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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Lol Thats mu big concern too. I hadnt even planned to wear a strapless gown bc I need a lot of support, but I'm comfy with my decision. I think you should take your gown but I would call them to find out for sure. Regarding the first aid kits. You can either pick them up at like target or walmart in the travel section for ab 1.00 to 1.99. I always get em before I travel. Or I just refill em before I travel. Or you can make em yourself. I'm sure it'd prolly be cheaper to pick up a bunch of band aid alcohol wipes etc etc. Check out the DIY thread and post the question of how to make a cute first aid kit. Someone will come up with or share their creative ideas. Good Luck.
  2. OK I have no idea if I gained or loss today. I know I'm down from my 1st weigh in but I still suck at this. I'm really trying to stay in here but Ion know how much longer I can do this...
  3. Hey Guys So we are getting married in St Thomas and FI wants to honeymoon on an island maybe 2 weeks after the wedding (we have a group going on an 8 day cruise for the wedding). But I want to do Universal Studios directly after the wedding since we dock in Ft Lauderdale. I think it'd be fun to drive to Orlando after the cruise and stay in Universal Studios for 5-7 days. I just thought that since the cruise is so laid back and casually relaxing and romantic, we'd have fun going to the theme parks and Citywalk etc etc. Do you think that since our wedding is on an island we should stick with an island honeymoon?
  4. JANUARY January 9 - Jen (Jennifer Davis) January 16- Carolyn (Carolyn) January 23- Tati (tchuchuca) January 27 - Andi (Andi) January 29- Tina (~*petals*~) FEBRUARY February 3 - Danielle (daniellenderek) February 9 - Candiekiss (Candie) February 14 - April (litl_april) February 18 - Kayte (Sloan) February 22 - Ana (Ana) February 26 - Katy (KatyKo) MARCH March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) March 17 St Patrick's Day - Lisa (lisaloo79) March 21- Danelle (missdanelle) March 21 - Bridget (Bridget810) APRIL April 12- Kristen (kristendotcom) April 15 - Erin (Erin6341) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) MAY May 1 - Josie (dolce328 ) May 9 - Lisa (Chiquita) JUNE June 5 - Jessica (Jess) June 5 - Helen (Helen_S81) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) JULY July 1- Brandi (MsBrandi), Kaylee (KAMAY11) July 6 - Adrene (YoursTruly) July 10- Susana (Susanandmo) July 18 - Tami (foxytv) July 18 - Lacey (laycj1 July 25 - Deanna (deefalvey) July 29- Desiree (Tylersgirl) AUGUST August 04 - Amanda (BachataBride) August 15 - Abbie August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 22-Stacey August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) August 28- Ashley- Prettyhazardous SEPTEMBER September 15 - ErinB September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) OCTOBER October 1 - Kathie (Kathie) October 3 - Ashley (Soon2bePowers) October 13 - Kristy! October 17- Jessica (Royal_lady10) October 18 - Kathy (paraisobeachbride2009) October 29 - Angel (Angel) NOVEMBER November 15 - Sylvia (Syl1115), Jenny (jennierin) November 20 - Kristie (aaronsgirl), Savannah (BillysBride) November 25 - Ayita November 27 - Cindy (Anthony'sGirl) DECEMBER December 1- Tiffiney (Tiffiney01), Michelle (beachbride0 December 2 - Denise (FutureMrsLewis) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*) December 11 - Lisa (Lisab
  5. Ok So it's funny because I've only been planning for 3 months and my wedding isnt for another 9 months yet I feel like I'm in the same place as many of you. Thus far I've sent out invites... the end. My main isssue is regarding finances because I recently moved into my FI's home and we had decided that I could quit my parttime job and keep my fulltime. So I did. My FI's parttime job is at our church and we just found out that our church may be closing or they may have to fire the musicians in order that the church stays open. My FI is the bass player. So now my wedding plans are in jeopardy and my honeymoon is prolly non existent at this time. BC neither of us have our parttime jobs. I guess it was stupid of me to quit my job DURING A RECESSION!!! I too said that I would take one full week off as a break from the planning but it's almost impossible to tell my WC not to email me or my mom not to want to discuss what she's wearing to my wedding in 9 MONTHS!!! Or how do I stay off of BDW for a week lol. Starting tomorrow I'm taking my week of (Minus my biggest loser weigh in haha).
