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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ OMG Lisa you're on a roll lately lol. What if you tell her that you have something very specific in mind and you want her only job to be showing up and enjoying herself? Or say that you've already purchased one?? OMG Nicole I KNOW!!!!!!!! lol She already knows we don't have a cake. I told her that we may or may not get one, that the reception location might do one for us, etc...She just doesn't get it! I don't want to be an ass about it, but man, give up already. I know if it was me, I would have taken the hint already....
  2. I could have put this under a few categories, but I decided on this one because it really is about the MIL (yes, I know, again! lol) Here's the issue: DH's mom made my wedding shower cake. She didn't ask what I wanted and it was just "ok". The filing was lemon, which I don't love, the cake was dry and the icing SUPER sweet! I'm looking at having something a little bit more, ummm, professional looking and tasting for my AHR. Problem is, she is insisting on making our cake for the AHR. I don't know what to say to her anymore without actually coming out and saying "your cake sucks and I don't want you to make it!" She just won't get the hint!! I sound like I'm a horrible person, but I just really want to have a nice cake. Any suggestions/ideas about how to handle this issue?
  3. I also forgot to mention about our OOT bags. Instead of bringing them with us and seeing as it was so close to Christmas, we made our rounds to our families to pass our the OOT bags. It was nice way to see everyone during the holidays and everyone loved the bags! I only had to ship out 3 bags to guest who live out of town! I found this a really great way to do it. Of course, it all depends on where everyone lives who is attending your wedding.
  4. I have no idea! you'll have to let us know how it went when you get back!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird I agree 130 is ridiculous for someone 5'10"! You'd look freaking anorexic!! JEEZ! I'm "supposed" to be 130 pounds, I'm 5'3", and I get told by my doctor all the time that I'm too heavy and need to lose weight and that my BMI is too high. I guess because I'm so short, it seems that I'm too heavy because I'm 160 pounds, but I'm a size 10/12 street clothes, so I'm like WTF? .... I really hate that I get told I need to lose weight just because I'm muscular, I work out everyday, lift weights and eat healthy! I'm getting to a point in my life where I realize that even when I was smaller ( in highschool), I still thought I was "fat" because our media and society has portrayed women so poorly for so long, and it has created so many body image issues out there. It's to the point, that even when we are thin, we don't see ourselves as thin, we just compare ourselves to the next thinnest girl, and how we are not thinner than her.... I believe that as long as you are happy and healthy that is all that matters!! We should praise all sizes, shapes, etc! well said girl, well said!!!!!!!
  6. OMG that's going to be a freakin mess!!! What a confusing situation. Are you still planning on going?
  7. Megan - I didn't add anything extra and I am happy about that. I didn't need to make anything and drag it all down there, pay extra and all that hassle. The scenery was beautiful enough for me. Keep it simple if that's what you want. You'll be happier that way!
  8. oh he will make an excellent neighbour! can't wait to see it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TLC4Rock Thanks Lisa for starting this thread. I'm in! :-) Two of my three bridesmaids are also curvacious and I could use some help finding bridesmaid dresses. and you're welcome. Us gals need a place to bitch about our skinny friends! lol jk there's tons of support here as you can see! I'm not sure about dresses as I had mine made and I didn't have any bridesmaids. Someone else will be able to help you for sure though!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs say what?!?! 130 is ridic for someone who is 5'10". get a new doctor!!! completely agree! that's ridic!! Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis My ultimate goal weight is around 175, which seems like a lot to some women, but when you're built like a brick shithouse (as my mom would say) then it's normal. Besides, last time I was under 200 lbs, I think I was 12 lol Oh I would give anything to be 175! I honestly think that my one leg probably weighs that much!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Mischaka I so happy!!! I've already lost 7lbs!!! I have 43 more to go to my ultimate goal...but i'll be happy to lose another 23!! WOO HOO!! You go girl! You can do this! Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd God I’m slacking. Just got on here and caught up on the conversation. For those of you who were asking about GBP surgery, it is a good option for those of you looking to drop the weight and keep it off, but it isn’t for everyone. My mom went through her surgery 5 years ago and looks AMAZING! If you’re worried about the risks, you really need to weigh the pros and cons. There is a chance that you can get a pulmonary embolism after the surgery, as well as a small risk for internal bleeding. Also, the surgery isn’t a quick fix; you still have to work at it. It is such an amazing tool to help you reach your weightloss goals though. As for the whole wrinkled dog thing, there probably will be some extra skin after you lose the weight, but the good news is that most insurance companies will cover the cost for you to have the extra skin removed, because at that point they look at it as a medical necessity instead of a cosmetic thing, as the extra skin can cause rashes and discomfort, etc. Anyways, that’s just my two cents. If you’re seriously considering the surgery I would HIGHLY encourage you to check out a GBP seminar that they offer at almost all major hospitals. They’re full of useful information to help you make a better informed decision. I hope that this helped at least a little! thanks so much for the information and great advice! Glad to hear that your mom is doing fantastic with this. Just out of curiosity, did she have to have some skin removed as well? Oh how I loathe the weight issue. I mean seriously? Why cant' I be the skinny one? I was just telling my DH that yesterday. UGH!!!! But this is who I am and I have to deal with it. I too have over 100 lbs to lose. It just seems like a daily struggle and it drives me crazy sometimes! I food, it's not fair!! lol Why can't I be the one that eats like a horse and only gain 2 lbs? I went on my wedding/vacay for 2 weeks and gained 10 lbs. Been back 3 weeks now and haven't lost a thing. DH, well I won't even talk about this cause he's an a$$ and loses crazy-fast! Anyway, I just wish the weight would all come off ASAP!!!!!!!! lol
  11. Ben Affleck : Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
  12. No seating chart for me - that's too formal. I just want one big party. Everyone will find seats, I wouldn't worry about it!
