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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Unfortunately I cannot fit VS bra so their suits I'm sure won't work. Oddly enuf I buy alot of clothes from their website. Maybe by the time of the wedding I could do one of their suits. But I doubt it unless I get a breast reduction lol, which def isn't happening hahaha.
  2. Leanne I feel you my goal is to be able to fit into a bikini by my wedding in November, but in June we're have a late late engagement pool party and I wish I could wear one for that but I really doubt it. I have some really cute tankinis and one pieces. I usualy get my swimsuits from target and Marshalls.
  3. I purchased the DIY mugs from dollartree. During my vacay this week I plan to start printing up what I'm putting in the liner of the mugs.
  4. Ann I hope you got my payment. So far it doesn't look like it was denied. I'm adding the badge to my siggy but if you didn't receive my payment just lemme know.
  5. OMG he's acting like ur kidnapping her. It's one freaking nigt. But on the other hand I kinda tell my FI everything so eventually I'm sure she's gonna tell him anyway so u may as well tell em. If it's ur bff than you def want her there so... But for the record I think he's being really silly.
  6. I have 2 BMs my little sis (20y.o) and one of my bff. I'm thinking of giving them OOT bags but in a different bag than everyone else and adding their wedding jewelry and pashminas as well as spa and drink coupons for on the ship. I may also send them choco covered strawberries or something wedding night. We have a cruise wedding but are getting married in St Thomas. I doubt that my sis will throw me a shower and my other BM is in a diff state so it may be hard for her too but I think my mom and aunt will prolly end up throwing my shower and I'll prolly get them Pashminas to add to their OOT bags as well. But I've never actually heard of gifts for the persons throwing ur shower.
  7. Great Idea I just went to ebay and purchased 3 garment bags for $25 it was perfect bc I have 2 BMs. I may order more for the groom and groomsmen but I needed something to put my gown in now so it worked out well.
  8. Kathleen I'm doing the drawstring backpack for guys. Like Nike and Adidas make, but they will be a solid color.
  9. OMG Janet those pics are so depressing to me. I'll never be that skinny again hahaha. J/K That's exactly what I need. I am definitely in again this season. And I actually plan to make a significant weight loss. Also someone said they were the worse biggest loser ever. I doubt it. That would have to be me. Who get's DQ'd the last week.... And doesn't even know they're DQ'd haha only me. My biggest goal is to weigh in every Wednesday!!!! Ann I'm sending my $$ now. Good Luck ladies!!!
  10. OMG Janet those pics are so depressing to me. I'll never be that skinny again hahaha. J/K That's exactly what I need. I am definitely in again this season. And I actually plan to make a significant weight loss. Also someone said they were the worse biggest loser ever. I doubt it. That would have to be me. Who get's DQ'd the last week.... And doesn't even know they're DQ'd haha only me. My biggest goal is to weigh in every Wednesday!!!! Ann I'm sending my $$ now. Good Luck ladies!!!
  11. Sweetie there are numerous threads on here that give you ideas of what to put in them. I basically printed out the full list (it's on a sticky in the OOT forum) and crossed off everything we didnt need, then everything we didnt want, then everything we couldn't afford lol, and came up with my list although I think I did add the homemade soaps bc thats the new thing I'm into-making soaps. Good luck.
  12. Hey guys. We are doing OOT Bags. We started planning our wedding 11 months out and we put the OOT bags in our budget. Thus far we budgeted $400 for them and we expect to have ab 40 guest (including ourselves). I too had never heard of OOT bags be4 this site but now they are just necessary. I really love the idea of them and to be honest I am enjoying finding diff items at low prices for them. I plan to put (keep in mind I'm and 8 day cruise bride) homemade puzzle books, hand sanitizer, sign and sail card holders w/ keychains, pens, note cards, highlighters, postcards, welcome letter/brochure, snacks, travel mugs, tissue packs, homemade soaps and possibly first aid kits. Lemme tell ya Vistaprints, OTC and Michaels have become my new fav places to shop. I'm buying a few things everytime we get paid and I plan to have my bags completed by July. Also my favors will just be decorated raffia fans for females and electric (handheld) fans for guys. We will give out our OOT bags at the Cocktail party/meet and greet on the 1st day of the cruise. I don't think anyone has to have OOT Bags but I think it's a nice gesture since ppl are spending sooo much to come to our wedding. We're also doing T-Shirts for the group but we're giving them out before we leave Maryland.
  13. Please go back I need you lol. Thanks for the info...
  14. Ok the ctrl alt thing doesn't work for me either. My 20 year old sis just had a baby (my fam def didnt take it well that the 19 y/o was preggy) my niece is 3 months. So of course my sis texted me today to say that she was preggy again. I'm like April Fools I saw u take ur pills yest lol.
  15. LOL that reminds me of my parents. Well my sister and I were raised by our grandparents and my FI has no relationship with his family so we decided that bc my gparents raised me we would pay for all the wedding expenses except for my gown which my gparents and mom were supposed to buy. Well when went shopping for gowns my parents decided to pay for the BMs dresses as a gift to me... instead of buying my gown. I'm like WTF. Eventually they paid for half of my gown which I was grateful for but they paid for the BMs entire dresses when they were supposed to pay for my entire gown... Parent lol.
  16. My plan is to gave a Meet and Greet Cocktail party. My only issue is that they dont do parties on days that aren't full sea days so I have to find out if embarkation day is considered a full sea day. If not we will have it the next day. I am giving out my OOT bags at the party as well. To any cruise brides getting married in St Thomas where are you having ur reception. We're looking at the place called Wikkid and a few other beachy rest. We wanted Hook Line and Sinker but they couldnt accommodate our group of only 40ish ppl.. We don't want a formal place. Any ideas would be helpful.
  17. Woo I didnt realize I was DQ'd I was ab to send in my weight. Oh well. Good Luck ladies. I really planed to make it to th4e end I just kept forgetting weigh ins.
  18. Welcome Corinnalyn. I am getting Married in St Thomas by way of the Carnival freedom. Do you have a big group? when's ur wedding date? Like Kathy said there arent many of us cruise brides but we support eachother lol. TTFN.
  19. Welcome Corinnalyn. I am getting Married in St Thomas by way of the Carnival freedom. Do you have a big group? when's ur wedding date? Like Kathy said there arent many of us cruise brides but we support eachother lol. TTFN.
  20. Nope he's not wearing them (he's not active, well he's retired I guess haha that sounds funny bc he's 30) But I wanted to get hit on the butt with the sword. That's not happening tho hahaha.
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