have probs eith breakage (well the normal stuff but nothing excessive) I think I'm using my loc loops to get curls and just pulling my hair to the side with curls for the wedding. The only issue is that I plan to be partying in San Juan and then on the ship the night before the wedding so I don't know how long I'll be able to have my loc loops in. And they need at least 8-10 hrs in my opinion to set. We'll see what happens... I wanna do something with crystals in my hair as well.
  14. Hey Ladies. I totally forgot to order my barefoot sandals... I ordered them today from Etsy seller Mystical love. I had spoke with the lady in early august and she said for me to have the order to her my mid sept. I def convo'd her yesterday and she said she could get them done in time. She has a few orders ahead of me but I should still be good. Re: my surprise shower today. My family is so horrible with surprises. My sister has said something about like everyday for the past 3 days. I was babysitting her daughter overnight on fri and when i called her on sat to see what time she was picking her up she's like yea I'll be there as soon as I leave party city I'm getting these shower decoration... I mean dinner party decorations, I just pretend to ignore her tho. Then my mom calls me last night and is like (sidebar we are scheduled to have "dinner" randomly at my godmother's house tonite, it's really random to have dinner there bc she's known for throwing parties) what are you wearing to dinner tomm. I'm joking her by saying jeans and t-shirt lol. She freaked out and was like just wear something cute and make sure your hairs looks cute too. I'm like for dinner at aunt Steph's nah I think jeans will do hahaha. Then I call my other aunt this morning to get her correct email to send her an evite to our rehearsal and brunch and she never goes to my aunt Steph's house for anything and she's like what are you wearing today, I'm like wow your going to dinner at her house too hahaha. They really really suck at surprise parties. OK I'm off to ebay. I was bidding on some Coach crossbody bags to take on the trip. I was so upset bc the one I wanted sold for $59 during the time that my internet was down. I have to buy Coach this way until the wedding. There's no way I can justify buying myself a coach bag (reg price) with this large wedding balance looming over our heads lol.
  15. Hey guys sorry I totally forgot to weigh in my comp was down and I was so busy getting stuff together for the wedding. but I'll b back on track next week...
  16. he ladies just wanted to stop in and say hello> My internet has been down in the house since wed and we finally got it back up this evening. I think we're getting a surprise wedding shower on Sunday.... TTYL
  17. IMO Curvy women make clothes look good. Who wants to see a flat board in an outfit. I love my size. I would like to lose a few pounds but clearly I'm not trying too hard. My FI has only known the big me and he freaks out if it looks like I'm losing weight.
  18. Great Shake no offense to you but I was gonna be pissed if my wc took on another wedding on my day. I'm like darn isn't 2 enuf lol. But hey there wouldn't be anything I could do about it. I would have def made the transition into bridezillahood lol. Congrats I hope everything works out. Where's your wedding location, maybe we can get a pic together or something. There are like 3 St Thomas brides on my cruise so we all plan to take a pic together once we get back on the ship.
  19. OMG ladies we leave in 39 days. And my wedding is in 43 days. This is crazy. Everything's coming together well thou. I had a scare this morning bc one of my gm's (my cousin) decided that he was no longer going on the cruise, after my grandparents had paid for his entire trip flight and attire. My grandparents were going to let our BM (who's not going) take his place but when I called our Carnival planner they said that the name couldn't be changed so basically my grandparents would lose all their $$$. My gma then talked to my cousin and it turned out that his sabotaging mother had made him feel guilty ab something (which we don't understand) and he just decided not to go. My gma talked him back in to going thank goodness. So now everything's okay.
  20. I think you have to be careful with islands that tender such as Grand Cayman. If there is bad weather an island that tenders will most likely be missed. I Jamaica or Mexico would be good options as well. I've not heard of many cruises that do carrib and mexico sounds like fun best of both worlds. How many days is your cruise?
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