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Everything posted by Prettyhazardous

  1. Hey ladies thanx for all ur advice. My Loctician thinks that my breakage has to do with stress. I've bleached my hair in the past and it stayed rather healthy, with me keeping is oiled and greased. For me rinses are a waste of energy. I have alotta hair I can barely see a diff (except in the sunlite bc then it's really pretty). But yea I think I'll be holding off on the dye for a little while.
  2. Hey ladies I have natural hair as well but I have locs and they're rather long so i feel comfy doing any style. I think I'm gonna curl it with loc loops (it'll look like shirley temple curls) and the just wear my flower and blusher. By the way i love my flower (altho I didnt think it was worth the price) but my blusher is too small. So I'm sending ti back today and she's making me a bigger one... I never knew I had a big heads lol... I'm contemplating dying my hair. My loctician is all ab taking care of your hair and bc my hair has broken off so much she's not willing to bleach and dye it. I was thinking of getting someone else to dye it and just have her take care of my hair (so rude right). I wanna dye it this summer so that by nov the color will be locked in and not run when I get in the water and stuff i'm just scared that I'll break my hair off more...
  3. Hey I am getting married in St Thomas by way of the Carnival Freedom. I'm using an on island WC and we booked our trip with a Carnival PVP. We gave our group over 8 months to book and pay off their trip. Surprisingly we have 39 ppl going. Most ppl are using the cruise as their vacay not just for our wedding. I think if you give ppl ample time to pay u'd be surprised how many ppl choose to go... However witht his economy we have alotta ppl who aren't going as well. An AHR would be a good option as well... Happy Planning.
  4. My Fiance decided to start with me. Also my brides maid and 2 other friends going on my wedding cruise will be starting on Monday to.
  5. Ok so I've done some more research on this diet and I'm actually gonna ignore my findings and start it on Monday lol. I'm gonna do my food shopping today but I had a few question for all you SHD experts. With the Lipton Soup mix do you add the noodles as well? Also can the tea be sweetened? Also I don't eat tomatoes (they will be fine in the soup) so on the day that we eat tomatoes and beef is there a tomato substitute? Thanks for all your help. Im making my grocery list now...
  6. Welcome Elena We purchased our gm's attire about 2 weeks ago from Off the 5th (Saks 5th Ave outlet). They are wearing khaki colored linen pants and these beautiful (colored lol) green linen shirts. And we have to still get their sandals from Aldo. My Fi has decided to get his attire made. So he's meeting with the guy this weekend. He is getting and off white linen set hopefully with a colorless shirt and some silver accents (although I know I'm asking for alot with the silver accents). My girls all have the gowns (almost) my moh and bm have their gowns my jr bm and flower girl ordered their gowns on Wednesday. Bc I have 1 moh, 1 bm, and 1 jr bm I took them to david's showed them the color and the material (color clover material chiffon like my gown) and let them pick what they wanted. It was easier that way bc they are diff sizes and were able to get the gowns that best suited their body types. I love the idea of them not being matchy matchy. I started the process of ordering my programs and menu cards from Ana De Roux. Does anyone have wording for reception programs/menu cards. I'm just trying to find the order in which the toast etc should go... I will check the traditions and programs thread.... TTFN
  7. I was in St Thomas last Sept during the hurricane Ike. It was beautiful and Ike didnt touch St Thomas. However we were cruising and weren't able to make it Nassau bc of Ike. So that shows you that St Thomas is quite resilient. Happy Planning...
  8. Welcome Allison I too am a Baltimore bride...
  9. NO NO NO you def cannot have candles on carnival ship. They will set off the smoke detectors which will turn on the showers and ruin all of your stuff as well as your neighbors... I was thinking about putting in a flameless candle or a plug in of some sort. I am such a candle person and it annoys me that I will have no candles for my weddingmoon lol.
  10. I actually chickened out and am letting Ana De Roux do mine. Lol she did an awesome job on my invites so I know she'll do great on my programs and menu cards.
  11. OK I'm sorry. I took the flower to my parents house and they all loved it. So I'm keeping it. But I do need a bigger blusher. The seller said I could send the entire thing back and she'd start over, But I said that's ok I just will take a bigger blusher.
  12. I think we will end up spending between 15-23 per bag. We have 39 people going with us.
  13. Jac I promise I'm gonna lose this time. I'm gonna start the Sacred Heart Diet next Monday and my fiance is hooking up the treadmill and setting me up a little workout area in the basement. I have no chioce at this point but to lose.
  14. I agree ab Blue Glass, it seems that they are good based on which photographer you get. My WC reassured me on Blueglass so we're gonna stick with them and do the 2 hrs for $800. I think we get originals but I'm not 100% sure I will ask my WC...
  15. OMG I just received my hair flower and blusher that I got from an Etsy store and I hate it... I can really only express concern re the blusher (which is too small for my head) since the flower basically looks exactly like we discussed.... Oh well. That was a wasted $75. The silly part is that they have another hair flower that I want now. But I cant spend that kinda $$$ in the same place if I'm unhappy with the first product. Sorry needed to vent....
  16. Well count me in... I have less than 4 months til my wedding. This is the season I've been waiting for. The one that really counts... Can you post a link to season 7 in this forum so I won't miss it...
  17. N&M I thought Ana did your invites... She did mine as well. She's great.
  18. Hey Ashley I am getting Married in St Thomas by way of the Carnival Freedom. I think with good planning you could do your best to avoid missing your wedding. What we did was we chose an island that doesn't tender. Also St Thomas is one of the least likely islands to be missed during bad weather... Also we chose to go right outside of hurricane season, although we do understand that hurricanes come when they want. We are actually working with an on island wc which has been really beneficial bc I like to be "in the know" in advance. I wouldn't be comfy learning all the details of my wedding a few days before embarkation... Happy Planning
  19. I was ab to post a question on this. We are booked with Blue Glass but I was also thinking ab changing to Kelly O. my concern was the price. We are gonna be paying $800 for 2 hrs. Does that seem like too much? In looking at other photographers it seems like that price is low but in my mind I think that's ludicrous. Also we'd be paying the same price with both photographers...
  20. OK ladies I ordered my veil from Etsy seller PinUpCouture. The girl's name is Michelle and she's been great to work with. we basically took something she had on the site and changed the colors and the jewels. It's a flower with feathers and a blusher. I'll show a pic when I receive it. It cost me $75 but hey you only get married once... right haha...
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