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Everything posted by Carlitarenee

  1. Hi ladies, First, THANK YOU! once again for everyone on this site sharing this entire wedding process. I had never even heard of a BD book prior to this website, but after seeing everyone else's amazing pictures, I decided to try one. I was incredibly nervous for the shoot, but a couple glasses of wine helped =) These are some of the untouched photos as we literally just decided which ones were going in the book. I know I got my courage to try this from seeing previous BD photos and ideas so without further adieu.... There is a few more.....
  2. Congratulations! and Welcome
  3. Hi Ladies! I was excited about this and since I can't share it with my FI, I thought I would share with you! The back story: When my FI and I started dating he ALWAYS wore his favorite pair of sandals (even in the snow) that were primarily duct tape by that point. As new holes developed, he would simply add more duct tape to patch them up. Needless to say, everyone gave him a hard time about those awful sandals. Eventually, as we were walking home one night, I "accidently" stepped on them and broke them It really was an accident, but I didn't feel too bad. Its been a running joke with us and he has been giving me a hard time about "killing" his sandals ever since. Now that I wrote a novel... here is my point =) We are including a roll of duct tape with the "obituary", and instructions to make your own sandals in all the OOT bags. Here is the obituary:
  4. I never should have read this thread!! LOL Now, I have to listen to all these great suggestions and have yet another decision to make! Prior to this thread, I was between Somewhere over the Rainbow and Wonderful Tonight by the Vitamin String Quartet
  5. Thank you for this thread! Still have sometime before I leave, but one of my favorite things to pack is a cheap, clear, over the door shoe organizer. You can find them at Target for like $5. I hang it over the bathroom door and use it for random toiletries, belts, extra cords, keys, any kind of random items. Its especially great for cruises since you have limited space anyways. Plus, it helps keep everything organized and easy to grab without cluttering the room or taking valuable counter space. Then at the end of the trip you can just trash it.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*petals*~ I ended up doing the same thing as yamille- it was nice to see his reaction! Here's another thread with some more answers to that Q: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36866 Thanks, Petals! =) I missed that thread.
  7. Hi ladies, So I am having my BD shoot this weekend, but it got me wondering. When should I give my FI the BD book since it is meant to be a wedding day present? Its not a gift I want him to open in front of everyone, but I also don't want him to see me in my wedding dress prior to the ceremony. Should I give him the BD book before the ceremony via a trusted friend? or should I wait until after the ceremony and reception to give it to him myself? How have you presented or plan to present the BD book? Thanks! Carla
  8. Hi and welcome! I'm in a similar situation. My FI and I are from VA, living in Singapore, and getting married in FL! We decided to get married during a cruise that leaves from Ft. Lauderdale and we will have the ceremony at the Westin Resort and Marina while the cruise is in the port of Key West. I still have about 6 weeks until the wedding, but would be happy to answer any questions I can. Good luck with the decision making!
  9. Welcome, Missa! I'm getting married on a cruise, as well! Hopefully you can convince you FI ;-) There is lots of information and ideas on here. Good Luck!!
  10. Congratulations and welcome! This forum is addictive =)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by cece9922 I would love one too with an anchor Alicia & Matthew August 12, 2009 Carnival Miracle Also if anyone does the beach pictures with the names in the sand I would love one of those too. Hi Alicia, My FI had the TV remote and I got bored. I just found out I had publisher so I'm having fun playing with it. I made this logo with the anchor, but I didn't know your colors so I just made some up. Hopefully it gives you some possible ideas...Good luck with the logos!
  12. That sucks you had a bad experience, but I don't think you were being a "bridezilla" at all. The whole purpose of a trial run is to know exactly what you will be doing day of since you will already have enough going on without stressing about your hair and makeup. At least this way you will have some great makeup after the wedding, as well!
