Let me preface this by saying I adore my FI, as I am sure everyone on this forum would say about their significant others. However, once you have been in a relationship for awhile and especially once you have been living together there are bound to be things that drive you bonkers and vice versa, I know there are things I do that drive my FI crazy. I just needed to vent some since they are minor things but can still have me pulling me hair out.
For me:
1. I hate that my FI ALWAYS leaves the bathroom light on, even when he didn't need it on in the first place.
2. I also can't stand when he squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube or leaves the cap off.
For my FI:
1. I know it drives him crazy when I can't decide on which restaurant to eat at or I switch it a million times (sometimes once we are already in the restaurant)
2. I have also woken him up at 2am more than once to kill the giant, alien bug crawling around because I can't go near it.
So, I'm curious what is it that drives you nuts about your significant other? Hopefully, I'm not the only one with random pet peeves