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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Hey Guys there's an OOT master list thread but I thnk this one is great since mot of us are cruise brides. Have you guys heard of rum runners?? My FI and I purchased them for our last cruise and they were a great way to sneak alcohol on the ship. The funny thing is that we barely drank from them bc we were always out of our rooms when we wanted a drink. So I think the mugs would be a great idea. I am doing OOT bags but the amt of items in the bag depends on how man ppl we have going. We just sent out invites last week (most of our friends and family already knew ab it). So until we know how may ppl we have I dont know how much stuff we can afford to put in OOT bags. My question is when are you guys giving out your bags. We plan to have a cocktail party on the ship on embarkation day so I was planning to give them out them?
  2. Can I ask a question, how do you guys get your monograms as I would like to have one to use for different items. Do I have to have publisher? If so I'll ask my FI to install it or something...
  3. My WC is Janelle Scott of Island Bliss Weddinga. She's great check out her site when you have a chance...
  4. I would ask is your heart really set on a beach wedding or a beach wedding in St Lucia. Because maybe you could change it to an island a little less expensive. Also are you expecting your parents to stay for an extended amt of time bc if so maybe they could stay for only one or two nights. Maybe they could stay at a hotel that's cheaper I think there are many options out there you guys just need to sit down and discuss this rationally. Or like someone stated earlier you have to figure out ultimately what's more important to you, having dad walk you down the aisle or getting married on a beach (in St Lucia).
  5. Hey ladies I tried the Shred OMG I sucked at it... At one point I'm laying on my mat just watching her until it's time to get down on the mat again hahaha. Then today I finally worked out at Ballys. I had a great session with the trainer but I'm questioning the cost of continuing to work with him. He's gonna try to find someone to workout with me so that we can split the cost but if not I'm not sure how often I'll be able to work with him. I fell really good thou. My FI's like I'm really gonna feel it tomm. I hope not thou bc I have a few gown appts. TTFN
  6. Hey ladies I tried the Shred OMG I sucked at it... At one point I'm laying on my mat just watching her until it's time to get down on the mat again hahaha. Then today I finally worked out at Ballys. I had a great session with the trainer but I'm questioning the cost of continuing to work with him. He's gonna try to find someone to workout with me so that we can split the cost but if not I'm not sure how often I'll be able to work with him. I fell really good thou. My FI's like I'm really gonna feel it tomm. I hope not thou bc I have a few gown appts. TTFN
  7. Hello Dark Blue From pics I've seen Limetree beach offers a grassy area by a beach. I wanted to get married there but my WC said no bc of the island party they have there on Tuesdays so we decided to go with Lindquist Beach. But if ur not getting married on a Tuesday u should be fine. Good Luck
  8. Hi I think I told you this in my PM but you may wanna contact a WC mine's is Janelle Scott of Island Bliss weddings
  9. Congrats Leanne I'm very surprised that I did so well... it was def bc I was sick lol. OMG ladies my plan backfired. I went and tried on gowns yesterday and they gave me a strapless bra with corset thing. OMG I looked great in everything (not to toot my own horn or anything lol). I told my FI now all I have to do is budget in a good corset for the wedidng and I can forget ab losing weight haha. JK I did have some back fat that I wasn't too happy with. I think I found my dress too surprisingly enough.... Oh also I haven't tried bally's yet. I meet with the trainer tomm so that'll be my first workout then me and my FI will go on Sat morning so he can show me some free weight stuff (I have not desire to do this but he's a Marine so I'll just indulge him as he loves helping me with stuff). I'm getting ready to go try the Shred before I leave out for work.
  10. Does anyone have Ann's phone number so that I can text her my weigh in. I can't find the charger to my camera as I am not totally unpacked and I can only use my cell's camera and text the picture. Thanks Ashley
  11. I joined Bally's last night and I am soo not excited ab this. I go ty on gowns for the first time tommorow then I work out with the trainer on Fri morning. This was strategicaly planned so after I look like a cow in gowns tomm i'll be totally motivated to workout...
  12. Everyone thanks for your ideas. We are actually setting aside $ in our budget to help the bridal party then since we aren't asking my parents for any $ we asked them to help our close family members. I think I'm going to put what Mishi and Andrea said on my website. But Amanda I def feel you lol. I have 3 close friends and thou I haven't really asked them too be in the wedding they already know they are in it. I'm waiting for people to book the cruise before I officially ask but maybe I need to do it the other way around. Thanks for all your help guys...
  13. I'm really upset right now because so many people are saying that they are planning to just fly to St Thomas because the cruise is too expensive or too long. Not to seem rude but they are ruining my dream of my wedding. Ultimately with them doing that it's going to make for an unorganized day. And it's going to make for way more questions that I don't have answers to. People are just inviting whoever they want and not really considering the cost for us. I have scheduled for a tour for the entire group after the wedding but I almost want to make it just for the people who are cruising because we are already being charge $30 pp with just one pick up. What if they we have to pick ppl up from all over the island. This is getting out of hand and I really just want to elope. Even members of the bridal party are saying that they may be flying in. I mean I'll have no bridal party members to help me the day of. Please give me some advice guys. I don't want to seem selfish and like a Bridezilla but ppl are just ignoring my plans for my day. I understand that the cruise is expensive but it would be way way more if we went with NCL RCL or Princess.
  14. Hello Ladies You wanna lose 5 lbs in one day... Try my diet... It's called the 24hr bug lol!!! OMG I got the 24 hr bug while at work this weekend at the Ronald McDonald House. I couldn't keep anything down and had to come home from work early last nite (I am a weekend assistant manager and I usually go in at 4 pm on Fri nites and go home at 8 am on Monday mornings but I came home at 7 pm last nite). So anyway I felt better this morning but had no appetite so my FI said you have to eat. I'm like no I don't I have no appetite and we have weigh ins on Wednesday lol. So of course I decided to get on the scale... and I had lost 5 lbs in one day (well 2 I guess). Of course as soon as I got off the scale I started feeling hungry. When I first got home last nite my FI's like you must be sick if your not hungry... I'm like wow very motivational.
  15. Welcome to the Forum... You're sure to find a wealth of knowledge here.
  16. Welcome to the Forum... You're sure to find a wealth of knowledge here.
  17. Welcome my FI and I got engaged on 1.1.09... It was the anniversary of the 1st time he told me he loved me... We had already started planning the wedding thou lol... Congrats
  18. welcome to the Forum Becky this site will offer a wealth of knowledge for you!!!
  19. I'm working with Ana De Roux for my invites. She's advertised on this site... No Comment... Welcome...
  20. Welcome Kate ... and Devon!!!
  21. Prettyhazardous


    Hey Cortney I'm planning a cruise wedding to the Caribbean for November 10, 09. It'll still be hurricane season but the good thing about cruise is that you can leave if it get bad.... Good Luck and Happy Planning!!!! You'll find a wealth of knowledge on this site.
  22. Welocme to the Forum... Are you in the Bridal Party?
  23. Welcome Karen You will find so much help on this site...
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