  13. I wish I had seen this thread when I was trying to decide! There are so many possibilities and I love so many of the ideas from this forum. I ended up picking yellow, orange, and chocolate brown. It sounds like fall colors, but my inspiration was the sunset background on my wedding website. I like the bright oranges and yellows for the fun beachy feel, but the brown gives me something more neutral to work with, as well.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Carlitarenee Thank you! I made it using Microsoft Publisher 2007. I would be happy to send you the file and do my best to answer any questions. I kinda fumbled my way through it =) This is probably silly, but I've honestly haven't posted a lot on here so not sure if its easier to PM you or for me to just email it to you.... I'm a dork... just figured out how to email on here =)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by meseh OMG that is so cute, can you email me the template or tell me where you got it from? Thank you! I made it using Microsoft Publisher 2007. I would be happy to send you the file and do my best to answer any questions. I kinda fumbled my way through it =) This is probably silly, but I've honestly haven't posted a lot on here so not sure if its easier to PM you or for me to just email it to you....
  16. Hi, I love the idea of a hangover kit from a lot brides on this site so I was searching online for some possible ideas and I found this site... HangOver Kit - Fundraiser - Parties & Special Events - HangOver Kits - Corporate Gifts - Sorority Fundraisers - Fraternity Fundraisers - Greek Fundraisers - Adult Softball Fundraisers. I don't think I am going to purchase from this site, but I like that all the contents were in a sports bottle so I think I will copy that idea =) I wanted to share in case someone else wanted to purchase them already made and for content ideas. Happy planning! Carla PS.. sorry if you already had this site/info
  17. Hello! I FINALLY finished my brochures for Vistaprint and the luggage tags to be sent to all of our guests pre-cruise. Brochure that took me forever! This is the template as the actual brochures are in the mail. Outside of the brochure Inside of Brochure Luggage tag - We have 47 people cruising with us so I left the back of the business card blank for guests to fill out themselves. The plastic holder is from idcardgroup.com and the business card from Vistaprint. Front of tags Back of tags
  18. Hi everyone! We have finished most of our OOT Bags and the contents. I tried to post where we got the items, but if you have any questions just let me know! Here it is: OOT Bag with logo sewn on to make a pocket Included in the bags: 1. Pens, Highlighters, Sticky notepads - leave notes on the door or in the room for guests/housekeeping, use highlighter for cruise dailies 2. Goofy sunglasses, Playing cards – just for fun (hoping for some fun pics) – from Oriental Trading 3. Three Chinese coins for luck – this is our gift from Singapore to our guests, will also include a description of meaning 4. Anti-bacterial lotion, Beach themed Soap (not pictured), first aid kit, aloe (picked up during sales at target and bath and bodyworks) 5. Personalized Hot Sauce – from theknot.com, will also be given to guests only coming to the wedding. FI and I are obsessed with spicy food =) 6. Disposable Camera - from theknot.com. This will only be in the wedding parties bags. We are going to ask them to use the entire camera and give back to us to develop by the end of the cruise 7. Also included but not pictured: - Duct Tape – In honor of my fiancé since he had duct tape shoes and wallet when we met that everyone used to give him a hard time for. We will also include instructions to make duct tape flip flops and wallet for guests. - Gum, Mints, Lifesavers - Gum since its illegal in Singapore and Lifesavers since we are on a cruise, the mints just because your breath can never be too fresh =) Thats all!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by marny61 She did a great job! What are you putting in your OOT bags? Thank you! We are putting in the following: 1. Pens/highlighter - to mark cruise dailies 2. Sticky pads - notes on door or for in room 3. Lifesavers - since its a cruise =) 4. Gum - since its illegal in Singapore 5. Anti-bacterial gel from Bath and Bodyworks - cruise germs 6. Beach themed handmade soap - its beach themed =) 7. Deck of cards - Pirate themed 8. Fun, tacky 80s themed sunglasses - hoping for some fun pics 9. Personalized Hot Sauce - Scott and I are obsessed with spicy food and they will also be given as favors to those only coming to the wedding and not on the cruise 10. Duct Tape =) Funny story with this one. My FI had duct tape shoes and a wallet when we first met that everyone gave him a hard time about. So we are including instructions on how to make your how duct tape flip flops and wallet in his honor (He doesn't know about this one for the bags) I think thats about it... I will be posting pics of the completed bags soon hopefully =)
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