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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Goldstein to Be Janet Ivanovich is great! I'm also a fan of the Twilight series (I took two sick days so that I could read them all back to back. HAHAHA!! I did that last week for book 2! It was great!!
  2. LOVE the smell of coffee - hate the taste! Don't do coffee or tea. I'll drink the occasional hot chocolate or white hot chocolate from Starbucks (YUM!!) but that's it. I'm boring, I like my water! lol People are always amazed when I say that I don't do coffee. They always wonder how I stay awake in the mornings...lol
  3. Thanks for making me smile, it certainly helps! *hugs*
  4. OH! I also love Jodi Picoult. She's a great writer, I love the way she tells her stories which are all so different/interesting. I also like reading Dean Koontz and John Saul - for the more weird/scary/bizzare books. Harry Potter series is also great and I plan on reading them again soon.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 LOL! I think you're lucky!!! I hate doing stuff like that so I would love if everyone else took over! I don't think you're being baby.....I see what you're saying. I think I would be happy though that they were so into it!! That's got to make you feel good! Do you have any DIY projects coming up? If you do maybe you can delegate things to people and make sure that you're looking after something more hands on? LOL I wish that I had your problem! I love doing crafty stuff, so that's probably why I'm feeling this way. I think I'll just have to make sure to do it myself next time! lol
  6. I am totally ADDICTED to the Twilight series books. I got all 4 for my bday March 17th and I'm already 1/2 done the 3rd book. I read the first 2 in 1 day. I couldn't put them down. I find myself thinking about it all the time. Maybe I have problems! lol The story is quite interesting anyway, if you haven't read the books.
  7. So it was time to make our wedding invitations this past weekend. My mom and I had made plans to print and put everything together. I thought it would be fun to ask my aunt and her 2 daughters (whom I'm really close to) to come and help, so they can get excited and participate in the wedding. Well we had to print everything up, and as I was doing that, I was bringing the printed invites out to them. Well, in the end, all I got to do was print them out. I didn't even get to put the RSVP's, stamps, seal the envelopes and all that other stuff. I was so disapointed in the whole project as I didn't get to do too much, other than print. Am I just being silly or did anyone else have this sort of experience? I sorta feel like I missed out on making the invites! I know that I should be greatful for the help, and I am, but still...maybe I'm being a baby about it! lol
  8. Thanks! We already have return address labels from Vistaprint. Still can't believe how much stuff that website has. Anyway, I'm going shopping today for my stuff - wish me luck!
  9. We're staying 2 weeks, one for the wedding and the other for the "honeymoon" although we already have 6 other people who are staying the second week too! lol oh well...we'll just have to find some time to ourselves.
  10. I've booked my trip for Jan 2010 last month! I couldn't wait either and didn't want to because I wanted to go for a specific week.
  11. ANY loss is a good thing! Don't forget that!!!!!!! :)
  12. I've been debating whether or not to get white or clear address labels for our invitations. Our envelopes are white, so I didn't know if it would matter. Also, I plan on printing the writting in a color (not sure which one yet) and was wondering if you can print color on the clear address labels. Are they the same material as the white ones or do you think they will smear? If anyone has any experiences with this, I would appreciate any help! Thanks so much!! BTW, my mom and I are printing/putting our invitations together this weekend. I'll take pics and post when I'm done! Wooo Hoo!
  13. everything looks great! thanks for posting all your wonderful pics!
  14. I had ordered a few things before also and didn't get them in a couple of days, that's why I was so shocked this time. I think the only other thing we'll order will be Thank You cards so there's no real rush for those. Anyone have any idea how they actually make money? I mean I got 100 postcards and they cost 10 cents each. It must cost more than that to make them...I don't get it! But I'm not gonna complain! lol
  15. I thought that the Persona card was just to be used at Persona, like paying your phone bill or whatever...apparently I'm wrong! lol
  16. I ordered 100 free postcards from Vistaprint for our RSVP's on Sunday, I chose the slowest delivery date and I got them YESTERDAY, WEDNESDAY!! Apparently they didn't have much to do! lol I couldn't believe that I got them so fast! They are so well done, I am so happy with them! I'll have to post a pic soon, when I buy my new camera! Just wanted to share! Hopefully some of you have the same speedy service!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by smashlee23 Congratulations! I am getting married there June 25th, so I will be sure and post a lot of pics when we get back =) That's awesome! I love to see the pics from everyone, it's makes me even more excited to go!
  18. That information I do not know. We are going to a RIU, if that helps. But I believe the offer is through Sunquest.
  19. Oh I wasn't aware of the lugage thing. My TA only told me about the $200 voucher. As we already have lugage, I guess it doesn't matter. I did see a few things that I liked on the boutique. It's a bonus to get these things from Sunquest, I like the idea. I'm looking forward to getting my voucher and shopping, wooo!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by baj Hi, well we could not wait so booked the whole package today with TA 1/03/10 -15/0310 and we hope to be married on either 4th or 5th of March at the Riu clubhotel negril. so excited now!!! date should be confirmed next week. That's awesome!!!! It's so much fun having that part done, now you can actually start doing other things. I know I'm super excited now!
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