Wow, thank you so much for all the information. I can't see all the docs yet, I guess I'll have to do more posting! lol
Anyway, I never considered the fact that even though the resort may be cheaper and have to pay for a wedding, that it will still be cheaper than a more expensive resort. So thank you for that, I will have to keep that in mind.
I find it hard to figure out pricing and that sort of thing right now because I look online for prices and all I get are the last minute deals, which obviously are cheaper. We haven't gone to see our travel agent yet (same one that my whole fam uses). We are planning on doing this after the holidays. Since the wedding is a year away, I'm not sure how much she can help us though.
Another silly question. How long in advance do I have to book the wedding at the resort? We're planning on going January 2010, so it's only a year. I guess I'm not sure of these things yet! lol
Glad to hear that all went well with the passports/birth certificates. It makes me feel better knowing that someone has successfully done this! lol
Anyway, thanks again for all your help, I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way!