  13. I finished reading My Sister's Keeper on my vacation. I really enjoyed it. haven't watched the movie yet as I was told the ending was different. I just picked up The Lovely Bones. I'm not too far into it right now but so far I really like it. It's so interesting!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Ms325i Congrats and Best Wishes your pics are gorgeous..I like the morning after breakfast they provided for you..what a nice touch! yeah it was perfect. they gave us a huge list of items to choose for our breakfast, it was nuts!
  15. ahhh great pics gals and get working on your reviews...mine is done!! lol I can't believe that tomorrow it will be a month already that we have been married - time sure goes by way too fast!!!
  16. Bev - we didn't bother with any music, my family is entertaining enough! lol
  17. yeah I know, I was just overreacting yesterday...or was I?!?! lol
  18. yeah I know, I was just overreacting yesterday...or was I?!?! lol
  19. ok so I'm not as upset today. I guess I just have to learn to let these things roll off my back, like you said G!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by wemkulaf Great review Lisa, I am 5 months and counting now. You were so detailed and answered any questions I might of had. Thanks again!!! Woo hoo, it's coming fast now! Let me know if you have any more questions!
  21. woo hoo you're day is almost here!!! have a blast, you're almost a MRS!!!
  22. yeah I know Amy, I'm just sorta having a bad day and all this stuff is just pissing me off as it happened last night! K will tell him mom to butt out if she says anything else - he's pissed too! Amanda - that's a good idea! I'll pass that on to K to see what he thinks! I don't want to sound like an ass because his family are really good people, just lack in certain areas, that's all! lol
  23. Ok seriously, I'm getting pissed at the lack of etiquette that DH's family has. His mother called last night asking us if we've received a wedding card from her sister (yes, we did last week), she then asked K to call her sister personally to thank her for the card (ummmm no, she'll be receiving a thank-you card in the mail, just like everyone else), then told him that he should call them to invite them to our AHR (again, they'll be getting an invite in the mail mom!!!) and THEN, she proceeded to ask him how much money they gave us! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! It's none of her f'ing business! Who does that? I mean ok, if you offer to give up that info to your family, then that's fine, but you don't go around asking how much money you got for the wedding! GRRRRRRRR!!! It's pissing me off! After all that, K tells me that she wants to make us a cake for our AHR (she already made me a cake for my shower which I was greatful for) and that would be her wedding gift to us. Ummmm ok, so you want your gift eaten by everyone else?? I mean, I know her heart is in a good place and she means well, but seriously, a nice picture frame would be great - at least it'll be something we can keep forever! Oh so K has an 89 year old grandmother whom he's very close with. We had plans to give her one of our wedding pictures in a beautiful frame as a gift. We come home from Jamaica and go and visit her and she already had 3 pictures of our wedding given to her by K's mom (they came back a week before us). WTF?? It's not YOUR wedding, it's OURS!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for ruining the gift we were going to give Grandma biatch! K is so frustrated with his family and their lack of etiquette which of course, pisses me off too! Why oh why are people like this?!!? Is it because I'm having a bitchy day today or does this seem unreasonable to anyone else? Thanks for letting me do this little rant, I needed it! this is how I feel ------> lol
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