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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Great thread. I am planning my wedding for next Jan at Riu Negril. I always love reading what others have to say.
  2. Thanks so much for the comments ladies. We sure had a great time, froze a little, but it was worth it!
  3. Thanks so much for your input! It sounds like you had a beautiful wedding. We don't really have the money to go offsite, but I know that our wedding will be wonderful anyway. Thanks again for the review. It's great to hear of someone who actually went to the resort.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Fuschia/hot pink and orange always look good together I think. Those are definitely tropical! That way you can have a more "girly" colour and a more "manly" colour.. heh that's true, i never thought of it that way! lol thanks!
  5. Never too early! It's difficult though because you want to do some planning but can't because you don't have a definite date or anything. I want to get started on STDs and invites but can't finalize anything because we don't have a date! Anyway, enjoy all the forums, they're great. Tons of ideas out there, you'll go crazy, like me! lol
  6. Much better than the Sephora look. I think you did a great job. Should be great for the wedding day!
  7. I need some help. As we are not having any bridesmaids/groomsmen, we don't really have wedding colors. I'm so in need of some ideas. I absolutely LOVE pink, but I'm not sure what looks great with it. I always like pink/brown, but I don't find it "tropical"? I'm sort of looking at pink/orange, but I'm not sure. What about pink/turquoise? I'm CONFUSED!!!!!! HELP!!! Because of this, I can't decide on a monogram or what colors to use for our invites. I'm doing boarding pass invites. Any ideas?? Thanks ladies!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica Your hair is at a perfect length now actually. No stressing of having to grow it out longer either... plus your small layer will help with the lifting of the curl and add dimention to it. If you go longer than that, the base curls would have to be heavily pinned into a messy bun or rounded out in a sense to give it that look in the back. Neither I would suggest. Sorry the hairdresser in me just sorta blurted that all out.. one thing I might think about is to very lightly angle your front.. this way you get the volume and cascading effect with the curls like in the picture. That was my intended style for the wedding too. I loved the look of it all. Only problem was the hurricane and the damn wind.. we had to pull it back a bit tighter after an early morning run and I didn't get the curls I wanted.in front.. but I think my hair still worked for the day. Great tips! It's exactly what I wanted from posting the pic. Professional opinion! I saw your wedding pics and your hair looked great!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Bring lots of bobby pins, it almost looks like a low ponytail with the strands loosely pinned up. Your length should be just right now, how much time do you have to grow it out more? I'm getting married next january. So if I need to grow it longer, I have lots of time!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I think a little passed the shoulders is just right. I really like that style, very simple and elegant at the same time. I'm growing my hair out just for the wedding (it's been chin length or shorter for 15 years) and when we get back from the wedding I will be getting it cut and donating it to locks of love. It's so long right now...okay...not really, just above my shoulders. oh that's really great of you! doesn't the hair have to be a certain lenght before donating it? that's what I thought anyway! Thanks for the input. I actually think it's great too. Because of my wavy hair, I don't want to fight the frizz on the big day and try to straighten it. that's why I thought this would work great.
  11. I'm thinking about doing this hairstyle for my wedding. Any of you ladies know about hair? I'm wondering how long my hair would have to be to do this? My hair is past my shoulders now and is natually wavy. Comments would be appreciated. Thanks ladies! Attachment 3122
  12. i like the blue better. it goes with the whole water/beach theme.
  13. Just a question. Why did you choose to get married at another resort? Why not have it at RIU?
  14. I prefer #1 but that's my opinion. #2 is too busy for me. takes away from the diamond, i think
  15. Good to hear that we're not the only ones not inviting someone. We're not inviting FI's father because FI's mother is coming with us (we're helping her come). His father was abusive both mentally and physically to his wife and children. I don't want that kind of tension on my wedding day. I want everyone to enjoy themselves and not worry about anything.
  16. Congrats Veronica!! Way to go!!! Welcome to any other new members. Apparently we have a few this week which is awesome!! Great to see! My story of the week is as follows...So I weighed in this past wednesday and was sad. I had gained 2.4 pounds! YIKES!!!! I know it's because of what I ate last weekend. Still sucks but I'm hoping to do better this week. I'm not sure what's going on but for some reason I feel I have to sabotage myself?! Anyone else having this problem? Anyway, I'm doing better already this week, so I'm happy about that. Hopefully I'll have good news on Wednesday. Have a great week ladies, keep up the good work!!!!!!!! *hugs*
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaM I love the last couple, that is so cute!! I bet you two were freezing!! Oh that's for sure!! It was about -20 degrees Celcius that day!
  18. LOL - glad that I can make people smile. We thought they would be fun pictures. Everybody loves them! lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica Lisa I love them ... well and espec your suit and sign pic.. That is AWESOME!! Great job on your cousins work. Geezzz you have an infectious smile!! lol thanks, that's what I've been told!! I can't help but smile when the camera is on me. We tried to do serious shots of me, it doesn't work so well! lol The last 2 pictures in our swimsuits was my mom's idea. We said what the hell and went for it. It was freakin' cold, but fun!
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