  6. That makes sense but my FI really had his heart set on being married on the beach (Like Martin and Gina haha). That's his only wedding request oh and that he doesn't have to wear a suit. So I'm like ok I'll give you those two things. Thus far I have only ordered my gown (like 2 weeks ago) but I loved my one experience there. I'm usually a person who takes forever to make a decision but I got my gown on my first visit there.My consultant was Julie she was great, not at all overbearing but she knew her stuff and knew what would l;ook righ on me, yet she still allowed my mom to pick stuff that was soo not me style just to make her feel good. I actually went there to get this Alfred Angelo gown but they didnt have it so I tried on other gowns and fell in love with this Mori Lee gown. I don't know how familiar you are with Pikesville but We Fit on right on Riestertown road near Backfin resturaunt. Everyone in my family gets their undegarments for weddings or speical events there. We are all rather busty lol.
  7. OMG I guess I'm not as strong as you all. If I would have read this thread like a week ago I may not have invited my father... as he has lived about 2 mins away from me all my life yet never chooses to see me. Yet he raised his son and daughter and get this his stepson... But in Pre MArital Counseling I learned that I needed to get rid of that baggage and not take it into my marriage. So I sent him his mom and two of his 7 siblings invites. I have a great relationship with his sisters but not him or his mother. I was raised by my grandparents so clearly my gdad is walking me down the aisle. On the other hand my FMIL (who I've never met) is not yet invited although I'd like for my FI to invite her. She was physically, emotionally and mentally abusive to my FI while he was growing up so ab 6 months into us dating he stopped seeing her, he changed his pfone number bought a house and hasnt looked back. He has no contact with any of his family because none of them know ab his mother's abusive behavior. So in order for her to save face in front of the family he has no contact with any of them. Clearly our counselor told him to contact his mother for the wedding but he hasn't done it yet and I'm not gonna push him. We have soo much dram... I'm worried ab the poor kids we'll bring into this world.. Nah they'll be great because we both came from not having the best parents and knowing what that feels like (and I'm a social woeker for heavens sake, I teach ppl how to parent haha).
  8. OMG I guess I'm not as strong as you all. If I would have read this thread like a week ago I may not have invited my father... as he has lived about 2 mins away from me all my life yet never chooses to see me. Yet he raised his son and daughter and get this his stepson... But in Pre MArital Counseling I learned that I needed to get rid of that baggage and not take it into my marriage. So I sent him his mom and two of his 7 siblings invites. I have a great relationship with his sisters but not him or his mother. I was raised by my grandparents so clearly my gdad is walking me down the aisle. On the other hand my FMIL (who I've never met) is not yet invited although I'd like for my FI to invite her. She was physically, emotionally and mentally abusive to my FI while he was growing up so ab 6 months into us dating he stopped seeing her, he changed his pfone number bought a house and hasnt looked back. He has no contact with any of his family because none of them know ab his mother's abusive behavior. So in order for her to save face in front of the family he has no contact with any of them. Clearly our counselor told him to contact his mother for the wedding but he hasn't done it yet and I'm not gonna push him. We have soo much dram... I'm worried ab the poor kids we'll bring into this world.. Nah they'll be great because we both came from not having the best parents and knowing what that feels like (and I'm a social woeker for heavens sake, I teach ppl how to parent haha).
  9. OMG I am the same way my mom maaaaaaaaaaaade me try on a veil and as soon as she did I'm like I'm don't like this one I want that one (I was pointing to one that another bride had on) and I treid it and loved it. And since then I've wanted one haha. So I'm wearing one for my ceremony and pictures but that's it. I think it'll be great since we're having a reliously sacred ceremony. My pastor is marrying us and I'm adding ssacred elements to the ceremony as well as possibly having communion. It'll be a big deal for us be my FI and I have never taking communion together because he's a musician at our church so we're never able to sit together. Ok I'm sooo long winded I'll go now.
