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Everything posted by Carlitarenee

  1. LOL. I didn't think it was real either but I found it on TripAdvisor when I was researching hotels. Its on the North Shore of Oahu.... but they don't have a Kapula Suite Not that we could afford it anyways!
  2. Congrats and welcome! Where are you cruising to?
  3. I LOVE the After Six dress... its simple and gorgeous! Looks like there are lots of colors including white and you could even have a different trim color if you wanted. I think the most important thing is that whatever you wear you are comfortable in it and it makes you feel beautiful.
  4. First, my apologizes if there is a thread for this, but all I found was how to change your legal name (very helpful and plan to use btw) My issue is when to legally change my name? We have actually been married for over a year now since we had to in order for me to be listed as a dependent on his Employment pass while we are living in Singapore. I had planned to have my named changed when we moved back to the US right after our wedding, but now we are staying in Singapore for at least one more year. Is there any timeframe I need to change my name within from my legal wedding day? Also, has anyone already done this while living abroad? If so, any tips on where to start? We have been "fake" married for a year now and I would really like to start using my married name after the "real" wedding. On a side note, my married name will be Carla Garber and if you say it fast a few times it comes out as Gobble Gobble -- this name is already starting to stick with my friends!
  5. Aww.. I completely sympathize with you. I am very particular and want things to look professional not sloppy. I finally gave in and had my FI helped tie our chinese coins together for our favors but I was right next to him the whole time. I even re-did a few after he went to bed :blush: Its tough balancing the FI's desire to help out and my need to have it precise. Good luck!
  6. Wow... its beautiful!! I love Frangipani (spelling??)
  7. We got a 20 x 60 tent for 60 people and it cost $1900 total. $795 was for the tent and then another $795 to have the interior draped and the legs of the tent covered, as well plus set-up, taxes, and fees. Our wedding is Key West, though so I am not sure about price comparisons. Here is what the tent will look like with the draping inside (we aren't adding the chandeliers which are additional $$):
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by boven Initially I was not interested in seeing this movie but on a lazy Saturday afternoon (we were experiencing a lull with wedding planning), I decided to give it a shot. I was shocked with how much I enjoyed it. It's my kind of humor and has made me appreciate How I Met Your Mother even more! We are addicted to How I met your mother, too!! Its Legand - wait for it - ary Wow... watch way too much tv and am way to big of a dork!
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  10. Carlitarenee


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous O yea I forgot ab karaoke my mom and my aunts (they call themselves the Carter girls) are gonna perform every nite for karaoke. They are even doing costumes. They are hell bent on embarrassing my fi and I. LOL it'll be soo much fun!!! HAHA... that sounds awesome. I know one of our favorite cruise memories was when our friend got up to sing karaoke with a broken mic. I hope you get some pics with the costumes
  12. I LOVE this movie!! One that both my FI and I watch all the time..in fact, just this weekend! We are even staying at that same resort - Turtle Bay for our honeymoon =) Great movie!
  13. Aww.. I'm so sorry. That really sucks and you have already gone out of your way so she can be there. Do you think it would help if she wasn't there the entire week, but just for a day or two around the actual wedding day? Maybe, if time off work is an issue that would at least allow her to be there for your wedding day? It isn't ideal but just a thought.
  14. I think we are going to end up trying to do some excursion with our guests, as well. We want people to feel free to do whatever they want and to be honest, I am simply overwhelmed with the thought of planning another group event at this point! I hoping to get a big group of us to go dancing throughout the cruise and have already requested a few people in our group sing karoke (they have good voices anyways) My in-laws did plan a welcome dinner for us the night before the cruise leaves since 45 of our 50 guests will already be in Ft. Lauderdale. I did print "Thank you" postcards and will slide those under everyone's cabin door the final night, but we will also send formal thank you notes after we get home. I had wanted to do a cocktail party, but now that the wedding is closer I just want to see everyone!!
  15. Great review and congratulations! I really hope to go to this resort sometime for vacation. Can't wait to see pictures
  16. Carlitarenee


    Congratulations and welcome to the forum! You can find lots of ideas and advice on here to help! Good luck with your planning =)
  17. Congrats and welcome... I completely understand getting addicted to this site!
  18. We are giving one bag per couple or if single, they get their own bag. For the couple's bags we are doubling up on some of the stuff like the sunglasses, candy, etc. so its enough for both of them.
  19. I love the first one, but I maybe biased =) The first one is my wedding dress, too! Although, I tie the back differently than they do online. All of those dresses look great on you.
  20. Your wedding is coming up soon! Congrats and welcome!
  21. It looks great. I love the sayings for your OOT bags and your colors! Congratulations
  22. Aww man! I knew it was bad but didn't realize it was that bad! Their portions are generous to say the least, but sooo good. This is on my FI and my list of restaurants for when we come home...maybe if I just skip straight to dessert?!?
  23. We were only there 4 days but seriously considered moving there! I think 7-10 days would be a good visit though. If you like monkeys at all you really want to visit the Monkey Sanctuary where you can feed the monkeys bananas. We went to the monkey sanctuary, the temple, some shopping, and drove by the volcano all in one day. You can definitely spend more than one day shopping as there is tons of items and I would have liked to hike the volcano which would have taken an entire day. Plus, you want to have a few days to just relax by the pool/ocean. The villas are very popular in Bali so lots of options for you to have a private pool to relax by with your drinks. Aww man, I want to go back =)
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