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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Ok I just checked my gmail and it shows that I emailed you back with my address. Oh well must be a miscommunication. But thats ok I'll just get them from OTC bc I need like 40 and it may just be easier to get them there. I really do apologize for the mix up. I was really just waiting to hear back from you. TTFN.
  2. Meg you did better than me I had no rsvp date on my invites, I worked so hard with Ana on my invites yet never put an rsvp date so now the rsvp/booking date has passed (it was 3.1.09) yet ppl who I dont talk to regularly or who dont have email (so they havent checked my website) are still trying to book etc. it's a big mess, but basically I'm just like whatever. If they book late the price is more expensive but I cant let everything stress me out you know.
  3. Courtney I had already planned to steal what you wrote on ur Welcome lettrer I had already typed it up and everything haha. I love what you wrote. I love ur site in general.
  4. Megan you were supposed to be checking on shipping for the sticky pads for me. Have you found out yet? Also where did you purchase them? I may need to get some more.
  5. Can I have the 2 pairs of sandals in size 7 and 9 if the flowers are removable. Please pm me.
  6. My only concern with the departure gifts is that I would fear that ppl would forget to bring the stuff.
  7. Well we are kinda up int he air ab it now. I recently quit my parttime job and my fi was laid off from his parttime so we have to see what our finance look like after we get a more finalized budget for the wedding. We just got a timeshare so we may be able to stay in orlando with our time share. If so we'll do it around 1.10 we get married in November 09.
  8. I like the old one better Also carnival brides cant have candles either but I guess the flameless one would work. I scratched purchasing activity books and I made some. I got some copies of soduku and a few word searches on her but I ened up making my own as well. I also added some crosswords, the dots game connect 5 a maze and tic tac toe. It ended up being 15 pages. I will make the copies (40 of them) at work one evening when its just myself a friend there. I'll prolly do them back to back so I only use 8 pages per book instead of 15. Thats a lot of (stolen) paper lol.
  9. Shake we have the same wedding date. Also my wc is doing another wedding that day as well... Did you know that day was Marine Corp Bday??... I'm clearly marrying a marine haha. No J/K I actually just found out it was their bday (I am really marrying a Marine thou, but I actually picked the date). Welcome to BDW.
  10. Thats great I have been trying to find that sticky paper bc I know it existed but I cant seem to find it anywhere. I ended up getting sticky name badge. I will check staples online bc they didnt have it in the store.
  11. Hey Yomie I'm working with Janelle Scott of Island Bliss Weddings. She arranging everything so i cant even remember my florist's name. I did however choose Sunny Liston Tours for my transport bc I went on his tour last year and he is awesome (but a bit expensive). Good luck.
  12. Ann I sent my weight in I thought I have to check my phone... Actually I think I took my pic but never sent it it OMG I suck this was really an accident. Actually my weight was exactly the same as last week. Congrats Leslie.
  13. I would agree with many ppl that it's ur wedding. If you don't want children fine. If you want children of your choosing than fine. Who care how they feel ab the ring bearer, it's your wedding point blank. They should have followed the rules, they'll now have to suffer the natural consequences (sorry can you tell that I'm a social worker haha). To be honest I would def feel bad ab the fact that it's small resort but unfortunately they made their beds so they have to sleep in it. I have the same issue with uninvited guests good luck. I am actually charging uninvited guest a fee bc like you said we are paying for alot of things for each guest and we just cant afford to accommodate all of the uninvited ones.
  14. Where did you get ur hand sanitizer and how much was it for three in a pack?
  15. Ann I'm interested OK Ladies I'm starting this 3 day ice cream diet on Monday. Just typing it sounds ridiculous but one of my aunts swears by it. So we're doing it as a group. Almost like a biggest loser to support each other. It start Monday so I know I'll be starving by our next weigh in. The diet is soo freakin weird with eating things like beets. But my aunt says I can substitute so I'm working on my shopping list tonite bc my FI and I are going away for the weekend so i have to do all my grocery shopping by tomm nite. Oh also can I blame my lack of any weight change on the fact that my fi just got laid off from his part time job this week. So that has really caused alot of stress for us bc I quit my part time like 2 weeks ago but this was very unexpected. I tend to eat with every emotion but this was really bad and I've been pigging out on homemade lasagna all week. TTFN
  16. Hey Ladies I thought I'd start a thread to find out what items we cruise brides are putting in our OOT Bags. I searched this forum to see if there is a thread like this and I cant find one, but if there is I apologize. I've been working really hard on my OOT bags trying to figure out what I want to put in them. I think as a cruise bride I don't need as many items as the reg DW brides bc the ship basically has everything on it. So I'm going to put my list below and I'll put a " * " by the things I've already purchased and a "?" by the things that may be coming off based on my budget bc we have a group of at least 40 ppl. Can you all lemme know if you think I should scratch any of these items or am I missing anything really important Thanks in advance. -Bags (hibiscus ones from OTC for females and drawstring backpacks males) -Puzzle books (sudoku, crossword word search one per bag)? -Coloring books (kids duh) -Hand sanitizer -Room key holders -Travel mugs* (DIY ones from Dollar tree) -Pens -Note cards -Highlighters -Snacks -Gum* -First aid kits ? -postcards to send home* (free with vistaprints) -travel tissue packs* -homemade soaps* (I'm almost finished making them all) OK what do you think and can you tell what you're putting in your bags. Thanks
  17. Wow I was way to late but you have some great items.
  18. O I'm not working with the cruiseline either bc I want to know exactly what's going on with my wedding at all times. I'd panic if I had to wait until ab 2 weeks before the wedding for any confirmations etc.
  19. I plan to get the ones from Oriental Trading as well can someone comment on the size of them. Are they regular tote bag sized or are they a bit smaller?
  20. Well you guy had me cracking up. Esp the story ab the u shaped dinner/wedding. The only funny weddings that I can remember is the one when I was ab 13 and in one of my aunt's wedding. She had a Mary Kay rep do our make up. This lady put so much make up on me that my cousin the gm (who was my cousin that i grew up with) didnt even know me when I walked down the aisle. (Yea the gm bet the bms in the middle of the aisle). When I reached him he just kept looking at me like do i know you. (Mind you this is in the mddle of the procession in the church). Finally he took my arm and walked down the aisle with me and my stupid shall kept falling down and with our arms locked and me hold this huge bouquet I couldnt grab my shall so all the pic have me walking down the ails with my shall dragging the floor. It was the pits. Also the dresses came from Shingar if you guys have that store haha. The other one that I remember was a wedding of an older cousin who got married in this beautiful garden. It was a beautiful wedding. Then her reception was in a dark musty elks lodge. And get this they served crabs at the reception hahaha ridiculous.
  21. Hey I'm glad you got things worked out bc I was gonna say its wayyy to late to plan an expensive wedding at home. But I live in Baltimore and I'm free on the weekends and I love love love DIY projects so maybe I could come help you out if you need me too. Just let me know if you need help.
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