  10. Welcome Sarice (Love ur name). My Bridal Consultant told me to wear Spanx. I have a while until my wedding and I'm plannng to lose weight (but I'm not banking on it as I ordered my gown in my current size) before my wedding I guess it'll be based on what size I am them and wow much tummy I need to hold in. I have no desire to feel really uptight and uncomfy on my wedding day. I see your in Columbia I'm in Baltimore, but I got my gown at Columbia Bridal Boutique. You're like one of the first ppl I've seen in here from MD and so close lol. You can check out this place in Pikesville called We Fit where you take your gown with you and they find the perfect undergarments for you. I may have to go there bc I have a lil of everything hips, butt and boobs for day haha and FI is really big on me being conservative at the wedding. I'm getting married on Lindquist Beach in St Thomas and II have guests who are cruising and then guest who are meeting me in St Thomas. Only the sailing guests are getting OOT bags for me. I'm kinda hoping that my nonsailing guest change their minds and sail tho.
  11. Megan I checked Craigslist and ebay yesterday and the more I searched the less I wanted to think ab taking off my beautiful gown on my wedding day haha. Also on another note I checked out etsy yesterday and I really like the veils on that site.
  12. OMG Kimber I soo agree with you. My FI was cracking up bc our budget has blossomed an extra $2000 since I joined BDW. LOL I love it hahaha. Regarding the TTD I want to do it but like Kimber and Megan said I'll only do it if I can find a cheap cheap dress and I mean under $100 cheap. I mean my gown is only $700. I want to pay like 10% of that for a TTD dress. My Bridal consultant asked me if I was doing TTD with my dress!!!!!!! I'm like you gotta be kidding me. I'm not walking around all day in a wet dress lol.
  13. Well my FI and I have been dating for 3 years and 3 months lol We started planning our wedding early December 08 although we weren't officially engaged until 1.1.09. I moved into the house that he owns on 1.4.09, and our wedding is 11.1.09 We do things our own way. But I would definetl agree that long engagements suck (I've been engaged all of 30 days now haha). I'm just not a very patient person and I like someone mentioned I want to start making OOT bags and favors etc... I have no idea hoe you guys can be engaged for years and years? You all are great, I'm waaay too impatient lol.
  14. Girl you defintely aren't the B*TCH in this situation. I would be thanking God not to have to deal with her or wearing that ugly outfit haha. I would even question my desire to continue that friendship. Remember some friends are only supposed to be in ur life for a season... Sounds like her season is over!!!
  15. OMG that comment as incredibly rude. I'd send her a personal mess voicing my concerns and possibly un invite her. Hopefully the rest of your friends will be able to ignore what she said.
  16. Yay Megan I can't wait to see them. I'll download them this evening as I'm ab to leave out the house for work.
  17. Congrat Marianne. OMG you guys don't know how much I wanted to quit this week. I'll be honest and say that I'm doing nothing to lose weight at this time. The only thing I'm doing is not easting as much sweets and replacing them with fruits and veggies. I hate Bally and of course we got a 3 year contract so now I'm basically checking in and leaving out so that I can have 17 workouts in 60 days so I can leave my contract. My FI is soo mad at me ab this becasue he really didnt want me to join Ballys and now we make be stuck n this contract. I do however want to join Planet Fitness bc it's only $10 a month with no contract. Thatsb much better for someone like me. Oh well I realize I suck at this biggest loser thing but I'm gonna stick in there. TTFN
  18. Duchess Thanks for the info on the veils bc I just got my gown and of course the veil i wanted cost $250 I'm like you gotta be kidding me. I willl do an ebay search tonite.
  19. OK I fixed it. It works now.. Sorry ab that.
  20. Betsy I need you to come and be my mouthpiece lol. If anyone gets a chance can you check out my website the link in my siggy. I posted something on my welcome page ab it and them I actually blogged about it too. My gma read it and said it didn't sound rude at all. She said ppl will just look at it as me being considerate. So I'm no longer stressed about. Some ppl who were saying they were gonna fly in have actually booked. Now I'm just working on one of my bff who HAS to be a BM. She just got laid off so my FI and are tryna figure something out for her.
  21. Hey Guys there's an OOT master list thread but I think this one is great since mot of us are cruise brides. Have you guys heard of rum runners?? My FI and I purchased them for our last cruise and they were a great way to sneak alcohol on the ship. The funny thing is that we barely drank from them bc we were always out of our rooms when we wanted a drink. So I think the mugs would be a great idea. I am doing OOT bags but the amt of items in the bag depends on how man ppl we have going. We just sent out invites last week (most of our friends and family already knew ab it). So until we know how may ppl we have I dont know how much stuff we can afford to put in OOT bags. My question is when are you guys giving out your bags. We plan to have a cocktail party on the ship on embarkation day so I was planning to give them out them?
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