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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that Oriental Trading has a beach placement or beach program tutorial. Well they show the items one would need to purchase to make the programs as well as they give instructions. Here's a link:Beach Placemats or Program Fans Hope this helps someone...
  2. So I talked to my PVP yesterday and since we're not actually getting married on the cruise ship Carnival won't put my OOT Bags in the guests rooms. So my PVP suggested that I sit in the lobby during embarkation and hand them out... What do you guys think
  3. Lol Estella I was thinking about trying it too. To be honest I don't know much about except that a girl at work uses it. She saw her doc ab it and she has to eat at specific times and she works out a couple times a week i think but we can clearly see the results... I've never done the weight loss drug thing and since I don't work out I don't know that it'll actually help me...
  4. Hey you all have some great ideas. I'm supposed to e sending ideas to my wc tonight. So I'm doing some research now but you all were alotta help thankx.
  5. I've made no progress at all. I am soo giving up on losing weight. I'm just gonna get spanx and call it a day... It's gonna be a very hot day for me haha. No I'm j/k.. I'm looking for wedding cake ideas as we speak and I'm eating oreo pie sooo bad!!!!
  6. Hey Gr8tful. Welcome... No more stress and no more worries now that ur on BDW. Can I just say that I had 5 minors going with us they are 1,7, 14, 18 and 20. Well naturally I had no flowergirl. Well as of last week my fam has made me have a fg so now my 7 yr old cousin is my fg so I have to find her dress etc etc. Such a headache.
  7. Congrats Trish Lol Ann Marie wow you only have 15 days I think I would be so busy I'd forget to weigh in too. So I was looking at where I came in on the list and I'm like how on earth am I up that high then I noted how many ppl forgot to weigh in and I'm like o... ok no wonder lol.
  8. Chrstina that's cute... I think I'm getting my flower veil and jewelry from Etsy.
  9. Jah your pics are beautiful,can't wait to see more. Also I couldn't even tell that you had braids. Congrats you were flawless...
  10. Welcome Cherie... What about scheduling an activity in between like an island tour or something.
  11. Aww Happy 5 month anniversary (or countdowniversary lol) Esroda, just think tomm we'll be at four months and some weeks... JamaicaBride your pic looks so familiar, do I know you? Where'd you go to college? I went to UMES and Salisbury...
  12. Mine says exactly 5 month so I'm sure tomm I'll be a t like 4 months and 4 weeks lol Yay!!!
  13. Lol thanks Kits.. I found them when I was looking for palm tree ink pens. OTC's funny like that. Speaking of they don't have the palm tree pens anymore. Does anyone know where I could find them... I've been searching online for weeks.
  14. Favors are soo stressing me out. I want to do something that will actually be used but I cant find anything. I want to do the hot sauce but it's expensive and when i think ab all the things I'll have to ship to St Thomas the weight of the hot sauce will clearly cost alot. I was just looking at personalized gum and for 48 pieces it's $100 plus I can get 10% with a coupon on beacoup (I got the coupon code from mywedding.com lemme know if you want it). They r also having a 15% off sale I wonder if I can get 25% off. I'm not trying to be cheap, but my favor and OOT budgets were together and I've gone a little overboard on my OOT bags (and I'm not even done yet) so my favors budget is really diminishing. I don't want to make the OOT bags the favors but that may be the case....
  15. OK I checked out the sites and I really like Tait Photography. Her FAQs were helpful.
  16. Hey ladies I talked to another MD bride she's in this thread as well I just can't remember her name right now and she and I were both interested in a group BD Shoot. I think her wedding's in Nov like mine. I really didn't have a photographer in mind yet so I'm willing to go with the group on this one. Just lemme know what u all want to do.
  17. LOL Christina I so agree with you. The idea of a BD Shoot is freaking me out... If I don't lose some wight soon I won't be able to do it...
  18. Welcome Kristie I think I'll do pin on corsages for my mom and gma.
  19. OK So losing weight is stressing me out. My BM put me on this ridiculous diet last week. It consist of eating no whites (which are freaking everything on earth such as rice bread milk) 3days a week and eating all fruit and veggies before 12pm and like we can only drink all natural fruit juice or hot tea and 32 oz water per day. I know this doesn't sound that bad but omg doing it just really doesn't work for my lifestyle, to be honest I totally forgot I was on the darn diet.... My FI cracked me yesterday when i told him I was going to the gym (for the 1st time, had membership for almost 3 months i think) tomm for the intro class. He just looked at me and fell out laughing. So today when I called him to get the # to the gym so that I could call to sched my class (I called him while at my parents weekly bbq) he again cracked up laughin. That time I got really upset. He is really open ab the idea that he hates that I wanna lose weight bc he thinks I'm fine. But now he's laughing at me bc he thinks I'm lazy:-( Then my mom who just bought her mother-of-the-bride-dress (and has recently loss over 20lbs) decides that in the middle of the cookout she wants to bring out the scale so that we could all weigh ourselves and play guess each other's weight. That had to be the most humiliating game I've ever played bc I weighed more than everyone else. Also my aunt who's going through a terrible divorce lost a tremendous amt of weight in the past couple months so it was bad for her eventhough her weight had went down, we all knew why so it was like the elephant in the room thing. Sorry for being so long winded... But I really needed to vent.
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