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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by baj congrats, can I ask how long it took the Riu WC to confirm your booking? un -decided if to book the wedding package with the TA or to book date direct with RIU and then book the holiday separate. Thanks Our TA recommended that we book our wedding with RIU first. After we had done that, which only takes a couple of days, we talked to the TA and had our vacation booked. There's no point in booking a vacation if you don't have your wedding date, I don't think. That's how we did it anyway. Good luck! It's so much fun!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Hopelesslyblissful That is soo exciting!! I wish I was at that step!! Congrats you'll get there soon enough, no worries!
  3. Welcome Jennie! You'll enjoy the forum, we're all in it together and know how you feel. Feel free to post whatever comes to mind, good or bad! Good luck with the weight loss! On another note - I'M FREAKIN STUCK AT THIS WEIGHT!!!!!!! Ok, I guess it doesn't help that I haven't been going to meetings and really not watching (I know, bad girl)! At least I can admit my problems! lol It's my 4th week at the gym and I feel great!! I know this is helping, so I'm sticking with it and I actually love it! Eventually I'll start to lose again, if not, I know that my body shape will start to change with all the workouts. That's about all I have for now! I hope that all you ladies are doing amazing!!!! *BIG HUGS*
  4. Oh I am sooo less stressed. Everything has been confirmed and re-confirmed! We even has some family members starting to book, woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks for the information! I think I'm looking at making something a little more simpler! I was all into this invite making but now I'm busy with a new job and life! lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by HilaryDale Need Rates!!! I don't want to send my date request until I have vacation rates........any idea when they will be available though itravel or tripcentral I noticed that you were from Sudbury, me too! Just to let you know, you can get rates through a travel agent. I just booked my trip for January 2010 last night. I used Sears travel and I know that selloffvacations can also get you a quote because I tried through there also about 1 month ago. Just thought that I would let you know!
  7. love 1 tier! But I have to say that dress looks WAY too beautiful to trash!! lol
  8. I was just wondering if there was a thread (looked but couldn't find it) where there may be templates or ideas for DIY invites that aren't boarding passes or passports. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kris Congrats lisaloo79, were doing that this week as well, sooo exciting Good Luck!!! Good luck to you too! This is so much fun!
  10. Simistar - lol you're so right, anytime there's free booze and food, you'll always see people! We've actually decided not to have an AHR now. It's too expensive (for us) plus we don't really want to bother. If I had wanted to do major planning, we would have gotten married here. Thanks for all the great tips!
  11. I'm so excited because tonight we are going to see the travel agent to book our vacation!!! I've already booked my wedding date so this is one of the final steps! WOO HOO!!!! Just thought that I would share my happiness with everyone!
  12. We've decided not to have an AHR after discussions about it after I read this thread earlier in the week. We really can't afford it and why plan a reception for those who didn't want to join us in Jamaica? A few very close family members will not be able to come to our wedding, so we're planning on hosting a special dinner when we get back for those people. Thanks for all the input/advice, it really does help to know that others are in your situation!
  13. Wow, I'm really glad I fell upon this thread. I've been on the fence about the whole AHR thing. Now that I've seen that I'm not the only one not really wanting an AHR, I don't feel so bad. Basically the only reason we're considering having one is because FI's dad and his family are not invited to Jamaica so we figured if we had a party back home, they wouldn't feel left out. But really, who cares right? We don't even know where we'll be living if FI passes his testing to be a police officer. I think maybe you ladies have changed my mind...lol
  14. thanks so much! I could actually follow what you were saying so that was great! lol were you able to run them through your own printer?
  15. Thanks for posting the information, it was hard to read. I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your paper? and did you have 2 colors, etc. Any information would help. Your invites are GREAT!!!!
  16. I think these are great!! Definitely be looking into this! I love flip flops, it's my thing, so it would be a great idea for the families!
  17. I think these are great!! Definitely be looking into this! I love flip flops, it's my thing, so it would be a great idea for the families!
  18. Well once again, I seek help from you wonderful ladies. We've been debating back and forth about having an AHR. I think we've finally come to a decision to have one. My question is, how many months after you get married (or come back from the wedding) is appropriate for an AHR? Is 6 months afterwards too late? Will people wonder why the heck you waited so long or what is the point of having a party so long afterwards? Anyone have any input on this? I would appreciate any help. Thanks a bunch!
  19. I think your invites are great! :) I love the simplicity of them, meaning that they are very clean and clutter free. Where did you get the template for them? I wouldn't mind having it if it's possible to pass on. Thanks so much!!
  20. Thanks everyone for the congrats! I've been planning for awhile now but couldn't do anything because i didn't have a date. Now that I have one, i can start! YEAH!!!!!
  21. Today, we got our confirmation for our wedding. I'm soooooooo happy!!!We're officially booked for the Riu Negril for January 6th, 2010 at 2pm. I can't wait!! Now I can actually start planning!! Let the stress begin....lol Just wanted to share cause I'm so jumping for joy right now!
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